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PG basics -- Logical Structure Management (user and permission management)
2022-07-05 19:14:00 【51CTO】
Users and roles
stay postgreSQL in , There is no difference between roles and users , A user is also a role , You can give one user permission to another user . Users and roles are global in the entire database instance , In different databases in the same instance , The users you see are the same .
There is a predefined super user when initializing the database system , The name of this user is the same as the user name of the operating system that initialized the database .
stay pg in , There is no difference between users and roles , except create user Users created by default are login jurisdiction ,create role No user created login Out of authority ,create rule And create user There is no other difference .
How to create users
CREATE USER name [ [ WITH ] option [ ... ] ]
where option can be :
SUPERUSER | NOSUPERUSER # Is it a super user
| CREATEDB | NOCREATEDB # Whether they have create database jurisdiction
| CREATEROLE | NOCREATEROLE # Whether you have permission to create other roles
| INHERIT | NOINHERIT # If the created user has a role , Whether to automatically have role permissions
| LOGIN | NOLOGIN # Is there a LOGIN jurisdiction
| VALID UNTIL 'timestamp' # Password expiration time
| IN ROLE role_name [ , ... ]
| IN GROUP role_name [ , ... ]
| ROLE role_name [ , ... ]
| ADMIN role_name [ , ... ] #with admin option jurisdiction
| USER role_name [ , ... ]
| SYSID uid
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Rights management
stay pg in , Each logical structure object of a database has an owner , Any database object belongs to a user , There is no need to give the permission of the object to the owner , Because the owner has all permissions by default . The owner also implicitly has the right to give other users the permission to operate the object
Authority classification
The permissions specified when creating users
Superuser rights
Create database permissions
Is there a login jurisdiction
It can also be done through alter role To modify the
need grant or revoke Authority
Create... In the database schema jurisdiction
Permission to create temporary tables in the specified database
Permission to connect to a database
Permission to create database objects in the schema
select、DML Operating authority
Sequence query , Function USES , Trigger permissions
Designated table , Permissions to index to tablespaces
role_name Refers to users or roles
some_privileges Means authority
database_object_type Index database object , Such as table、schema、sequence
grant select on table mytab to public;
pg No, DDL jurisdiction , Whether to create a table , Yes, look at schema Is there a create Authority .
Authority summary
Permissions are managed hierarchically
1) First, manage the permissions assigned to users' special attributes , Such as the authority of super user , Permission to create database , Create permissions for users ,LOGIN Authority, etc .
2) Then there is the permission to create the schema in the database .
3) Next, the permissions of the objects that create the database in the schema , Create table , Index, etc. .
4) Then there is the query table , Insert data into table , Update table , Delete data permissions in the table .
5) Finally, the permissions of some fields in the operation table
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