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Software Testing Weekly (Issue 82): In fact, all those who are entangled in making choices already have the answer in their hearts, and consultation is just to get the choice that they prefer.
2022-08-01 03:17:00 【Never put off till tomorrow what you can little bother】
欢迎来到第 82 期!这里记录过去一周我们看到的软件测试及周边的行业动态,周五发布.
本期看点:BStop is how to build mobile real machine test cluster?One hundred test efficiency of the system test team should be how to build?How does the automated regression test of the Xianyu transaction link do??Please select meaningful agile metrics;Talking about front-end performance optimization from user experience;2022 年 JavaScript 开发工具的生态;Db on big data system construction experience to share;The leader has assigned you a task,How to do it right and well?
1. BStop is how to build mobile real machine test cluster?
This paper encounters challenges from mobile testing、目标、方案选型、系统架构、A systematic introduction to the problems and solutions encountered in the construction process B The Road of Construction of Station Mobile Real Machine Test Cluster.
原文地址: |
2. One hundred test efficiency of the system test team should be how to build?
Dopp Cloud Test
This article builds from the system、Team building and organization to improve the three part introduces the system of one hundred test team construction and talents training.
原文地址: 直播笔记|Thousands of scientific and technological teams test efficiency system construction sharing |
3. How does the automated regression test of the Xianyu transaction link do??
交易链路质量稳定性保障的测试难点包括:Change points involved in the business range and high difficulty assessment,新老链路需要双重保障,Trade mark more super link on the order.
原文地址: |
1. Please select meaningful agile metrics
Denise Jarvie & Jessica Crowley(小船哥说敏捷)
“tell me how you will measure me,Then I will tell you how I will behave.If you measure me in an illogical way,Just don't complain about illogical behavior.”
——艾利·高德拉特(Eli Goldratt)
“If you don't collect any metrics,then you are flying blind.But if you collect and focus too many metrics,They may block your view.”
——斯科特M.Griffith(Scott M. Graffius)
The metrics implemented by many organizations inadvertently encourage or induce bad practices and behaviors.
The purpose of this paper is not to encourage the achievement of all of the following metrics,而是想Helping Organizational Leaders Choose Meaningful Metrics,To encourage behavior consistent with the company's pursuit of agility.
A best practice is to limit the number of metrics selected from each category.Check the validity of indicators,and determine if it is more appropriate to focus on alternative metrics.
原文地址: |
2. Talking about front-end performance optimization from user experience
从前端领域来看,我们对于用户体验关注最多的就是页面性能,同时做的最多的也是各种性能优化,But it shouldn't be the only means.
原文地址: |
🦧 技术同频
1. 2022 年 JavaScript 开发工具的生态
Leecason(Xiao Li's front-end little black house)
JS 工具领域的变化实在太快.
This article starts from the bottom up「编译器」、「打包器」、「包管理器」、「第三方库开发」、「Web 应用开发」These aspects have been reviewed 2022 年 JavaScript 开发工具的生态.
原文地址: |
2. Db on big data system construction experience to share
Wu Rongbin( DataFunTalk)
本文介绍了分贝通Some construction experience in the field of big data.
分贝通在ToBField is a young company,Established for more than six years,The big data system has just been established for more than a year,The whole team is less than twenty people,The overall construction of big data in the primary and groping stage.This time, I will summarize the practice and thinking on big data business,希望给大家带来启发.
The main contents include the following aspects:公司介绍、Big data construction background、大数据建设方案、大数据应用场景.
原文地址: Wu Rongbin:Db on big data system construction experience to share |
1. The leader has assigned you a task,How to do it right and well?
When leaders set a task for you,how do you communicate?
- learn to reverse narrative:Most of the instructions you get from your superiors,are highly simplified and abstracted instructions,Because the relevant information is automatically processed in their brains,They don't necessarily tell you.but did not explain,doesn't mean no.所以,这个时候,What you must learn is the most critical trick of upward communication,反向叙述.也就是Through continuous cross-examine,Uncover the true intentions of leaders.
- Learn to identify boundaries and standards:any task,must be treated with product awareness.Upon receiving the superior to your task,Just imagine that you are making a product,一个产品,Of course, there must be clear boundaries and standards.什么是标准?就是说,这个任务,我做到什么程度,even if it is done?What is strong execution?Not a military order,do what your boss says.It's the boss even if there's only one command,you can plan the entire product.
a task to really do well,就是You can put the leadership that Outlines the big picture in mind,and have the ability to achieve it.That's called work.
原文地址: The leader has assigned you a task,How to do it right and well? |
2. Confused man writing,What is missing is a sense of system
The logic behind any improvement in writing is to improve systems thinking.Apply compound interest to your writing,it will be easier to write.According to the writing training method provided in this article, the compound interest effect of writing training can be produced.
Grasp these three core elements:「元写作、时间银行、Knowledge of the bank」,And using compound interest continuously thinking about writing,You will build a writing system that will last a lifetime.
原文地址: |
1. Plasmo:Browser extension development artifact
Plasmo Is a specialized development browser extensions framework,Use it to build your product,Don't worry about configuration files and weird features of building browser extensions.
- 支持 Recat + Typescript
- 声明式开发 , 自动生成 mainfest.json(MV3,Manifest Version 3)
- 热加载
- .env* 文件
- Remote code packaging(例如用于 gtag4)
- 自动化部署(通过BPP)
开源地址: |
2. gitleaks:A static application security testing tools
gitleaksis a static application security test(SAST)工具.它可以检测项目中是否包含密码、API Key、token 等信息,还能够轻松整合到 Git Hook 和 GitHub Action,实现提交代码时自动检测,通过告警和阻止 push 等方式,有效地防止敏感信息泄漏.
开源地址: GitHub - zricethezav/gitleaks: Protect and discover secrets using Gitleaks |
1、很长一段时间,我的生活看似马上就要开始了,真正的生活,但是总有一些障碍阻挡着,有些事得先解决,有些工作还有待完成,时间貌似够用,还有一笔债务要去付清,然后生活就会开始,最后我终于明白,这些障碍,正是我的生活. -- Avery De Sousa |
2、其实所有纠结做选择的人心里早就有了答案,咨询只是想得到内心所倾向的选择. -- 东野圭吾 |
3、What to do if the book is too dark to publish?
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