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Inner monologue of accidental promotion

2022-07-07 16:33:00 Sour bean girl

At the end of last month, my boss suddenly called me , Tell me about my promotion , Wages have also increased a little . I'm really happy , It's like the release of emotions that have been suppressed for a long time , This is a strong positive feedback in the past one and a half years of career change : At least tell me you did a good job .

But calm down , Does my ability really match my current level ? Can external feedback really dominate my self-awareness ? My good sister ( Strong ability , And a lot of work , Every aspect is great ) But I didn't get promoted with me this time ( Although I think he should be promoted soon ), Are the external criteria really reliable ?

The hardest part is , This promotion seems to have changed some of my arrangements in disguise . The original plan was carried out in an orderly way , Suddenly, because of the promotion, I slackened my original plan . Discuss problems with my good sisters today , It's obviously about optimization , One of his words “ Is it because we can read and write more times ,Nand The quality of is getting better , Just lower the original high requirements ?” It reminds me of my recent state .

But this is human nature ? People like me who are always happy , It's hard not to get excited about things like a raise .^ _ ^ But this time it also made me realize clearly , The ups and downs of the outside world , It can't affect our essence , You won't be reborn just because you live on a high platform , You can't forget your ambition just because you live in a busy city , You are you. , I know how much I weigh , Know where your way is 、 Where is the direction , Occasionally confused , Occasionally ecstatic , But the night was quiet and people left , You are still you. .

It may be difficult to achieve “ not pleased by external gains, not saddened by personal losses ” The realm of , As you grow older , More and more people can realize how hard it is to keep the original heart . Hope to live in the sea , Can always keep the pure heart , Be honest with yourself .

It's raining heavily , Not for months , The wind howls , The turbid wave empties ; The sun and the stars are hidden , Hidden mountain ; Business travel doesn't work , It's a big boat ; dusk , The tiger roars and the ape cries . Densler, too , There is going to be nostalgia , fear slanderous talks , All over the world , Those who feel extremely sad .

To if the spring and jingming , modest , Up and down the skylight , YiBiWanQing ; fly and gather , Jinlin swimming ; An Zhi Ting lan , Blue and blue . Or a long smoke , with bright moonlight , glistening , the moonlight shadow is like the jade , Fishing songs answer each other , What a joy ! Densler, too , There is a sense of relief , Let's forget , Keep the wine in the wind , There are so many happy people .


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