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In July 2022, domestic database memorabilia
2022-08-04 19:24:00 【-Xiao Lan】
7月1日,由中国金融电子化公司牵头组建的金融信创生态实验室所组织评选的金融信创解决方案(第一批)名单正式公布.达梦数据库、南大通用、优炫软件、巨杉数据库The solutions of other manufacturers were successfully selected.
7月1日,易鲸捷“百日会战”完美收官,The Yijingjie database used in the full-stack localization project of the core system of Bank of Guiyang was sealed in advance,比原计划提前了20多天.
7月4日,国际权威机构IDC发布《2021年下半年中国关系型数据库软件市场跟踪报告》.在关系型数据库软件市场(公有云模式)中Alibaba Cloud Database ranks first、腾讯云数据库位列第二.
7月4日,瀚高继2018After being selected as the first batch of gazelle enterprises in Shandong Province in 2009, it was selected again in Shandong Province“2022Year Gazelle Enterprise”,He had high availability cluster softwareV4.0入选“The sixth batch of first edition high-end software products in Shandong Province”.
The high-availability cluster software of Hangao is completely independent innovation and development by the company's core development team.,A core-oriented product carefully crafted for usersOLTP The business enterprise cluster management software,通过高可用、智能代理、心跳检测、Realization of features such as batch deployment,为用户提供7*24Uninterrupted data support capability.
7月7日,Dameng Data Southwest Regional Ecological Partner Summit was held in Suining Station.达梦数据、蜀天梦图Communicate with the ecological manufactures industry development、Solve the confusion of ecological construction,共同促进“产学研用”The road to deep integration,Promote the seamless connection between scientific and technological achievements and industrial development.
7月7日,由工信部、广东省人民政府联合主办的2022The development of Chinese digital economy innovation congress open.7月8号下午,Conference theme forum《Digital Transformation of Enterprises Leads the High-quality Development of Manufacturing Industry Forum》论坛上,A collection of enterprise digital transformation solutions and application cases released by China Electronic Information Industry Federation.达梦公司基于共享存储设备的高可用集群解决方案、Dameng flexible alternative migration solution、Three solutions for big data relational analysis application solutions based on self-developed graph database,were selected as“2022Excellent case of enterprise digital transformation”.
7月8日,China Academy of Information and Communications Technology and China Communications Standardization Association held in Beijing2022可信数据库峰会.
- Wei Kai, deputy director of the Institute of Cloud Computing and Big Data, China Academy of Information and Communications Technology, explained《数据库发展研究报告(2022年)》并发布《全球数据库产业图谱(2022)》.
- The summit was also announced第十四批“可信数据库”评测结果,Including Stone Atomic TechnologyAtomDataCloud native products, number of real-time storehouse,共计12家企业14个产品通过了本次评审.
China Academy of Information and Communications Technology announced the 14th batch“可信数据库”评测结果
据介绍,2022年上半年,The Trusted Database Evaluation System of China Academy of Information and Communications Technology has been newly added.7个标准,Including database operation and maintenance management capability maturity model、HTAP数据库、数据库智能化、防篡改数据库、全密态数据库、关系型数据库安全能力、数据库管理平台,Involves the application side、创新型数据库、数据库安全、Four aspects of database ecological tools.
7月8日消息,近日,Led by Zou Lei professor of Peking University and served as the main person in charge,Combine multiple colleges、Experts and scholars from scientific research units and well-known enterprises,申请在openGauss社区成立KnowledgeGraph SIG.The application has now been approved,openGauss社区正式成立KnowledgeGraph SIG.
7月11日,北京人大金仓Information Technology Co., Ltd. and Guangzhou Pingo Software Co., Ltd. signed a strategic cooperation agreement in Guangzhou.The two parties will connect the independent innovation capabilities of the National People's Congress Jincang in domestic databases and the R&D and processing capabilities of Pingo shares in cloud computing.,Around the core products of both parties、In-depth cooperation in ecological construction and other aspects,Work together to accelerate the core technological breakthroughs in promoting the ecological application of domestic databases.
