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Why should Li Shufu personally take charge of building mobile phones?

2022-07-06 17:50:00 Advanced engineering intelligent vehicle

Li Shufu finally made a move on smartphones .

7 month 4 Japan , Hubei Xingji times Technology Co., Ltd ( hereinafter referred to as “ Star age ”) Officially announced that Xingji era holds Meizu Technology 79.09% The control of , And gain independent control of Meizu Technology .

According to the press conference , In the future, the products of Xingji era and Meizu will focus on Flyme operating system , And learn from Apple Carplay operating system , Empower the experience on the mobile phone to the smart car , Including empowering other terminals , Realize multi terminal 、 Full scene fusion experience goal .

Li Shufu, chairman of Geely Holding Group, continues to serve as chairman of Xingji era , He said , Future smart car 、 The track of smart phone industry is no longer monotonous , The two are no longer separate , It is a multi terminal for common users 、 The whole scene 、 The integration of immersive experience .

With millet 、 Apple 、 Huawei 、 Baidu and other mobile phone and Internet companies have set foot in “ Car making ”, Many car companies began to enter the mobile phone market in reverse , Geely and Weilai have also started cross-border mobile phone business , It means that vehicle machine interconnection is becoming a must for all parties .

More important, , Geely Automobile deeply integrates its mobile phone business with its automobile business , Next, in software development 、 Ecological construction 、 User sharing 、 Super synergy benefits brought by supply chain and cost , It is the important role of Geely Automobile in intelligent digital transformation .

Why should I connect my mobile phone with my car ?

Obviously , Cars and mobile phones will become the most important entrances to consumers' smart lives in the future .

The monitoring data of Intelligent Automobile Research Institute of Gaogong shows that ,2022 year 1-4 The Chinese market ( Excluding import and export ) The insurance coverage of the new car equipped with a digital networking cockpit in the front of the passenger car is 244.06 Thousands of cars , Year-on-year growth 28.36%; The front loading rate is 42.57%, The year-on-year increase was nearly 15 percentage . In terms of specific brand carrying capacity ranking , BYD 、 changan 、 Geely's three independent brands occupy the top three .

however , At present, users' demand for smart phones far exceeds that of smart cars , It has become the largest flow inlet , The data shows only 2022 year Q1, China's smartphone shipments exceed 7000 Ten thousand units , And China's passenger car sales in one year are only 2000 More than 10000 vehicles .

Connect the smart phone with the car scene , Realizing the close interaction between car phone and mobile phone software technology can not only bring better interactive experience . For car companies , It can also create an exclusive user ecosystem across borders in the future , Form a rich consumption scene .

At this stage, the more important significance lies in , User transformation and user data from the huge base of smart phones , It is a very valuable resource for car enterprises .

Better human-computer interaction mode and functional experience , To a large extent, it depends on the car companies' understanding of users , That is, the understanding of user data and user portraits .

Take it a step further , For car companies , Want to take the lead in the era of software defined cars in the future , Get valuable data , And then promote the digital closed loop , This is not only related to the future in car interactive experience , For example, the driving habits of car owners and the core underlying data of the vehicle during driving , Will design the products of car enterprises 、 Function development 、 Marketing and other aspects all produce marketing .

Not long ago, Apple released a new generation CarPlay( Car machine interconnection ) function , This also releases a clear signal . Based on brand new iOS 16, By taking over the entire Cockpit System , Control all screens in the vehicle , And car machine application and navigation from the beginning 、 Functions such as telephone are gradually extended to LCD meters ( Including reading the vehicle speed 、 speed 、 the oil level 、 Temperature and other data )、 Co driver interaction 、 Air conditioning and other body function control panels .

In addition to the apples , Huawei already exists in China 、 Baidu has long been in the game , Among them, baidu relies on the Android mobile phone camp 、 Under the advantage of low-cost access verification fees ,CarLife In the past few years, the wind and the water arose , The front loading capacity exceeds CarPlay.

The monitoring data of Intelligent Automobile Research Institute of Gaogong shows that ,2021 China's passenger car market in ( Excluding import and export ) The amount of insurance carried by the vehicle machine interconnection function is 1166.55 Thousands of cars , The loading rate of front loading reaches 57.19%.

At present, Huawei 、 millet 、 Apple, the major mobile phone giants, have opened up “ Car making ” Business , Corresponding , Car companies are also beginning to realize the importance of car machine interconnection , geely 、 Wei Lai began to enter the mobile terminal in reverse .

