当前位置:网站首页>3. User upload avatar
3. User upload avatar
2022-08-02 15:31:00 【Caviar :P】
还是三层架构,Consider first the data access layer,There is nothing to do with this layer,Because the avatar is saved to the hard disk and not saved to the database;The business layer needs to be updated after uploading the avatarheadurl,The server needs to provide a function to change the avatar path;That's it for uploading filescontrollerIt's better to implement it in the presentation layer.因为啊MultipartFileis an object belonging to the presentation layer,if passed toserviceCoupling occurs,不太合适.
First upload the avatar and have a path to store the avatar,This path cannot be fixed,Because developing locally is definitely not the same as deploying to a server,Currently stored locally,will be stored later云服务器上.在application.propertiesAdd the avatar upload path.
1. 大体思路
①The user clicks on the home page【账号设置】按钮,getSettingPage()会返回静态资源【/site/setting】,进入到设置页面,执行UserController的控制器方法;
②我们点击【上传头像】按钮后,发送【/user/upload】,执行UserController的控制器方法uploadHeader():Null values are handled first,然后用substringSplit out the file suffix,png或者jpg等等.If there is no suffix, it will prompt that the file format is incorrect.Rename user-uploaded images,Generated using what was written beforeuuidmethod plus the suffix of the split file.将文件存储到我们在配置文件中设置的路径下,并更新当前user的headerUrl属性为指定格式的路径;
2. 用户控制器-上传头像
这里用到的是Spring MVC的multipartFile,Avatars are stored and retrieved directly in controller层操作.新建一个UserController.Set the class's access path to /user.
转载:初步理解MultipartFile - 简书 (jianshu.com)
- 第一个方法,Used to return to the personal settings page,Returns the template path directly.
- Then upload the avatar method,Here two objects are obtained from the container,一个是MultiparFile,That is, the avatar file passed from the browser,一个是model,Used for model return information.
- Null values are handled first,然后用substringSplit out the file suffix,png或者jpg等等.If there is no suffix, it will prompt that the file format is incorrect.Rename user-uploaded images,Generated using what was written beforeuuidmethod plus the suffix of the split file.
- Then create a new file in the file storage location we specified,The filename uses the generated name,并记录异常,将异常向上抛出,for subsequent processing.然后从hostHolderto get the current user,更新头像路径.
package com.nowcoder.mycommunity.controller;
public class UserController {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(UserController.class);
private String uploadPath;
private String domain;
private String contextPath;
private UserService userService;
private HostHolder hostHolder;
@RequestMapping(path="/setting",method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String getSettingPage(){
return "/site/setting";
@RequestMapping(path = "/upload", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String uploadHeader(MultipartFile headerImage, Model model){
if(headerImage == null){
return "/site/setting";
String fileName = headerImage.getOriginalFilename();
String suffix = fileName.substring(fileName.lastIndexOf("."));
if(StringUtils.isBlank(suffix)){ //如果后缀名为空
return "/site/setting";
fileName = CommunityUtil.generateUUID() + suffix;
File dest = new File(uploadPath + "/" + fileName);
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
logger.error("上传文件失败:" + e.getMessage());
throw new RuntimeException("上传文件失败,服务器发生异常!", e);
User user = hostHolder.getUser();
String headerUrl = domain + contextPath + "/user/header/" + fileName;
userService.updateHeader(user.getId(), headerUrl);
return "redirect:/index";
@RequestMapping(path = "/header/{fileName}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public void getHeader(@PathVariable("fileName") String fileName, HttpServletResponse response){
fileName = uploadPath + "/" + fileName;
String suffix = fileName.substring(fileName.lastIndexOf("."));
response.setContentType("image/" + suffix);
try (
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(fileName);
OutputStream os = response.getOutputStream();
byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
int b = 0;
while((b = fis.read(buffer)) != -1){
os.write(buffer, 0, b);
} catch (IOException e) {
3. 更新用户头像方法
还是从dao层向controller开发,Because the avatar exists directly locally,not saved to the database,这里不涉及dao层.
serviceThe layer is mainly dealt withuser表里的headUrl,这个方法在userMapper里写过,直接调用就可以.
public int updateHeader(int userId, String headurl){
return userMapper.updateHeader(userId, headurl);
4. 配置文件
# 上传资源存放的位置
5. html
<div class="dropdown-menu" aria-labelledby="navbarDropdown">
<a class="dropdown-item text-center" href="site/profile.html">个人主页</a>
<a class="dropdown-item text-center" th:href="@{/user/setting}">账号设置</a>
<a class="dropdown-item text-center" th:href="@{/logout}">退出登录</a>
<div class="dropdown-divider"></div>
<span class="dropdown-item text-center text-secondary" th:utext="${loginUser.username}">nowcoder</span>
<!-- 上传头像 -->
<h6 class="text-left text-info border-bottom pb-2">上传头像</h6>
<form class="mt-5" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" th:action="@{/user/upload}">
<div class="form-group row mt-4">
<label for="head-image" class="col-sm-2 col-form-label text-right">选择头像:</label>
<div class="col-sm-10">
<div class="custom-file">
<!-- name需要与控制器方法中形参名相同 -->
<input type="file" th:class="|custom-file-input ${error!=null?'is-invalid':''}|"
id="head-image" name="headerImage" lang="es" required="">
<label class="custom-file-label" for="head-image" data-browse="文件">选择一张图片</label>
<div class="invalid-feedback" th:text="${error}">
<div class="form-group row mt-4">
<div class="col-sm-2"></div>
<div class="col-sm-10 text-center">
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-info text-white form-control">立即上传</button>
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