7月11日消息,近日,科蓝软件Reached strategic cooperation with Yuanjian,此次合作,Kelan domestic database and full-stack financial technology solutions and Yuanjian voiceprint recognition、Key identity security authentication technologies such as multi-dimensional identification will complete in-depth adaptation、高度融合,Realize the upgrade of artificial intelligence decision-making,Realize a more inclusive and fast online financial experience,全方位、The ascension of three-dimensional diversified financial industry application scenarios each channel's safety and convenient.
7月12日消息,日前,腾讯云数据库TDSQLHelping Fujian Strait Bank's new-generation core business system to be officially launched,关键业务系统采用“微服务+分布式”架构.在同等的计算和存储资源需求下,预计每年可节约800万元,并将持续发挥降本增效的作用.
新核心改造历时14个月,Relying on Tencent Cloud enterprise-level distributed databaseTDSQL良好的兼容性、成熟的迁移能力和技术服务支持,海峡银行快速完成了核心系统的国产数据库替换,并基于腾讯云数据库TDSQL两地三中心高可用架构,实现了同城双活和异地容灾.与新核心系统同时上线部署的还有会计核算、总账系统以及数据标准和数据仓库.
7月14日,上海爱可生Information Technology Co., Ltd. won the bid for Tianyi Digital Life Technology Co., Ltd.MySQLDatabase Cluster Management Platform Software License Project.
7月14日,Shanghai Jingxin Network Technology won the bid2022A database service project of a company in Shanghai Qingpu Telecom Bureau.
7月14日,周杰伦最新专辑《最伟大的作品》在QQ音乐正式上线,立即成为全网最大的热点事件.And Tencent Cloud enterprise-level distributed databaseTDSQLJust meet the needs of this event.
QQZhao Xinqiang, head of music database operation and maintenance, said:,此次周杰伦专辑发布活动涉及到的数据库主要是售卖专辑的订单库,在专辑预售和正售时会有大量订单同时写入和更新数据库,High requirements for database performance and consistency,数据不能丢失,Also need to ensure high performance query、写入和更新.
7月14-15日,openGauss Developer Day 2022(openGauss开发者大会2022)Simultaneously held online and offline.本届大会由openGauss开源社区主办,邀请学术专家、行业用户、合作伙伴和开发者共同探讨数据库面向多场景的技术创新,分享基于openGauss的行业联合创新成果及商业实践.会上,
神舟通用、云和恩墨、超图软件、南大通用、海量数据、Partners and industry customers such as Hyperfusion and China Unicom基于openGauss 3.0推出商业发行版;
社区贡献看板和面向开发者的Try Me在线实验环境上线.
openGauss社区理事长 江大勇
7月15日消息,近日,CCID Consulting officially released国内首份《湖仓一体技术研究报告》,报告针对湖仓一体技术的发展背景与现状进行了阐述,并对湖仓一体技术的应用案例及发展前景做出深入分析.Based on the integrated lake and warehouse architecture巨杉数据库,凭借其在金融领域的丰富应用案例,作为国内数据库企业的典型代表厂商入选.
7月15日消息,近日,The National Association for Computer Basic Education in Colleges and Universities announced“Computer Basic Education Teaching Research Project2022年立项”评审结果,which report items“Based on the dream database of homebred software teaching materials开发”成功获批,项目编号2022-AFCEC-132.
图丨 Of dream database teaching basic computer education teaching research project examination and approval
While focusing on the development of the core technology of domestic databases, Dameng Data,Continue to promote the construction of domestic database personnel training system,basic education around computer,Jointly with more than 60 partner universities,Construction of information technology application innovation system teaching content,To improve students' cognition of homebred software,Guide teachers and students to carry out database technology research.
图丨 Dream data related published materials
7月18日消息,沙利文联合头豹研究院发布《2021年中国数据管理解决方案市场报告》,The report is based on the data warehouse、数据湖、Intelligent lake warehouse series products are the core research objects,Market Trends for Data Management Solutions、前沿技术、企业需求、Competitive situation and other information to focus on sorting out,And from value creation、Starting from the dimension of technological development, speculate or predict the market development prospects.同时,Multi-dimensional measurement of enterprises in the industry2021Annual competitive strength.
