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Learn about the sequential storage structure of binary tree - heap
2022-08-02 05:44:00 【LeePlace】
The basic concept and structure of trees
的数据结构,It is a collection with a hierarchical relationship consisting of a finite number of nodes.
- 每棵树都有一个根节点,根节点没有前驱结点;
- 除根节点外,Other nodes are split M(M>0) 个互不相交的集合 T1、T2、……、Tm,其中每一个集合 Ti(1<= i<= m) 又是一棵结构与树类似的子树,A subtree is also composed of a root node and a subtree;
- Each subtree of a tree can have only one predecessor,But there can be several successors;
- 树是递归定义的.
The picture above is a tree,The following introduces some basic concepts related to trees.
- 节点的度:一个节点含有的子树的个数称为该节点的度. 如上图:A 的为 2 ,B 的为 1 ,C 的为 3
- 叶节点或终端节点:度为 0 的节点称为叶节点. 如上图:E、F、G、H、I、J、K 为叶节点
- 非终端节点或分支节点:度不为0的节点; 如上图:B、C、D 为分支节点
- 双亲节点或父节点:若一个节点含有子节点,则这个节点称为其子节点的父节点. 如上图:A 是 B 的父节点
- 孩子节点或子节点:一个节点含有的子树的根节点称为该节点的子节点.如上图:B 是 A 的孩子节点
- 兄弟节点:具有相同父节点的节点互称为兄弟节点.如上图:B、C 是兄弟节点
- 树的度:一棵树中,最大的节点的度称为树的度. 如上图:树的度为 3
- 节点的层次:从根开始定义起,根为第 1 层,根的子节点为第 2 层,以此类推.
- 树的高度或深度:树中节点的最大层次.如上图:树的高度为 4
- 堂兄弟节点:双亲在同一层的节点互为堂兄弟.如上图:D、E 互为堂兄弟节点
- 节点的祖先:从根到该节点所经分支上的所有节点.如上图:A 是所有节点的祖先
- 子孙:以某节点为根的子树中任一节点都称为该节点的子孙.如上图:所有节点都是 A 的子孙
- 森林:由 m(m>0) 棵互不相交的树的集合称为森林
typedef int DataType;
struct Node
struct Node* _firstChild1; // 第一个孩子结点
struct Node* _pNextBrother; // 指向其下一个兄弟结点
DataType _data; // 结点中的数据域
This way of representing trees,The first child node of the next layer can only be found by the parent node,Find its siblings from this child node,That is, other child nodes of the parent node.
- 每个结点最多有两棵子树,即二叉树不存在度大于2的结点.
- 二叉树的子树有左右之分,其子树的次序不能颠倒.
The following figure is a standard binary tree.
- 满二叉树:一个二叉树,如果每一个层的结点数都达到最大值,则这个二叉树就是满二叉树.也就是
说,如果一个二叉树的层数为K,且结点总数是 2k -1 ,则它就是满二叉树. - 完全二叉树:完全二叉树是效率很高的数据结构,完全二叉树是由满二叉树而引出来的.对于深度 K
的,有 n 个结点的二叉树,当且仅当其每一个结点都与深度为 K 的满二叉树中编号从 1 至 n 的结点一一对应时称之为完全二叉树. 要注意的是满二叉树是一种特殊的完全二叉树.It can be understood that the bottom layer of a full binary tree becomes an ordinary complete binary tree after deleting a few nodes from right to left.
- 若规定根节点的层数为 1 ,则一棵非空二叉树的第 i 层上最多有 2i-1 个结点
- 若规定根节点的层数为 1 ,则深度为 h 的二叉树的最大结点数是 2h-1
- 对任何一棵二叉树, 如果其叶结点个数为 n0, 度为 2 的分支结点个数为 n2 ,则有 n0=n2+1
- 若规定根节点的层数为 1,具有 n 个结点的满二叉树的深度,h=log2(n+1)
- 对于具有 n 个结点的完全二叉树,如果按照从上至下从左至右的数组顺序对所有节点从 0 开始编号,则对于序号为 i 的结点有:
- 若 i > 0,则 i 位置节点的双亲序号为 (i - 1) / 2
- 若 i = 0,则 i 为根节点编号,无双亲节点
- 若 2i + 1 < n ,左孩子序号为 2i + 1
- 若 2i + 2 < n ,右孩子序号为 2i + 2
顺序储存结构 – 堆
The following introduces the related concepts and applications of the heap.
