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What are the useful real-time network traffic monitoring software
2022-08-02 21:32:00 【ManageEngine Zhuohao】
Real-time network traffic monitoring
When an enterprise network is busy, the overall bandwidth speed of applications in the network can drop dramatically.Monitoring network traffic in real time can help troubleshoot problems.Real-time network traffic monitoring tools collect IP-based network traffic data by closely monitoring the speed of incoming and outgoing data.Additionally, these tools can help network administrators monitor source and destination IPs to find out why bandwidth bottlenecks may occur.
Why monitor network traffic in real time
NetFlow Analyzer is a flow-based real-time network traffic monitor that provides network administrators the network visibility they need.Supported flows include NetFlow, sFlow, cFlow, J-Flow, NetStream, Appflow, and IPFIX.NetFlow Analyzer collects and analyzes NetFlow packets from network devices such as routers, switches, etc. and supports multiple vendors such as Cisco, 3COM, Juniper, Foundry Networks, HP, and Extreme.
NetFlow Analyzer can be used to monitor key network traffic metrics such as network speed, top sessions, bandwidthUtilization and main usage time.This real-time network traffic monitoring software is simple to deploy and easy to use.After installation, set up network devices to export flow data to NetFlow Analyzer.Within minutes, traffic maps are drawn, digital reports are automatically generated, and you're all set to monitor traffic on your network.
How to monitor network traffic in real time
Netflow Analyzer provides network administrators with a real-time traffic graph with different views such as bar graph, line graph and area graph.These graphs have separate tabs for volume, velocity, utilization, and packets, so these graphs are updated each time the flow ends (1 minute interval).
Live traffic images
Traffic monitoring by source/destination
Session reports in this real-time traffic monitoring tool allow network administrators to see the source and destination IPs associated with each session corresponding to any protocol.The report helps IT teams prioritize bandwidth between business-critical and standard applications.
Traffic via application/port/protocolMonitoring
Netflow Analyzer allows network administrators to perform statistical analysis of the network by analyzing each application one by one, viewing bandwidth usage per protocol to help pinpoint abnormal behavior, harmful applications and IPs consuming valuable network bandwidth.
NetFlow AnalyzerWhyMore than just a basic real-time network traffic monitoring software
Customizable Dashboard
As a real-time network traffic monitoring solution, providing an overview of network bandwidth usage plays a vital role in keeping the network up and running.NetFlow Analyzer's customizable dashboard allows network administrators to prioritize widgets on the client's home screen.
Interface layer monitoring
Gain vital visibility into network interfaces to view key network traffic statistics such as application traffic, DSCP values, and class-based service policy (QoS) efficiency for traffic.
Alerts and notifications
NetFlow Analyzer generates alerts and notifies IT teams whenever traffic utilization exceeds predefined threshold settings.Configure these thresholds based on utilization, duration and frequency (for IP and application).
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