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Pangolin Library: control panel, control components, shortcut key settings

2022-07-06 07:44:00 Jason. Li_ 0012

Viewport control

Based on Windows , Optionally add control components to complete the operation . The basic controls have buttons 、 Slide bar 、 Radio buttons 、 String information, etc .

Build a camera

First , Construct a Pangolin Camera object :

#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include "main.h"

int main()
    /*--------  structure Pangolin The camera  --------*/
    //  window 
    //  Start the depth test 
    //  The camera 
    pangolin::OpenGlRenderState s_cam(
            pangolin::ModelViewLookAt(-1,1,-1, 0,0,0, pangolin::AxisY)
    while( !pangolin::ShouldQuit() )
        //  Clear color 、 Deep cache 
        //  The background color 
        glClearColor(0.1f, 0.2f, 0.3f, 0.3f);
        //  Activate the camera object 
        //  Frame cycle 

    return 0;

Build control panel 、 Interactive view

The control panel is built using the following statements :

pangolin::CreatePanel(const std::string& name)
            .SetBounds(Attach bottom, Attach top, Attach left, Attach right);
  • name: The control panel's Tag name panel_tag
  • SetBounds: Set the size of the control panel 、 Location

Generally, the control panel is placed on the left side of the window , Place the interactive diagram on the right side of the window :

//  The boundary between interactive view and control panel 
const int UI_WIDTH = 180;

//  On the right side : Interactive view 
pangolin::View& d_cam = pangolin::CreateDisplay()
    .SetBounds(0.0, 1.0, pangolin::Attach::Pix(UI_WIDTH), 1.0, -640.0f/480.0f)
    .SetHandler(new pangolin::Handler3D(s_cam));
//  left : Control panel 
    .SetBounds(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, pangolin::Attach::Pix(UI_WIDTH));

here , Define a constant UI_WITH As the interface between the two , Subsequent use pangolin::Attach::Pix() Get the corresponding pixel information . Set up the control panel Tag The name is ui, The effect is as follows :
 Insert picture description here

Build basic controls

Pangolin Will all “ Control ” Treat as an object pangolin::Var, Can be used to build buttons 、 Slide bar 、 Control object 、 Information display and other contents :


The button control is Bool type , Controls that cannot be reversed :

pangolin::Var<bool> Button(const std::string& name, const bool& value, bool toggle);
  • name: Button control Tag, Fill in the form :panel_tag.controller_tag
  • value: Control default value
  • toggle: Whether the control can be reversed , Button control should be filled in false

for example , Implement a button :

pangolin::Var<bool> A_Button("ui.a_button", false, false);

The effect is as follows :

 Insert picture description here

Radio buttons

The radio box control is Bool type , Controls that can be reversed :

pangolin::Var<bool> A_Checkbox(const std::string& name, const bool& value, bool toggle);
  • name: Button control Tag, Fill in the form :panel_tag.controller_tag
  • value: Control default value
  • toggle: Whether the control can be reversed , The radio box control should be filled true

for example , Implement a radio box object :

pangolin::Var<bool> A_Checkbox("ui.a_checkbox", false, true);

The effect is as follows :

 Insert picture description here

Slider object

The slider object is a numeric object ::

pangolin::Var<T> Double_Slider(const std::string& name, const T& value,
        double min, double max, bool logscale = false); 
  • T: value type , Optional int、double、float type
  • name: The control of Tag, Fill in the form :panel_tag.controller_tag
  • value: Default value for control
  • min、max: The minimum of the slider 、 Maximum value , Default 0~1
  • logscale: Whether to display in logarithmic coordinates

for example , Achieve one Double Type slider object :

pangolin::Var<double> Double_Slider("ui.a_slider", 3, 0, 5);

The effect is as follows :

 Insert picture description here

Message object

The message is displayed as std::string Type object :

pangolin::Var<std::string> A_string(const std::string& name, const std::string& value = std::string() )
  • name: The control of Tag, Fill in the form :panel_tag.controller_tag
  • value: The displayed message content

for example , Build a message display object :

pangolin::Var<std::string> A_string("ui.a_string", "Hello Pangolin");