如果有一个集合 K = {k0,k1, k2,…,kn-1} ,
并满足:ki <= k2i+1 且 ki <= k2i+2 (或 ki >= k2i+1 且 ki >= k2i+2) 其中 i = 0,1,2…,
It is called a small heap(或大堆).
First create a structure to represent the heap:
typedef int HPDataType;
struct HP {
HPDataType* a;
int size; //记录当前元素个数
int capacity;//记录堆的容量
int a[] = {
At this point its left subtree and right subtree are both small heaps,
So how to process it as a small heap next?
Transform it as follows:
Swap with the smaller of the child nodes each time,
Until the child node is bigger than itself or adjusted to the end,
After the adjustment is completed, a standard small heap is obtained.
Such an adjustment method is called the root down adjustment algorithm.
void Swap(HPDataType* a, HPDataType* b) {
HPDataType tmp = *a;
*a = *b;
*b = tmp;
void AdjustDown(HPDataType* a, int sz, int parent) {
int child = parent * 2 + 1;
while (child < sz)
if (child + 1 < sz && a[child + 1] > a[child])//1
if (a[child] > a[parent])//2
Swap(&a[child], &a[parent]);
parent = child;
child = parent * 2 + 1;
After adjusting the above code, the result is a large heap,If you want to adjust the heap, just change it 1 和 2 The logical judgment symbol at .
注意:Take the node to be adjusted as the root node,When the left and right subtrees of the root node are large heaps(或小堆)时,It is only useful to adjust the algorithm downwards.
假设一共有 n 个节点,
The tree has at most log2n 层,
The loop in the downward adjustment algorithm is executed at most log2n 次,
So the time complexity of down-adjusting the algorithm is
int a[] = {
现在我们通过算法,Build it into a big pile.
- The downward adjustment algorithm is first performed starting from the first non-leaf node,The first non-leaf node here is E ,Execute the downward adjustment algorithm with it as the root node,调整后 E-J Just a bunch
- 依次向前遍历,接下来对 D 进行向下调整,调整后 D-H/I Just a bunch
- 对 C 进行向下调整,调整后 C-F/G Just a bunch
- 对 B 进行调整,Both of its subtrees had previously been resized into large heaps,So after adjusting B-D/E-H/I/J Just a bunch
- 对 A 进行调整,Both of its subtrees had previously been resized into large heaps,So after the adjustment, the pile is built.
The implementation code for building the heap is as follows:
//Moves the given array to the heap,and adjusted to a large heap
void HeapInit(HP* php, HPDataType* a, int n)
//Create heap and import data
php->a = (HPDataType*)malloc(sizeof(HPDataType) * n);
if (php->a == NULL)
memcpy(php->a, a, sizeof(HPDataType) * n);
php->capacity = n;
php->sz = n;
for (int i = (php->sz - 1 - 1) / 2; i >= 0; --i)
AdjustDown(php->a, php->sz, i);
The above figure is an example to discuss the time complexity of building a heap.
假设树高为 k(k = 5),
Adjust from the last non-leaf node of the fourth layer,
Each node in the fourth layer needs to be adjusted at most 1 次,有 24-1 个节点,
Each node in the third layer needs to be adjusted at most 2 次,有 23-1 个节点,
The second layer needs to be adjusted at most per node 3 次,有 22-1 个节点,
The first layer needs to be adjusted at most per node 4 次,有 21-1 个节点,
抽象出来,第 i Layers need to be adjusted at most k - i 次,有 2i-1 个节点,
所以第 i The number of adjustments to the layer Si = 2i-1 × (k - i),
So the total number of adjustments S = S1 + S2 + … + Sk-1,
其中 k = log2n,
Obtained using the dislocation subtraction method S = n - log2n - 1.
