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[elastic search technology sharing] - ten pictures to show you the principle of ES! Understand why to say: ES is quasi real time!

2020-11-08 16:37:00 Liu Zhihang


Speaking of Elasticsearch , One of the most obvious features is near real-time Quasi real-time —— When documents are stored in Elasticsearch In the middle of the day , Will be in 1 It's indexed and fully searched within seconds in almost real time . Then why ES It's quasi real time ?

official account :『 Liu Zhihang 』, Record the skills in work study 、 Development and source notes ; From time to time to share some of the life experience . You are welcome to guide !

Lucene and ES


Lucene yes Elasticsearch Based on the Java library , It introduces the concept of search by segment .

Segment: It's also called Duan , Similar to inverted index , It's equivalent to a dataset .

Commit point: Submission point , Records all known segments .

Lucene index: “a collection of segments plus a commit point”. By a pile Segment Add a commit point to the collection of .

For one Lucene index The composition of , As shown in the figure below .


One Elasticsearch Index By one or more shard ( Fragmentation ) form .

and Lucene Medium Lucene index amount to ES One of the shard.

Write process

Write process 1.0 ( Imperfect )

  1. Keep going Document Write to In-memory buffer ( Memory buffer ).
  2. When certain conditions are satisfied, the memory buffer in the Documents Refresh to disk .
  3. Generate a new segment And one. Commit point Submission point .
  4. This segment It can be like anything else segment The same was read .

The picture is as follows :

Flushing files to disk is very resource intensive , And there's a cache between the memory buffer and the disk (cache), Once the file enters cache It's like on disk segment The same was read .

Write process 2.0

  1. Keep going Document Write to In-memory buffer ( Memory buffer ).
  2. When certain conditions are satisfied, the memory buffer in the Documents Refresh to Cache (cache).
  3. Generate a new segment , This segment still cache in .
  4. At this time there is no commit , But it can be read .

The picture is as follows :

Data from buffer To cache The process is to refresh once a second on a regular basis . So the newly written Document The slowest 1 Seconds can be in the cache It was found in .

and Document from buffer To cache The process is called ?refresh . It's usually 1 Refresh every second , No additional modifications are required . Of course , If there is a need to modify , You can refer to the relevant information at the end of the paper . That's why we say Elasticsearch yes Quasi real-time Of .

Make the document immediately visible :

PUT /test/_doc/1?refresh
{"test": "test"}

//  perhaps 
PUT /test/_doc/2?refresh=true
{"test": "test"}

Translog Transaction log

Here we can associate Mysql Of binlog, ES There is also a translog For failure recovery .

  1. Document Keep writing to In-memory buffer, At this time, we will add translog.
  2. When buffer Data per second in refresh To cache In the middle of the day ,translog No access to refresh to disk , It's a continuous addition .
  3. translog every other 5s Meeting fsync To disk .
  4. translog It's going to keep accumulating and getting bigger and bigger , When translog To a certain extent or at regular intervals , Will execute flush.

flush The operation is divided into the following steps :

  1. buffer Be emptied .
  2. Record commit point.
  3. cache Internal segment By fsync Refresh to disk .
  4. translog Be deleted .
It is worth noting that :
  1. translog Every time 5s Refresh the disk once , So the fault restarts , May lose 5s The data of .
  2. translog perform flush operation , Default 30 Minutes at a time , perhaps translog Too big Will perform .

Do it manually flush:

POST /my-index-000001/_flush

Delete and update

segment It can't be changed , therefore docment Not from the previous segment Remove or update .

So every time commit, Generate commit point when , There will be one. .del file , It will list the deleted document( Logical deletion ).
And when you query , The result will pass through before returning .del Filter .

update , It also marks the old docment Be deleted , Write to .del file , At the same time, a new file will be written . At this time, the query will query the data of two versions , But one will be removed before returning .

segment Merge

Every time 1s Do it once refresh Will create a data in memory segment.

segment Too many will cause more trouble . every last segment Will consume file handle 、 Memory and cpu Operation cycle . what's more , Each search request must be checked for each in turn segment ; therefore segment The more , The slower the search .

stay ES There will be a thread in the background segment Merge .

  1. refresh The operation creates a new segment And open it for search .
  2. The merge process selects a small number of similar size segment, And merge them in the background into a larger segment in . It doesn't interrupt indexing and searching .
  3. When the merger ends , old segment Be deleted Describe the activity at the completion of the merge :
    1. new segment Has been refreshed (flush) To disk . Write a containing new segment And exclude the old and the smaller segment The new commit point.
    2. new segment Opened to search for .
    3. old segment Be deleted .

Physical delete :

stay segment merge This piece of , Those that are logically deleted document Will be deleted by the real physical .


This paper mainly introduces the process of internal write and delete , Need to know refresh、fsync、flush、.del、segment merge The concrete meaning of a noun .

The complete picture is as follows :

That's what I share with you ES Related content , The main purpose is to share technology within the group , To carry out literacy . Wrong place , I hope you can correct me .

  1. Quasi real time search : https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.9/near-real-time.html
  2. Refresh API:https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.9/indices-refresh.html
  3. Flush API:https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.9/indices-flush.html

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