Just as Li Bin of Weilai automobile is responding to cross-border “ Mobile business ” Tense expression , Wei Lai's purpose of making mobile phones is not to make money , Nor does it want to compete directly with traditional mobile phone manufacturers , Instead, it provides an extension of automotive functions , Because Weilai users want a mobile phone that can better connect with Weilai cars .

At present “ 60% or more users of Weilai use Apple mobile phones ”. With apple announcing the car , As Li Bin said :“ Think 2025 year , The apple cart came out , We haven't made any preparations today , It's hard to do then .”

Achieve maximum synergy

As Li Shufu said , Through the layout of mobile phone business , The consumer electronics industry and the automotive industry are deeply integrated , Cross border build user ecological chain , It can realize super collaboration .

As the founder and leader of Geely , Li Shufu will take advantage of Geely's industrial advantages , And smartphone users 、 technology 、 Ecology can deeply fit automotive products , It can realize software and hardware supply chain 、 Technology platform 、 Ecology and other aspects of the largest resource synergy .

last year 9 month , Hubei Xingji era was officially registered , Among them, Li Shufu, chairman of Xingji era , Hold about 55%. meanwhile , Shanghai platinum star technology, which is controlled by the company, has been involved in the R & D and design of integrated circuits .

Most notably , In the same month as the star age , Geely Automobile announced that it had signed a strategic investment agreement with ecotone Technology , To pay for 5000 Million US dollars to lead the investment in Yikatong Technology B Round of funding .

In the past few years, ecotone has , The vehicle chip is realized 、 Smart cockpit 、 Intelligent driving 、 High precision map 、 Extensive layout of core technology products such as big data and Internet of vehicles cloud platform .

At present, ecotone has launched GKUI( Geke smart ecosystem ) It has been equipped with Geely 40 Several models , And launched the newly upgraded cockpit operating system Galaxy last year OS, It has been mass produced on Geely's models .

Meizu is developing embedded software on mobile terminals 、 Ability and experience in application software development , For ecotone and Geely , Are very beneficial resources .

Li Shufu also said , Mobile phone is a fast iterative portable mobile terminal , It is a software innovation application carrier that has been verified by a large number of markets . Mobile phones allow users to share innovative achievements as soon as possible , It's safe to 、 Some of the reliable achievements are transferred to automotive applications , Realize the close interaction between car phone and mobile phone software technology .

In the view of Gaogong intelligent vehicle , Besides software and ecology , Synergy benefits in the supply chain of core hardware platforms, such as chips , The same cannot be underestimated .

last year 7 month , Geely officially launched “ The Milky Way OS”, The system is based on Qualcomm Xiaolong 8155 Chip building . In the current smart cockpit market , Qualcomm is already a major player .

According to the data of Intelligent Automobile Research Institute of Gaogong ,2020 So far this year ( end 2022 year 4 End of month ), Qualcomm is equipped as standard in the front of passenger cars in the Chinese market 8155 The risk of new chip cars is close to 20 Thousands of cars , If you add the previous generation 820A, The total carrying capacity is more than 110 Thousands of cars .

According to Gaogong intelligent automobile , In the current car front loading market , Qualcomm chip prices are high , More importantly, the adoption of its chip platform often requires millions of dollars in license development entry fees .

Next , Based on the order volume from Meizu mobile phones , It will greatly enhance Geely's bargaining power over Qualcomm chips , Bring huge synergy benefits to the hardware platform supply chain . meanwhile , The chip layout of ecotone is also about to be implemented .

At the end of last year , Core engine technology, a subsidiary of ecotone, released the first domestic 7nm Intelligent cockpit chip “ Dragon Eagle One ”. It is expected that by the end of this year, it will take the lead in mass production of Geely's main models .

In times , You might as well imagine it boldly . The layout of Xingji era in the field of smart phones , Or it will open up a new market export for the chip business of ecotone .

2021 year 10 month ,“ Smart Geely 2025” Official release . In accordance with the plan , Geely Automobile wants to be in new energy 、 Autopilot 、 Intelligent networking 、 Build a self-developed ecosystem of the whole stack in core technology fields such as intelligent cockpit , Determined to transform into a digital technology company .

For Geely Group , From the flying car 、 LEO satellites , Chips to today's smart phones , Are the key nodes of its all-round intelligent Internet Ecosystem .



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