Suppose there is now a large heap,I want to insert a data into the heap:
First put the data to the end of the heap,That is the end of the array,
This data is then adjusted upwards,
Each time the node is compared and exchanged with the parent node,
until the adjustment is complete.
//Adjust up along the path
static void AdjustUp(HPDataType* a, int child)
int parent = (child - 1) / 2;
while (child > 0)
if (a[parent] < a[child])
Swap(&a[parent], &a[child]);
child = parent;
parent = (child - 1) / 2;
void HeapPush(HP* php, HPDataType x)
if (php->sz == php->capacity)
HPDataType* tmp = (HPDataType*)realloc(php->a, sizeof(HPDataType) * php->capacity * 2);
if (tmp == NULL)
php->a = tmp;
php->capacity *= 2;
php->a[php->sz] = x;
AdjustUp(php->a, php->sz-1);
Since the number of upward adjustments is at most the number of layers,
所以插入的时间复杂度为 O(logn) .
The data at the top of the heap is exchanged with the last data first,
Adjust down again.
void HeapPop(HP* php)
assert(php->sz > 0);
Swap(&php->a[0], &php->a[php->sz - 1]);
AdjustDown(php->a, php->sz, 0);
显然时间复杂度是 O(n)
Heap sort is an excellent sorting algorithm.
Now want to sort a set of data in ascending order,
First, build a large heap of this set of data (排降序就建小堆),
At this point, the data at the top of the heap is the largest element in the array,
Swap the largest data at the top of the heap with the data at the end of the array,
Then remove the sorted data,
Repeat the above process for the remaining data.
void Swap(int* x, int* y)
int tmp = *x;
*x = *y;
*y = tmp;
void AdjustDown(int* arr, int n, int parent)
int child = parent * 2 + 1;
while (child < n)
//The greater-than sign is a heap,The less than sign is a small heap
if (child < n - 1 && arr[child + 1] > arr[child])
if (arr[child] > arr[parent])
Swap(&arr[parent], &arr[child]);
parent = child;
child = parent * 2 + 1;
//Descending order moves the smallest to the top of the heap each time,So build small piles
//In ascending order, the largest is moved to the top of the heap each time,所以要建大堆
void HeapSort(int* arr, int sz)
for (int i = (sz - 1 - 1) / 2; i >= 0; i--)
AdjustDown(arr, sz, i);
int end = sz - 1;
while (end)
Swap(&arr[end], &arr[0]);
AdjustDown(arr, end, 0);
时间复杂度为 O(nlogn)
TopK The question refers to the containing N Find the largest in an unordered sequence of numbers K 个数.
很容易,Because we just need to be right about this N 个数进行降序排序,排序后的前 K 个数就是最大的 K 个数.
但是,Although there are multiple excellent sorting algorithms at our disposal,但当 N 特别大,So big that memory can't hold this all at once N 个数,Simple sorting is less reliable at this point.
一种解决方案是将 N The data is divided into several parts on average,Sort each data separately,Then the sorted groups are merge-sorted,此时得到的 N Data is ordered.Obviously this solution is very expensive.
另一种解决方案是,Take out one of them first K 个元素,将这 K 个数建成小堆,Then the number at the top of the heap is this K 个数中最小的数.然后将剩下的 N - K The number is in turn compared with the number at the top of the heap,If it is less than the number at the top of the heap,That can never be the biggest ex K 个数;如果比堆顶的数大,Then the number is likely to be K 个数之一,At this time, the data at the top of the heap is replaced,At this point the heap is destroyed,So the heap needs to be rebuilt.遍历结束,堆中的 K 个数就是 TopK .
void TopK(int* arr, int sz, int k) {
int* topK = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * k);
memcpy(topK, arr, sizeof(int) * k);
for (int i = (k - 1 - 1) / 2; i >= 0; --i)
AdjustDown(topK, k, i);
for (int i = k; i < sz; ++i) {
if (topK[0] < arr[i]) {
topK[0] = arr[i];
AdjustDown(topK, k, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < k; ++i)
printf("%d ", topK[i]);
时间复杂度为 O(NlogK)
空间复杂度为 O(K)
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