7月18日,Zhejiang Province Co-hosted by Zhejiang Provincial Department of Economy and Information Technology and Hangzhou Municipal People's Government“Ten chains, one hundred and ten thousand enterprises”A special session on the intelligent computing industry chain of a series of docking activities was held in Hangzhou.会上,石原子科技As one of the enterprises of Zhejiang Intelligent Computing Industry Alliance,Signed a strategic cooperation agreement on site,Jointly promote the creation of an industry in the field of intelligent computing.
7月18日,央视频“CCTV对话”The column broadcasts a special video of independent innovation,Take us into China's own database.近年来,The big environment of China's financial technology innovation has given a group of people who dare to insist on independent innovation,An opportunity for pioneers to explore the development path of distributed databases,中兴通讯GoldenDBThe distributed database team is one of them.
7月18日消息,近日,天云融创数据科技(北京)Co., LTD. The winning car in information technology co., LTD“TiDSMPRules engine component procurement and integration project”,HubbleThe database provides data supply and rule engine services.
7月19日,“Upgrade Plan Actual Summit”上,阿里云发布AnalyticDB数据仓库升舱解决方案,可帮助金融、电信等行业客户实现传统数仓向云原生数据仓库的平滑升级,在IT采购成本(软件+硬件) 降低约50%的同时,复杂查询性能从分钟级缩减至秒级.目前该方案已成功服务广东移动、申万宏源证券、郑州商品交易所、中国再保险集团等30多家标杆客户.
7月19日,NTU General won the bid for NARI Group2022年应用软件、Database framework part of domestic operating system and database framework construction project.此项目中,NTU GM relies on self-developed、Mature and stable enterprise transactional databaseGBase 8s 成功入选1159套.
7月20日,近期,武汉达梦Database Co., Ltd. applies for the Science and Technology Innovation BoardIPO审核状态变更为“已问询”.
7月20日-21日,The tenth session of China's nuclear power peak BBS information technology was held in zhejiang,at the Nuclear Power ForumDamon won“The most influential enterprise in the field of nuclear power information technology”.
Dameng Data has been committed to the informatization construction of the energy industry.经过数十年的积累与沉淀,Dameng Data has successfully assisted State Grid in building an integrated dispatching system,Fully support the construction of the information system of China Southern Power Grid,And it has been widely used in Inner Mongolia Power Grid;At the same time, it also serves the national energy、国家电投、大唐集团、三峡集团、中国华电、Important power generation systems for multiple projects of large state-owned enterprises such as China Huaneng,and provide these enterprises with high performance、Highly reliable database products and solutions.
7月22日消息,近日,China Academy of Information and Communications Technology announced the seventh batch of selected candidates“卓信大数据计划”Hundreds of member units.万里数据库With years of product technology accumulation in the database field and rich application practice in key industries,与浪潮、Sany Heavy Industry and other well-known enterprises were selected for the plan.
7月22日,2022数字中国创新大赛·Kunpeng Circuit National Finals Held in Fuzhou.The joint by the guangzhou city planning and natural resource automation center north Ming software co., LTD、Yi Zhirui information technology co., LTD. Jointly submitted entries“Guangzhou practice of digital planning and natural resource full-stack solutions based on Xinchuang environment”Won the first prize in the national finals.该项目采用金仓数据库管理系统KingbaseES,Successfully support the state grants to the natural resource management department“两统一”职能.
7月23日,在福州举行的第五届数字中国建设峰会上,from Shenzhen Institute of Computing Science(简称 “Shensuanyuan”)Yashan Database System、Quarrying rocky data quality system、The three major self-developed basic software of Diaoyucheng data analysis system debuted for the first time.其中,Cliff Mountain DatabaseThe system is still from489Item selection results stand out,Won this summit“十大硬核科技”奖项.
The Yashan database system integrates the original bounded computing of Academician Fan Wenfei、近似计算、Parallel scalability and cross-mode fusion theory,Not based on any open source database system software secondary packaging and development,Independent research and development from core theory to key technology,It is a new database system that is autonomous and controllable,功能、性能、Environment on the international leading database system.Open source scanning certification by a third-party agency,The kernel code self-research rate is100%.
日前,Yashan database system relies on leading product performance,Successfully passed the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology“可信数据库”测评,符合金融、政企、Energy and other large organizations are safe and reliable、High response speed and other requirements.In terms of independent technology ecology,Compatible with domestic software and hardware environment,已在能源、交通、Promotion and application in many key industries such as the Internet.