The effect is as follows :
 Insert picture description here

Basic control callback

Controls are built for different controls , Therefore, the callback of the control should be realized


Button controls should be monitored , When the button is pressed, perform the specified operation , Use the following function to monitor the button status


Radio buttons

The radio box control is bool type , Just check whether its value is true that will do

Slider bar

The slider control is numeric , The current value can be obtained directly .


thus , Complete the construction of the control :

#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include "main.h"

int main()
    /*--------  structure Pangolin The camera  --------*/
    //  window 
    //  Start the depth test 
    //  The camera 
    pangolin::OpenGlRenderState s_cam(
            pangolin::ModelViewLookAt(-1,1,-1, 0,0,0, pangolin::AxisY)
    //  The boundary between interactive view and control panel 
    const int UI_WIDTH = 180;

    //  On the right side : Interactive view 
    pangolin::View& d_cam = pangolin::CreateDisplay()
            .SetBounds(0.0, 1.0, pangolin::Attach::Pix(UI_WIDTH), 1.0, -640.0f/480.0f)
            .SetHandler(new pangolin::Handler3D(s_cam));
    //  left : Control panel 
            .SetBounds(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, pangolin::Attach::Pix(UI_WIDTH));

    /* --------  Build controls  -------- */
    //  Button object 
    pangolin::Var<bool> A_Button("ui.a_button", false, false);
    //  Radio box objects 
    pangolin::Var<bool> A_Checkbox("ui.a_checkbox", false, true);
    //  Slide bar ,Double type 
    pangolin::Var<double> Double_Slider("ui.a_slider", 3, 0, 5);
    //  Slide bar ,Int type 
    pangolin::Var<double> Int_Slider("ui.int_slider", 3, 0, 5);
    //  character string 
    pangolin::Var<std::string> A_string("ui.a_string", "Hello Pangolin");
   //  Button , Save view frame 
    pangolin::Var<bool> SAVE_WIN("ui.save_win", false, false);

    while( !pangolin::ShouldQuit() )
        //  Clear color 、 Deep cache 
        //  The background color 
        glClearColor(0.1f, 0.2f, 0.3f, 0.3f);

        /*--------  Control callback function  --------*/
        //  Button 
        if (pangolin::Pushed(A_Button)) {
     std::cout << "Push button A." << std::endl; }
        //  Radio buttons 
        if (A_Checkbox) {
     Int_Slider = (int) Double_Slider; }
        //  Button , Save image 
        if (pangolin::Pushed(SAVE_WIN)) {
     pangolin::SaveWindowOnRender("window"); }

        //  Activate the camera object 

        /*--------  The plot  --------*/

        //  Frame cycle 

    return 0;

The effect is as follows :

 Insert picture description here

Other controls

Function button callback

pangolin::Var<std::function<void()>> (const std::string& name, std::function<void(void)> func)
  • name: The control of Tag, Fill in the form :panel_tag.controller_tag
  • func: Control corresponding function

This kind of button control , When the button is pressed , Will perform func function .

Shortcut key binding

pangolin::RegisterKeyPressCallback(int key, std::function<void(void)> func);

Shortcut key binding control is used to bind buttons on the keyboard , When a fixed button is pressed , Will trigger the specified func.

For example, using ctrl+r Execute function :

pangolin::RegisterKeyPressCallback(pangolin::PANGO_CTRL + 'r', SampleMethod);

Special keys on the keyboard , Can be found in pangolin Use the corresponding constant to call :

const int PANGO_SPECIAL = 128;
const int PANGO_CTRL = -96;
const int PANGO_OPTN = 132;

// Ordinary keys
const int PANGO_KEY_TAB       = 9;
const int PANGO_KEY_ESCAPE    = 27;

