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Graph node classification and message passing

2020-11-09 07:30:00 osc_gnljjuu

Message passing and node classification

This article mainly solves the problem :

Given a network , Some of these nodes have label, How to assign other nodes to corresponding nodes label Well ? ( There are many examples of this in life , For example, through interactive behavior to determine whether the user is a fleece party ) Intuitively, we will consider the connection between network nodes , The model to be learned in this article is collective classification:

There are three specific methods involved :

  • Relational classification;
  • Iterative classification;
  • Belief propagation;

Relational classification

Correlations Exists In Network

The behavior of nodes in the network is corrlated, There are three kinds of :

  • Homophily: Nodes with the same properties may have more network connections , If you have the same music hobby, it's easier to be in the same forum ;
  • Influence: The characteristics of one node may be influenced by other nodes , If I recommend music albums that I am interested in to my friends , Some of my friends are likely to become as interested in these albums as I am ;
  • Confounding: The environment can affect the characteristics of nodes and the connections between nodes ;

Classification with network data


Similar nodes are usually connected to each other in the network , Or the connection is tight ; and ”Guilt-by-association“: Association inference is to consider this part of information to infer the type of nodes in the network ; Therefore, the network node type judgment mainly through the following three sources of characteristics :

  • The characteristics of the node itself ;
  • Nodes are connected to neighbors label;
  • The characteristics of nodes' neighbors ;


"Guilt-by-association" It's better to define , Here's the picture , Given Graph And a small amount of label The node of , How to label the remaining nodes as corresponding label, requirement : The network has homogeneity :

Mathematical modeling of the problem is carried out : Given the adjacency matrix W, The size is n*n, as well as Y Corresponding to node label,1 by positive node ,-1 position negative node , 0 position unlabeled node , forecast unlabeled In the node of postive Probability . Here's the Markov hypothesis : Node label type , Depending only on the connected nodes label type :

P(Y_{i}|i) = P(Y_{i}|N_{i})

Collective classification It usually involves three steps :

  1. local classifier: Only the node feature information is considered for classification ;
  2. Relational Classifier: Consider the characteristics and category information of node neighbors ;
  3. collective inference: take Relational Classifier Apply to every node , Until the whole network ”inconsistency“ To minimize the ;

Probabilistic Relational Classifier

Probabilistic Relational Classifier The basic idea is simple , The probability of each node class is the weighted average of its neighboring nodes , The specific process is as follows :

  1. For tagged data , Label the class table of nodes as label;
  2. For data without labels , Initialize its class randomly ;
  3. Then the adjacent nodes are weighted in random order , Until the whole network converges or reaches the maximum number of iterations :

P(Y_{i} = c) = \frac{1}{\sum_{(i,j) \in E} W_{ij}} \sum_{(i,j) \in E} W_{ij}P_{(Y_{j} = c)}

among W_{ij} It's a node i And nodes j The connection weight of .

There are two problems with this model :

  1. There is no guarantee that the model will converge ;
  2. The model does not use the feature information of nodes ;

Pictured above , For the initialized node , Press label Adjacent nodes are used to calculate the weight , Get the probability of node type , Until it converges : after 5 After the iteration :

Iterative Classifier

Iterative Classifier That is, the iterative process after adding node features , There are two main processes :

  • Bootstrap Phase: The nodes i Express by its characteristics , Use local classifier To calculate the... Of each node label probability ;
  • Iteration Phase: Repeat for each node in the network , Update node characteristics and press local classifier Classify the node , until label Stable ;

In the video tutorial , One example is the use of Iterative Classifier By considering network structure information fake review detection Of , I suggest that you can read the paper in detail : REV2_Fraudulent_User_Prediction_in_Rating_Platforms

Collective Classification

Belief Propagation It's a dynamic planning process , Through nodes passing message The means of , It is mainly used to solve the problem of conditional probability in graphs .

Message Passing

Take an example to explain message passing The process of :

Given the task : Count the number of nodes in the graph , Each node can only interact with its neighbors

Pictured above , Each node listens for information from its neighbors , And then update the information , And pass it forward , Here's the picture , Nodes marked with a red circle can only receive incoming messages:

  1. 2 nodes before you;
  2. 3 nodes behind you:

In a slightly more complex tree Type graph To show :

Loopy Belief Propagation

To make it clear , Here's a basic definition :

  • Label-Label potential matrix \psi(Y_{i}, Y_{j}) : Representation node i It's a category Y_{i} Under the condition of , Its adjacent nodes j For the category Y_{j} Probability ;
  • prior belief \phi_{i}(Y_{i}) : Representation node i For the category Y_{i} The prior probability of ;
  • m_{i->j}(Y_{j}) : node i Predict its adjacent nodes j For state Y_{j}m_{i->j}(Y_{j}) = \alpha \sum_{Y_{i} \in L} \psi(Y_{i}, Y_{j}) \phi_{i}(Y_{i}) \prod_{k \in N_{i} without \ j )}m_{k->j}(Y_{i})

It's easy to understand : The formula considers nodes i by Y_{i} ​ The prior probability of ψ, According to the state transition matrix, the nodes are obtained j by Y_{j} , At the same time, all the information transmitted by neighbor nodes is considered m_{k->j}(Y_{i}) , Random order iterations , Until the final state is stable , Get the node i For the category Y_{i}Yi​ Probability : b_{i}(Y_{j}) = \alpha \phi_{i}(Y_{i}) \prod_{j \in N_{i}} m_{j->i}(Y_{i})

Consider nodes , Doing it message passing when , In fact, there is no way to judge whether there is cycle, therefore LBP In case of cycles It's just a matter of some questions , Here's the picture , There's a little bit of confusion here , If you have any understanding, please discuss in the comments section :

LBP The advantages and disadvantages are as follows :

  • advantage :
  1. Implement a simple , It's easy to parallelize ;
  2. It's universal , Apply to all graph models ;
  • Challenge :
  1. There is no guarantee of convergence , Especially with a lot of closed connections ;
  • Potential function :
  1. It needs magic training ;
  2. Training learning is based on gradient optimization , There may be a bracelet problem during training ;


This article is based on cs224w Learning to organize , In this paper, we mainly introduce in node classification There are three classic ways to deal with it :Relational classification、Iterative Classifier、Collective Classification, Introduces the classic solution , Such as Probabilistic Relational Classifier、Message Passing, There are several cases in the article , Because the time is not sorted out , Learn the tutorial in this chapter , And related paper, node classification It's classic graph The problem of , It's used in many anti fraud cases .
