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Kibana controls es
2022-07-02 02:14:00 【CV Engineer】
1. Operation of index
The index is equivalent to mysql In the table
Mapping is equivalent to mysql The specified field type in
The index cannot be modified
# see es Middle index
GET /_cat/indices
# see es Index and title in
GET /_cat/indices?v
# Create index
PUT /products
# Create index 、 Specified mapping
PUT /products
"mappings": {
"properties": {
"type": "integer"
"type": "keyword"
# View the map
GET /products/_mapping
# Delete index
DELETE /products
2. Addition, deletion, modification and query of documents
The document is equivalent to mysql One of the records
# Add the document Specify manually id
POST /products/_doc/1
"title":" Raccoon "
# Add the document Automatically create id
POST /products/_doc/
"title":" Lesser panda "
# Query the document
GET /products/_doc/1
# Delete the document
DELETE /products/_doc/1
# Update the document Will delete the original document , Add it again
PUT /products/_doc/1
"title":" Little raccoon "
# Update the document Update based on the specified field
POST /products/_doc/1/_update
"title":" Little raccoon "
3. Batch operation of documents
For batch operation data, you cannot wrap lines , Otherwise, an error will be reported
# Add documents in batch
POST /products/_doc/_bulk
{"id":2,"title":" tencent "}
{"id":3,"title":" MIHA Tour "}
# Batch addition 、 to update 、 Delete the document
POST /products/_doc/_bulk
{"id":4,"title":" Sweet but not spicy "}
{"doc":{"title":" Ali "}}
4. Advanced query of documents
# Query all
GET /products/_search
#term Query based on keywords
# stay ES Chinese word segmentation , English word segmentation
# stay ES In addition to text Type participle , The other types are not word segmentation
GET /products/_search
"title":" Ali "
# Range queries
GET /products/_search
"query": {
"range": {
"price": {
"gte": 10, // there gte Represents greater than or equal to ,gt Is greater than
"lte": 20 // lte Represents less than or equal to ,lt Is less than
# Prefix query
GET /products/_search
"value": " Small "
#wildcard Wildcard query ? Match a character * Match multiple characters
GET /products/_search
"value": " Small ?"
# according to id Group query
GET /products/_search
"values": [1,3,4]
# Fuzzy query , Not equal to mysql Fuzzy query of , Baidu
GET /products/_search
"title":" Little raccoon "
# Boolean query
#must: Must match each subquery , similar “ And ”
#should: Selective matching sub query , similar “ or ”
#must_not: Must not match , Do not participate in the calculation of points , similar “ Not ”
#filter: Must match , Do not participate in the calculation of points
GET /hotel/_search
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
{"term": {"city": " Shanghai " }}
"should": [
{"term": {"brand": " Crowne Plaza " }},
{"term": {"brand": " RAMADA " }}
"must_not": [
{ "range": { "price": { "lte": 500 } }}
"filter": [
{ "range": {"score": { "gte": 45 } }}
# Query in multiple fields , Will segment keywords and then search
GET /products/_search
"query":" Raccoon cat ",
"fields": ["title","description"]
# The highlighted
# Highlight is to highlight keywords , Therefore, the search criteria must contain keywords , It can't be a query such as a range .
# By default , Highlighted fields , Must be consistent with the fields specified in the search , Otherwise, it can't be highlighted
# If you want to highlight a non search field , You need to add an attribute :required_field_match=false
GET /hotel/_search
"query": {
"match": {
"FIELD": "TEXT" // Query criteria , Be sure to use full-text search queries
"highlight": {
"fields": { // Specify the field to highlight
"FIELD": {
"pre_tags": "<em>", // The leading label used to mark the highlighted field
"post_tags": "</em>" // The post label used to mark the highlighted field
# Paging and ascending
GET /hotel/_search
"query": {
"match_all": {}
"from": 0, // Where paging begins , The default is 0
"size": 10, // Total number of documents expected to get
"sort": [
{"price": "asc"}
5. Filtering and querying documents
Filtering queries will not calculate data scores , The previous queries in Section 5 are documents query Inquire about , This will calculate the data score , Affect query performance . stay ES First, filter and query , Document again query Inquire about .
GET /hotel/_search
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
{"term": {"city": " Shanghai " }}
"should": [
{"term": {"brand": " Crowne Plaza " }},
{"term": {"brand": " RAMADA " }}
"must_not": [
{ "range": { "price": { "lte": 500 } }}
"filter": [
{ "range": {"score": { "gte": 45 } }}
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