// Special Keys (same as GLUT_ defines)
const int PANGO_KEY_F1        = 1;
const int PANGO_KEY_F2        = 2;
const int PANGO_KEY_F3        = 3;
const int PANGO_KEY_F4        = 4;
const int PANGO_KEY_F5        = 5;
const int PANGO_KEY_F6        = 6;
const int PANGO_KEY_F7        = 7;
const int PANGO_KEY_F8        = 8;
const int PANGO_KEY_F9        = 9;
const int PANGO_KEY_F10       = 10;
const int PANGO_KEY_F11       = 11;
const int PANGO_KEY_F12       = 12;
const int PANGO_KEY_LEFT      = 100;
const int PANGO_KEY_UP        = 101;
const int PANGO_KEY_RIGHT     = 102;
const int PANGO_KEY_DOWN      = 103;
const int PANGO_KEY_PAGE_UP   = 104;
const int PANGO_KEY_PAGE_DOWN = 105;
const int PANGO_KEY_HOME      = 106;
const int PANGO_KEY_END       = 107;
const int PANGO_KEY_INSERT    = 108;


#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include "main.h"

int main()
    /*--------  structure Pangolin The camera  --------*/
    //  window 
    //  Start the depth test 
    //  The camera 
    pangolin::OpenGlRenderState s_cam(
            pangolin::ModelViewLookAt(-1,1,-1, 0,0,0, pangolin::AxisY)
    //  The boundary between interactive view and control panel 
    const int UI_WIDTH = 180;

    //  On the right side : Interactive view 
    pangolin::View& d_cam = pangolin::CreateDisplay()
            .SetBounds(0.0, 1.0, pangolin::Attach::Pix(UI_WIDTH), 1.0, -640.0f/480.0f)
            .SetHandler(new pangolin::Handler3D(s_cam));
    //  left : Control panel 
            .SetBounds(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, pangolin::Attach::Pix(UI_WIDTH));

    /* --------  Build controls  -------- */
    //  Button object 
    pangolin::Var<bool> A_Button("ui.a_button", false, false);
    //  Radio box objects 
    pangolin::Var<bool> A_Checkbox("ui.a_checkbox", false, true);
    //  Slide bar ,Double type 
    pangolin::Var<double> Double_Slider("ui.a_slider", 3, 0, 5);
    //  Slide bar ,Int type 
    pangolin::Var<double> Int_Slider("ui.int_slider", 3, 0, 5);
    //  character string 
    pangolin::Var<std::string> A_string("ui.a_string", "Hello Pangolin");
    //  Button , Save view frame 
    pangolin::Var<bool> SAVE_WIN("ui.save_win", false, false);

    //  Button , Function trigger 
    pangolin::Var<std::function<void()>> reset("ui.Reset", SampleMethod);
    //  Bind keyboard shortcuts 
    pangolin::RegisterKeyPressCallback(pangolin::PANGO_CTRL + 'b', pangolin::SetVarFunctor<double>("ui.a_slider", 3.5));

    pangolin::RegisterKeyPressCallback(pangolin::PANGO_CTRL + 'r', SampleMethod);
    while( !pangolin::ShouldQuit() )
        //  Clear color 、 Deep cache 
        //  The background color 
        glClearColor(0.1f, 0.2f, 0.3f, 0.3f);

        /*--------  Control callback function  --------*/
        if (pangolin::Pushed(A_Button)) {
     std::cout << "Push button A." << std::endl; }

        if (A_Checkbox) {
     Int_Slider = (int) Double_Slider; }
        //  Button , Save image callback function implementation 
        if (pangolin::Pushed(SAVE_WIN)) {
     pangolin::SaveWindowOnRender("window"); }

        //  Activate the camera object 

        /*--------  The plot  --------*/

        //  Frame cycle 

    return 0;

void SampleMethod()
    std::cout << "You typed ctrl-r or pushed reset" << std::endl;

here , Press down Ctrl+R Trigger function SampleMethod; Press down Ctrl+B Trigger function saves image . meanwhile ,pangolin By default, press the key ESC Exit procedure ,Tab Full screen .


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