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Distill knowledge from the interaction model! China University of science and Technology & meituan proposed virt, which combines the efficiency of the two tower model and the performance of the intera

2022-07-06 18:11:00 I love computer vision

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This sharing paper 『VIRT: Improving Representation-based Models for Text Matching through Virtual Interaction』, Distill knowledge from interaction model ! China University of science and technology & Meituan put forward VIRT, Both the efficiency of the two tower model and the performance of the interaction model , Achieve a balance between performance and efficiency in text matching !

The details are as follows :


  • Thesis link :https://arxiv.org/abs/2112.04195



With pre training Transformer Vigorous development , Based on twins Transformer The representation model of encoder has become the mainstream technology of efficient text matching . However , Compared with the interaction based model , Due to the lack of interaction between text pairs , The performance of these models is seriously degraded . The existing technology attempts to solve this problem through additional interaction with the twin encoded representation , The interaction in the coding process is still ignored .

To solve this problem , The author puts forward a kind of Virtual interaction mechanism (VIRT), The interaction knowledge is transferred from the interaction based model to the twin coder through attention Graph Extraction .VIRT As a component for training runtime only , It can completely maintain the efficiency of twin structure , And it will not bring additional computational costs in the reasoning process . In order to make full use of the learned interactive knowledge , The author further designs an adaptation VIRT Interaction strategy .

Experimental results on multiple text matching datasets show that , The method in this paper is superior to the existing representation based model . Besides ,VIRT It can be easily integrated into existing representation based methods , To achieve further improvements .



Text matching aims to model the semantic association between a pair of texts , This is a basic problem in the application of natural language understanding . for example , Ask and answer in the community (CQA) In the system , A key component is to find similar problems related to user problems from the database through problem matching . Similarly , Dialog agents need to make logical inference by predicting the implicit relationship between user statements and some predefined assumptions .


lately , Deep pre training Transformer Has made remarkable progress in text matching tasks . There are usually two based on fine tuning Transformer Example of encoder : Interaction based model ( Cross encoder ) And representation based models ( Double encoder ), Pictured above (a) and (b) Shown . Interaction based model ( for example ,BERT) Align text concat Is a single sequence , And perform complete interaction between text pairs . Although full interaction provides a rich matching signal from the bottom to the top of the model , But it also brings higher calculation cost and reasoning delay , This makes it difficult to deploy in actual scenarios .

for example , In an e-commerce search system , Because there are millions of good query pairs , It takes tens of days to grade these pairs using an interaction based model . contrary , The representation based model encodes text pairs independently by two twin encoders , Without any interaction . therefore , It supports embedded offline computing , This greatly reduces online latency , Thus, this kind of model is very useful in practice . Unfortunately , Independent coding without any interaction may lose the matching signal , This leads to a serious performance degradation .

To balance efficiency and effectiveness , Some work attempts to equip the twin structure with interaction modules . Various interaction strategies have been proposed , For example, attention level and Transformer layer . However , For efficiency , These interaction modules are added after the twin encoder , In order to preserve the twin character , The interaction in the coding process of twin encoder is still ignored . therefore , Rich interactive signals are lost , The existing representation based model still lags far behind the interaction based model in the following aspects .

In this work , The author tries to break the dilemma between interaction based model and representation based model . The key idea is in the representation based model , Without destroying the twin structure , Integrate the interaction in the twin coding process . So , The author proposes virtual interaction (VIRT), This is a new mechanism to transfer the knowledge in text pair interaction to the twin encoder based on the representation model .

say concretely , The twin coder learns the interactive information between the two texts by imitating the complete interaction , And guided by the knowledge transferred by the interaction based model . Knowledge transfer is realized as an attention graph extraction task in the training process , In the process of reasoning, the task can be deleted to maintain the twin characteristics . So it's called “ Virtual interaction ”. Besides , In order to further utilize the interactive knowledge learned after twin coding , The author designs an interactive strategy of virtual adaptation . In a program called VIRT The representation based model of the encoder jointly realizes VIRT and VIRT Adaptive interaction strategies , Pictured above (c) Shown .

In this paper, the contribution It can be summarized as follows :

  1. The author proposes a new virtual interaction mechanism VIRT, By extracting attention maps from interaction based models , It is integrated into the twin encoder based on the representation model , Without additional reasoning costs .

  2. A lot of experiments show that , What this article puts forward VIRT The encoder is better than that based on SOTA The model of representation , At the same time, the reasoning efficiency is maintained .

  3. VIRT It can be easily integrated into other representation based text matching models , To further improve its performance .




In this section , The author will first describe the interaction based model and the representation based model . then , Introduce the virtual interaction mechanism (VIRT), It extracts interaction knowledge from interaction based models to twin coders . Besides , adopt VIRT Adaptive interaction strategies , You can make full use of the interactive knowledge learned .VIRT The architecture of is shown in the figure above .

3.1 Interaction-based Models

Given two text sequences and as input , Interaction based models will X and Y concat by , And use L layer Transformer Encode :.Transformer Each layer of consists of two residual sublayers : A multi head attention operation (MHA) And a feedforward network (FFN):


, among d Is the dimension of the hidden state . here , For the sake of description , omitted batch Dimensions of size and attention head .

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It's No (l-1) The middle of the layer represents , It's right X and Y Code the interactive information between . and It's No l Attention parameter of layer , from From mapping . Express LayerNorm operation .

You can see , The interaction based model can encode the interaction information into X and Y In the expression of . In particular , Combine representations to generate attention maps M, It represents the weight of different interaction signals . These expressions are based on M To choose and integrate .

