1. Jingtao commodity backstage realizes
1.1 Jingtao backstage table design
1.2 Get ready POJO object
1.3 Rich text editor Introduction
KindEditor It's an open source set HTML Visual editor , It is mainly used to let users get WYSIWYG editing effect , compatible IE、Firefox、Chrome、Safari、Opera Wait for mainstream browsers .
1.4 Reconstruct the operation of adding goods
1.4.1 edit ItemController
1.4.2 edit ItemService
1.5 Product details echo
1.5.1 Page analysis
1.5.2 edit ItemController
1.5.2 edit ItemController
1.5.3 Page effect display
1.6 Restructure the product, modify
1.6.1 edit ItemController
1.6.2 edit ItemService
1.6 Rebuild item delete
1.6.1 edit ItemService
2. Realize file upload operation
2.1 Introductory cases
2.1.1 Edit page
2.1.2 edit FileController
2.2 Package file upload VO object -imageVO
2.3 File upload
2.3.1 page url analysis
2. Get parameter name