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Chapter five

2020-11-08 20:18:00 Half a spoon of coffee

1.# ··· #include<stdio.h> #define MIn_PER_HOU 60 int main(int argc,char*argv[]){ int hours, minutes, input; printf("CONVERT MINUTES TO HOURS!\n"); printf("PLEASE INPUT THE NUMBER OF MINUTES:"); scanf("%d", &input); while (input > 0) { hours = input / MIn_PER_HOU; minutes = input % MIn_PER_HOU; printf("CONVERT TO %d HOUR AND %d MINUTES\n", hours, minutes); printf("PLEASE CONTINUE INPUT THE NUMBER OF MINUTES:"); scanf("%D", &input); } printf("PROGRAM EXIT!\n"); }


void main() { int a, b; printf(" Input number :"); scanf("%d", &a); b = a; while (b <= a + 10) { printf("%d\n", b); b++; }



void main() { int b; printf(" Enter the number of days :"); scanf("%d", &b); while (b >0) { printf("%d days are %d weeks, %d days.\n", b,b/7,b%7); printf(" Enter the number of days :"); scanf("%d", &b); }



void main() { float b; printf(" Enter the height :"); scanf("%f", &b); while (b > 0) { printf("%.0fcm =%.2f feet,%.2f inches\n", b, b / 30.48, b / 2.54); printf(" Enter the height :"); scanf("%d", &b); }


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