3.2 Representation-based Models

Compared with the interaction based model , The representation based model first passes through two independent twins Transformer Encoders are respectively aligned X and Y Encoding ( It is assumed that each encoder has L individual Transformer layer ):,. then , They have additional interactions with twin encoded and .transformer The structure of is the same as the interaction based model , Just pay attention to the picture ( or ) Just use X( or Y) Calculated separately :


Compared with the interaction based model , In the coding process X and Y No interaction between . In a representation based model ,X and Y The fine-grained interaction information between them will be lost , This can lead to performance degradation .

3.3 Virtual Interaction

As mentioned earlier , The main disadvantage of the representation based model is the lack of interaction when encoding two input sequences separately . Intuitively speaking , The interaction based model passes MHA Mechanism performs interaction . By corresponding to X and Y To calculate . Compared with the interaction based model , The representation based model only passes X( or Y) Calculated separately ( or ). In the next section , We will first explain in detail the two models in MHA Operational differences . Next , It introduces VIRT Mechanism , It can improve the representation based model without adding additional reasoning cost .

First, decompose the... Based on the interaction model MHA operation , Pictured above (b) Note the blue color in the figure . To be specific , In the interaction based model l The input representation of the layer , namely , Decomposable into X Part and Y part . therefore ,, among ,

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. Based on this , The attention parameter can also be rewritten as X part ( Expressed as and ) and Y part ( Expressed as and ) The combination of .Softmax(·) Final attention score before operation ( Expressed as ) It can be decomposed into the following partition matrix :


Therefore, it can be divided into four parts :

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, namely :


It's only in X or Y Implemented in MHA operation , It corresponds to MHA operation . And refers to interaction based models x and Y Interaction between , These models are responsible for rich representation of interactive information . However , They are missing from the representation based model , This leads to the performance gap between the two models .

Through the above analysis , Missing interactions based on representation models can be extracted as X and Y Between MHA operation . To restore this missing interaction , Let the representation based model simulate the interaction in the interaction based model , As shown below :


Where means by attend To the generated attention map , By attend To the generated attention map . These two additional attention maps represent the missing interaction signals in the representation based model .

Because we hope to improve the performance of representation based model to interaction based model , Therefore, the author proposes to align the missing attention graph with its existing correspondence in the interaction based model . The attention graph in the interaction based model can guide the representation ( Namely and ) Towards the direction of rich interaction , It's like interaction in the coding process . In this way , Extract knowledge during interaction , And transmit it to the dual encoder , Without any additional computing overhead . This is why this mechanism is called “ Virtual interaction ”.

In order to achieve VIRT, The author adopts knowledge distillation technology , One of the trained interaction based models is considered a teacher , A representation based model that requires training is considered a student . And corresponding interaction based models X and Y Interaction between . They can go directly from softmax(·) From the previous attention score : Yes, before m OK and last n Column section , Corresponding to the last n Line and front m Column . except softmax Out of operation , The author also directly selects these two slices , To form a guided attention graph from an interaction based model :


As a supervised interaction, knowledge is further transferred , To guide VIRT. say concretely , The goal is to minimize and L2 distance :


Take the above formula as the optimization goal only in the training stage , And delete it during reasoning . This preserves the twin properties of the representation based model , At the same time, it will not bring additional reasoning costs .

3.4 VIRT-Adapted Interaction

adopt VIRT, Interaction knowledge can be penetrated into every coding layer of the representation based model . However , After twin coding , The representation of the last layer , Namely and , Still can't see each other , Therefore, there is a lack of clear interaction . In order to make full use of the learned interactive knowledge , The author further designs an adaptation VIRT Interaction strategy , The strategy is VIRT Under the guidance of the attention map of learning, and .

To be specific , The author performs the... Between and in the following process VIRT Adapt to interaction . The formula of the generated attention graph is as follows :


among Pool(·) Indicates the average pool operation . Last , Using simple fusion prediction to match tags y:


Where is concat operation ,MLP Represents a multi-layer perceptron . The overall training goal is to lose the supervision of specific tasks ( That's cross entropy loss ) The combination of and is minimized :


among α It is a super parameter to measure the impact of virtual interaction .

It is worth noting that ,VIRT Is a general strategy , It can be used to enhance any representation based matching model .




The performance of different methods is shown in the table above .BERT-base As a powerful interaction based model , It shows its effectiveness . And BERT comparison ,Siamese BERT The performance of . What this article puts forward VIRT Encoder achieves the best performance , Better than all presentation based baseline, Even with interaction based BERT The model is competitive . This proof VIRT Be able to approximate the deep interaction modeling ability of interaction based models .


The above table shows the VIRT as well as VIRT The contribution of adaptive interaction . Don't use VIRT or VIRT The performance degradation of adapting to interaction shows the effectiveness of these two architectures . about MNLI and RTE, Due to removal VIRT The performance degradation caused by adaptive interaction is more serious .


In order to verify the proposed VIRT The generality of , The author further imports it into the above representation based model . The results are shown in the table above . Based on the results , Can be observed VIRT It can be easily integrated into other representation based text matching models , To further improve performance .



Representation based models are widely used in text matching tasks because of their high efficiency , The interaction based model has poor performance due to the lack of interaction . Previous work often introduced additional interaction layers , The interaction in the twin encoder is still missing .

In this paper , The author proposes a virtual interaction (VIRT) Mechanism , This mechanism can approximate the ability of interaction modeling by extracting attention graph from interaction based model to twin encoder based on representation model , Without additional reasoning costs .

The proposed VIRT The encoder adopts VIRT and VIRT Adapt to interaction strategies , The latest performance of the existing representation based model is implemented in multiple text matching tasks . Besides ,VIRT The existing representation based model is further improved .

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