7月23日,第五届数字中国建设峰会上,The State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council released ten typical achievements of digital technology of state-owned enterprises,Beijing people's congress Jin Cang company independent research and development of information technology co., LTD“企业级关系型数据库KES”Glory selected.
NPC Jincang is a veritable national team in the database field.National People's Congress Jin Cang enterprise relational databaseKESIs the first domestic highest quality certification by the Ministry of Public Security safety database products;It is also the first product that has passed the dual certification of network security and national information security..After more than 20 years of technical accumulation and iterative upgrading,Launched recentlyV9版本,Product features and performance have been greatly improved.KESThe market share of the party and government Xinchuang exceeds50%,名列第一;累计装机部署超过100万套.
7月23日消息,蚂蚁集团时序数据库CeresDB 正式开源,And release an open source version CeresDB 0.2.0 .通过开源,Hope to help users solve the pain points of horizontal expansion and high availability of time series data storage,Even the needs of complex analysis and computing power for time series data.
CeresBD 是基于 OceanBase 分布式存储引擎设计的时序数据库产品,是一款高性能、分布式、Schema-less 的云原生时序数据库,能够同时处理时序型(time-series)以及分析型(analytics)负载.
7月25日消息,巨杉数据库Officially signed with Shenzhen University“巨杉数据库管理与应用奖学金”Donation Agreement,Provide scholarship support for outstanding students related to database courses in the School of Computer and Software, Shenzhen University,Encouraging college students know more about the database industry,In the future, we will devote ourselves to the development of the domestic database industry..
7月26日消息,近日,洋葱集团完成核心业务系统分布式升级,通过 OMS 数据迁移工具将中国香港阿里云、中国大陆阿里云和中国香港腾讯云上的多种异构数据库,全部实时同步至同一套OceanBase集群,首次实现全球数据跨多云、跨地域实时同步、融合、分析.借助OceanBase 的 HTAP 能力,洋葱集团的数据分析时长大幅缩短,实时分析性能提升了 200% 以上.
7月26日消息,North exchange decided to suspend the dazzle software co., LTD. In Beijing a public stock offering and stock exchange in Beijing review.经向全国股转公司申请,Youxuan company stock since2022年7月27日起复牌.
7月26日消息,Dameng database was launched in the core system of a ministerial-level unit.结合业务场景需求,Dameng has deployed dozens of cluster products for its planning and deployment,包括DM8、DMDataWatch、DMRWC等产品,Core business is realized,关键应用、Daily office and other categories50Full coverage of other information systems,Guarantee of the user in the process of informatization construction of the underlying database security、自主、可控.
As a guide to promote the reform and reorganization of state-owned enterprises、An important national institution for the management of state-owned assets,The ministerial-level unit joins hands with Dameng,Carry out innovation and transformation in key business and informatization construction.截至目前,Dameng database has been fully launched in more than 50 core systems of the unit,And recently for monorail.
7月27日消息,近日,The State Intellectual Property Office once again易鲸捷Officially authorized an invention patent,该专利名为“Generation and Application of Consistency Checkpoints in Distributed Databases”,Global transactions are resolvedIDNetwork bottlenecks and high availability problems in the solution.
7月27日消息,九鑫智能签署CLA协议,正式加入openGauss 社区.
7月12日,亚信科技AntDB数据库 7.0Product line conference held successfully.本次发布的AntDB数据库7.0新增两大技术特性.一是融合内存、磁盘双引擎,用户可以根据自身业务场景,选择使用全内存存储引擎、全磁盘存储引擎或内存存储引擎与磁盘存储引擎混用,实现更好的平衡性能和最优的总体拥有成本;二是允许将业务逻辑整合到数据库服务端执行,使“端到端”业务性能得到数倍乃至数十倍提升.
发布会嘉宾上海移动信息系统运营部总经理陆英雷表示,上海移动基于AntDBCompleted the first core billing accounting system database independent control project;云南公路联网收费管理有限公司副总经理张成林表示,基于AntDB数据库,云南高速成为国内首个全面实现全省高速清分结算系统国产化目标的单位.
