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Axure tutorial - the new base (small white strongly recommended!!!)
2022-08-02 00:08:00 【web18224617243】
Axure RP是一款专业的快速原型设计工具.Axure(发音:Ack-sure),代表美国Axure公司;RP则是Rapid Prototyping(快速原型)的缩写.
Axure RP的使用者主要包括商业分析师、信息架构师、产品经理、IT咨询师、用户体验设计师、交互设计师、UI设计师等,另外,架构师、程序员也在使用Axure.
Axure RP ProCan quickly help designer to design a fast and easy create web based architecture diagrams annotated map page、操作流程图、以及交互设计,并可自动生成用于演示的网页文件和规格文件,以提供演示与开发.
Axure这个软件功能强大,Can make a lot of interactive effects,Draw prototypes directly by dragging and dropping、生成网页;
AxureThis software effect is high,Only follow some usability originals,Quickly simulate high-fidelity page prototypes.
原型(prototype)这个词来自拉丁文的词proto,意谓“最初的”,意义是形式或模型.in non-technical texts,An archetype is a representative example of a given kind.
Here we are mainly talking about software prototypes,在软件开发中,A prototype is a basic functional model of a product or data system.
Software prototypes include but are not limited to:功能、交互、UI.The status of the prototype software development project:for quick communication、Identify clear needs
3.AxureSoftware installation and operation
Download and install from the above website,傻瓜式安装即可,这里就不多做阐述.
安装好后运行,可以看到欢迎界面(If you don't want this to pop up every time you start up, it is recommended to tick Do not display at startup)
这就是Axurethe main interface,If you can successfully enter here, it means that the installation is successful.!
跟一般officeThe menu bar of the software is almost.
其中,Frequently used menu functions are:
- 文件-导出图片:The single image corresponding to the currently opened page、所有页面
- 编辑-快捷键:保存、撤销
- 视图-重置视图:when closing a window,The window view can be quickly restored through this menu
- 布局-组合、对齐、分布,There are also quick buttons in the toolbar,包含shiftkey multi-select element、Right-click or rename in the summary after combination
- 布局-Show grid and alignment guides
- 发布-预览、预览选项、生成HTML文件,There are also quick buttons in the toolbar
Here is the usual we useAxure需要的工具,In fact, as we usually useword差不多
you can zoom in and out,Set text size, color, position, etc..
1.双击或者escend pen tool
3.画曲线:Press and hold the left mouse button at the current point position,Orientation affects the direction of the curve,The length of the orange line affects the radius of the curve
You can draw a straight line
You can also draw curves
can also doodle
The Pen Tool is a very useful tool,Sometimes it can solve your pressing needs,In the art of good students, it is even more powerful,Do you think I am an artist?,欢迎在评论区评论.
Pages are navigation panels for project pages, Here you can add all the designed pages、删除、Rename and organize etc..
当页面过多时,Folders are very important,It allows you to manage all your pages.
可以通过拖拽,Will your page management.
Outline to see all your components in use,Components can be named,for easy viewing and management.
元件是AxureThe most quintessential place,By using a variety of component libraries,Can make your prototype page more beautiful.
下面做一个小练习,Make a form with the default component library.
母版,Unify the style used,Reduce the reuse of components
When you reuse some elements in several pages,you can choose the master,Of course if it's just one page,No need for a master.
使用方法:1.in existing components,Right click to generate master.2.Create a new master directly in the lower left corner.
我新建了一个header母版,Drag the top menu bar element into,Such a master is created,我们去使用一下.
Drag and drop the master directly to the page.
When you want to modify the content of the master,Pages using the modified master will also change accordingly,change page,The master version will also be changed.
欢迎大家在评论区讨论交流,本人第一次写博客,If there is any bad place, you are welcome to bring it up,谢谢大家!拜~
Drag and drop the master directly to the page.
When you want to modify the content of the master,Pages using the modified master will also change accordingly,change page,The master version will also be changed.
欢迎大家在评论区讨论交流,本人第一次写博客,If there is any bad place, you are welcome to bring it up,谢谢大家!拜~
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