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Super signature principle (fully automated super signature) [Yun Xiaoduo]

2022-07-07 15:37:00 Chengdu yunxiaoduo

1.  Super signature is designed for people who don't need to go online APP To the platform app store APP Application signature distribution is a way . part APP Because of the relevant regulations , Unable to be put on the application market

2. Let's briefly talk about how yunxiaoduo's fully automated signature process is done , Support to provide your own account number for application signature

3. Login website https://www.minclouds.com You need to register your account first

4. Log in backstage : Enter the signature account management

First login user , Your account list is empty , You need to add your apple account in the personal Center . Then go to this page , Your account number will be listed , For the corresponding account , Click stock in , The first time I put it into storage , The system will automatically log in to the account for verification , Will you be asked to provide verification at this time , Does the website provide two ways for you to submit verification , One is to manually submit the verification code in the corresponding account , As shown in the verification code box in the figure below , The second is , Install an Android Software , Start the verification code forwarding program , Now , The account will be initialized automatically . Please sign in the account initialization , Delete redundant certificates , Each account can support 2 Release certificates , Please spare at least one place . After clicking stock in , Generally, you can see the result in a few seconds , Now , You can refresh the page , Check the warehousing status . Saying so much , To sum up :

Add account ---> Click stock in ---> Automatic verification ---> Refresh view results       It's that simple

After warehousing, the account can be super signed

5. Upload your IPA, Set a secondary domain name , It can be released and promoted , It's that simple .

6. The signature process is fully automated in the background , No manual intervention required , When your signed account runs out , By default, the system supports automatic switching to the account pool of the platform for signing , This default value can be modified in the background . You can set it to use only your own account .

7. Principle analysis : Supersignature , In fact, it still relies on Apple's account permissions to sign applications , The automated process realizes the docking with apple api, And then carry out automatic packaging signature . The whole signing process is generally in 10 Seconds to a minute , according to IPA The size of is related to the network speed .

8. After signing , Users can install , The background will automatically notify the user to prompt the installation message on the page .


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