7月14日,腾讯云数据库TDSQL PG版的开源版本(开源代号TBase)迎来又一次重大升级:升级后的TDSQL PG V2.4.0版在2PC事务方面得到优化,易用性大幅提升,具备更强的分布式计算性能.
腾讯TDSQL PG版是一款具备HTAP(混合事务分析处理)能力、经过腾讯多年持续投入研发的数据库产品,能够提供成熟的一站式解决方案,2019年11月正式开源.在首次开源的10天内,Star数就上升到超过500个.开源不久,就受到了天文、医疗健康、零售等各个行业用户的青睐.
7月14日,Apache Doris1.1 Release 版本正式发布!这是 Apache Doris 正式从 Apache 孵化器毕业后并成为 Apache 顶级项目后发布的第一个 Release 版本.Apache Doris1.1Implemented full vectorization of compute and storage layers、正式将向量化执行引擎作为稳定功能进行全面启用,所有查询默认通过向量化执行引擎来执行,性能较之前版本有 3-5 倍的巨大提升.
Apache Doris1.1 新增特性
更全面的向量化支持,Implemented full vectorization of compute and storage layers
支持数据随机分布 [实验性功能],减少资源开销、提升系统稳定性
支持创建 Iceberg 外部表 [实验性功能],扩展了 Apache Doris 在数据湖上的分析能力
7月15日,“稳超胜算·历9弥新”2022Jincang innovative product launch在北京召开.此次发布会中,NPC Jincang launched two innovative productsKingbaseES V9 以及金仓数据库一体机KingbaseXData;And unite five leading industry partners,Released industry solutions based on domestic databases.
- KingbaseES V9在性能方面获得全面提升,查询优化能力增强,并优化了涉及分区表查询的执行计划生成时间,增强了并行度;将事务与日志相关的锁进行分区优化;自治方面,SQL自调优整体能力增强——自调优规则更丰富,支持的自调优场景更多,从而实现了调优难度和复杂度大幅降低,已接近Oracle.此外,人大金仓今年重点增强了KingbaseRAC的能力.
- 金仓数据库一体机KingbaseXData将会是一款具备划时代意义的数据库新硬件产品,其具备一站式部署、自动化运维、全局管理深度监控、高性能等特点,可靠设计,稳如泰山.其通过预集成,大幅降低服务器、网络设备、操作系统和数据库等软硬件的整体故障率;出厂性能已达到最优状态,现场无须进行硬件和系统调优工作;软硬一体化实现了开箱即用,无须部署和安装,能够缩短周期,降低成本;统一的运维接口,使得责任更清晰,运维更高效.
7月19日,Create Neighbor Technology heldGalaxybaseFree edition launch,As the core content of the conference,Dr. Zhou Yan explained in detailGalaxybaseApplicable scenarios for the free version:GalaxybaseThe free version for enthusiasts and small data scenarios in the field of database application development,它支持GalaxybaseMost basic features of the Enterprise Edition,Contains graph storage、图建模、Graph query, etc,Supports multiple query and invocation methods at the same time,开发方便,应用广泛.
7月22日,新一代Hyper-converged heterogeneous cloud source database MatrixOne 0.5.0 发布.在0.5版本迭代中,MatrixOneTo begin the technical architecture of a comprehensive upgrade,从以前的NewSQL+MPPThe architecture is upgraded to a cloud-native storage-computing separation architecture.MatrixOneThe new architecture will be based onK8s及S3对象存储,And by will calculate,Complete decoupling of storage and transactions,在支持HTAPStrong scalability with mixed workloads.
7月29日,巨杉数据库举行线上发布会,发布基于「湖仓一体」架构的SequoiaDB v5.2版本,Improve multiple「实时」能力,Int Company「释放全量数据价值」的价值主张.In-depth analysis in the digital age,SequoiaDBHow to revolve around the real-time needs of the financial banking industry,Comprehensively improve structured query analysis、Unstructured access、Four Capabilities of Performance Monitoring, Troubleshooting and Data Lifecycle Management,Let the value of full data from「Offline internally」向「customer in real time」进一步释放.
SequoiaDB v5.2Capability enhancement of four real-time features
The query is more real-time,All data accessible in milliseconds
Access is more real-time,吞吐量提升30%以上
Diagnosis is more real-time,Minute-level location of business problems
Full data lifecycle management,Improve human and energy efficiency
7月11日消息,近日,腾讯云联手宇信科技,共同完成了信贷平台、数据中台、手机银行等核心金融业务的联合解决方案,and two-way adaptation authentication、深度测试和优化工作,并已在某头部农商行、某头部城商行投产运行.未来,双方将在信贷系统和国产数据库的深度适配测试、监管报送国产化联合方案、云原生PaaS平台双向适配认证等领域持续推进合作.
7月20日消息,近日,乘数科技自主研发的云管控平台CLup(CloudUnion Platform)完成了与阿里云PolarDB的适配,支持PolarDB的部署、创建、切换、备份等功能,用户可以在CLup中以使用PostgreSQL数据库的感受一样无缝使用PolarDB.
7月21日消息,近日,Independently developed by Dahan Santong“5GMessage fusion communication platform”与达梦数据库管理系统V8完成兼容性认证测试.After several rigorous tests by both parties:大汉三通5GMessage fusion communication platform and Dameng database management systemV8,相互兼容,系统运行稳定,Capable of meeting data security and key performance requirements.
7月22日消息,Small and micro enterprises under KingdeeSaaS管理云金蝶云·星辰、Kingdee Jingdou Cloud passed the Alibaba Cloud database product integration certification test,获得阿里云产品生态集成认证.
After the products of both parties have completed this adaptation,Will work together to create a joint solution for the integration of industry, finance and taxation for small and micro enterprises:Subscribe via data,Products can be real-time pull source incremental data in the database,Aggregate analysis of enterprise data,Helping small and micro enterprises make accurate decisions in real time;此外,Alibaba Cloud Database adopts whitelisting、VPC网络、SSL加密、Data multi-copy storage and other comprehensive means,Database data access for Kingdee customers、存储、管理等各个环节提供安全保障.
7月26日消息,近日,南大通用GBase 8a MPP Cluster数据库和银河麒麟高级服务器操作系统(x86版)V10进行了深度适配,完成了产品功能、性能全面兼容,本次适配采用的CPU为Intel Xeon 6330芯片.性能测试结果证明GBase 8a和银河麒麟的组合,与国外主流数据库和操作系统在X86硬件平台上的组合性能相当.
7月27日消息,近日,Products with completely independent intellectual property rights under Aggregate DataAPIMaster,and Shenzhou General Company神通数据库完成兼容适配互认,It marks another progress of aggregated data in the field of domestic credit innovation.
7月,巨杉数据库with Miles、Yunhuan information、嘉为科技3家合作伙伴的10款产品完成互认证工作,产品适配体系不断完善.目前,The giant sequoia database has been linked to more than100Home partners complete mutual authentication work,Upstream and downstream ecology continues to enrich.
7月,AntDB数据库Actively promote domesticITProduct compatibility testing of ecological partners,Super cloud with the Great Wall(北京)科技有限公司、Partners such as Beijing Yonghong Business Intelligence Technology Co., Ltd. have completed the mutual authentication of multiple products,产品涵盖数据库、服务器、Big data application software and other types.经测试,AntDBDatabase Products and Ultra Cloudx86服务器产品、永洪Z-Suite V9.4产品完全兼容,整体运行稳定高效.
New database for leaderboards
7月7日,Alibaba Cloud Database Product Documentation Bug Hunting Session Opens!
7月8日,Dameng Data attended“全栈式中间件信息技术应用创新峰会”Parallel BBS online financial industry
7月14日,GBASE赛事 | ICDISRegistration for Database Parameter Tuning Competition Opens
7月17日,2022信创“大比武”活动(activity for short)The track kick-off meeting was held in Beijing
7月20日,广州市“启航”Public Welfare Talent Program Activities Visit Jushan
7月21日,Youxuan Database debuts in ChinaITEcological Cooperation Summit
7月22日-26日,Inspur Yunxi Database debuted at the 5th Digital China Construction Summit
7月27-29日,GreatSQLCommunity and Tolins debut at the Global Open Source Summit
7月,人大金仓2022百城巡展,followed by Guangzhou、杭州、Three places in Harbin were successfully held
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