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China vanadium battery Market Research and future prospects report (2022 Edition)

2022-07-06 08:26:00 lmcmr

Content abstract :

Vanadium flow battery is a kind of battery that uses the valence change of vanadium ions to store and release electric energy , It has good security 、 Large scale of energy storage 、 Long life 、 Life cycle cost-effective 、 Electrolyte can be recycled 、 Environment friendly and so on .

As a product in the early stage of industrialization , Few enterprises in the world can provide mature commercial products . All vanadium flow battery manufacturers worldwide mainly include Sumitomo Electric Co., Ltd 、 Dalian Rongke energy storage technology development Co., Ltd 、 The United States UniEnergy Technologies Company and Austria Gildemeister company .

At present, domestic vanadium flow battery national demonstration projects are widely used , But the road of comprehensive commercial promotion is tortuous . The core reason is that vanadium battery is an important part —— The production cost of vanadium electrolyte cannot be controlled .

There is still a long way to go for domestic vanadium batteries to fully replace lithium batteries , The national energy storage industry support policy is holistic , There is no separate target for vanadium battery products . In the field of vanadium battery development , Now many capital and enterprises want to enter the vanadium battery industry . Although there are several vanadium battery demonstration enterprises in China , However, there is no core vanadium battery enterprise and technology in China . Domestic vanadium battery enterprises are continuing on the original technology , There is no new research and development technology for vanadium batteries , At the same time, the cohesion of related vanadium battery enterprises is not enough .

“ the 14th Five-Year Plan ” period , China's all vanadium flow battery will usher in a large-scale promotion opportunity . It is predicted that ,10 Megawatt flow battery energy storage technology project , Will generate electricity in photovoltaic 、 Wind power generation 、 Smart grid 、 Transportation, military and other fields have good application prospects .

Chapter one Overview of all vanadium flow battery industry

   Section 1 Concept and principle of all vanadium flow battery

     One 、 Definition of all vanadium flow battery

     Two 、 All vanadium flow battery features

     3、 ... and 、 Advantages and working principle of all vanadium flow battery

   In the second quarter Application field of all vanadium flow battery

     One 、 Wind power generation

     Two 、 Photovoltaic power generation

     3、 ... and 、 Communication base station

     Four 、UPS Power Supply

   In the third quarter All vanadium flow battery system components

     One 、 Control system

     Two 、 Power conversion system

     3、 ... and 、 Vanadium electrolyte and storage tank

     Four 、 Battery stack

     5、 ... and 、 overall design

Chapter two Overall analysis of all vanadium flow battery industry

   Section 1 Overview of the development of China's all vanadium flow battery industry

     One 、 The strategic significance of developing all vanadium flow battery in China

     Two 、 Commercialization of all vanadium flow batteries in China

     3、 ... and 、 Development process of all vanadium flow battery standard in China

     Four 、 China has successfully developed high-efficiency and environment-friendly vanadium flow battery

     5、 ... and 、 All vanadium flow battery industrialization market mode

   In the second quarter The main commercial application projects of all vanadium flow battery in China

   In the third quarter The main commercial project of the latest all vanadium flow battery in China

     One 、 Dalian construction 800MWh Large vanadium flow battery energy storage peak shaving power station

     Two 、 Zhang Bei 8MWh All vanadium flow battery energy storage project

     3、 ... and 、 The construction scale of Dalian, Liaoning Province is 200 mw /800 Mega project

The third chapter Upstream industry analysis of all vanadium flow battery

   Section 1 Vanadium resources

     One 、 World vanadium resource reserves

     Two 、 Distribution of vanadium resources in China

   In the second quarter Supply and utilization of vanadium ore

     One 、 The main source of vanadium supply

     Two 、 Consumption of vanadium industry

   In the third quarter Effect of vanadium product price on all vanadium flow battery

     One 、 Vanadium is the core basic material of all vanadium flow battery

     Two 、 The impact of vanadium price fluctuation on the cost of all vanadium flow battery

     3、 ... and 、 The competitive cost of all vanadium flow battery in the energy storage market

   The fourth quarter, Development Countermeasures of all vanadium flow battery enterprises under high vanadium price

Chapter four Analysis of downstream industry of all vanadium flow battery

   Section 1 Wind power generation

     One 、 Current situation of China's wind power industry

     Two 、 Application of all vanadium flow battery technology in wind farm

   In the second quarter Photovoltaic power generation

     One 、 A summary of the development of China's optoelectronic industry

     Two 、 Application of all vanadium liquid flow battery in photovoltaic power generation system

   In the third quarter Power grid peak shaving

     One 、 Power grid peak shaving

     Two 、 The potential of all vanadium flow battery in peak load regulation of power grid

   The fourth quarter, Communication base station

     One 、 Application of all vanadium flow battery in communication field

     Two 、 The scale of base station construction in China

   Section 5 UPS Power Supply

   Section 6 Distributed power stations

   Section 7 Military power storage

The fifth chapter Research progress of all vanadium flow battery technology

   Section 1 Research and development status of all vanadium flow battery technology at home and abroad

     One 、 The development process of all vanadium flow battery technology abroad

     Two 、 Research and development status of all vanadium flow battery technology in China

     3、 ... and 、 All vanadium flow battery research electrolyte Technology

     Four 、 Diaphragm technology of all vanadium flow battery

     5、 ... and 、 Electrode material technology of all vanadium flow battery

   In the second quarter The main research institute of all vanadium flow battery technology in China

     One 、 Technical analysis of all vanadium flow battery of China Academy of Engineering Physics

     Two 、 Technical analysis of all vanadium flow battery in Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics

   In the third quarter 2018-2020 Cost analysis of vanadium flow battery in

   The fourth quarter, Research on production technology and input of all vanadium flow battery

Chapter six Market competition analysis of China's all vanadium flow battery

   Section 1 Problems in the competition of all vanadium flow batteries in China

     One 、 The production cost of vanadium electrolyte is high

     Two 、 The research and development of all vanadium flow battery is difficult

   In the second quarter Analysis of market concentration of all vanadium flow battery in China

   In the third quarter Competition analysis between vanadium flow battery and alternatives

     One 、 Lithium ion battery

     Two 、 Nickel metal hydride battery

     3、 ... and 、 Lead acid battery

   The fourth quarter, 2021-2026 China's all vanadium flow battery competition trend in

Chapter vii. Key enterprises in China's all vanadium flow battery industry

   Section 1 Beijing Puneng Century Technology Co., Ltd

     One 、 Company profile

     Two 、 Business analysis of all vanadium flow battery

     3、 ... and 、 Analysis of enterprise operation

     Four 、 Analysis of enterprise development strategy

   In the second quarter Dalian Rongke energy storage technology development Co., Ltd

     One 、 Overview of enterprise development

     Two 、 Enterprise product structure analysis

     3、 ... and 、 Analysis of enterprise operation

     Four 、 Analysis of enterprise development strategy

   In the third quarter Dalian Borong new materials Co., Ltd

     One 、 Overview of enterprise development

     Two 、 Enterprise product structure analysis

     3、 ... and 、 Analysis of enterprise operation

     Four 、 Analysis of enterprise development strategy

   The fourth quarter, Beijing Jinneng fuel cell Co., Ltd

     One 、 Overview of enterprise development

     Two 、 Enterprise product structure analysis

     3、 ... and 、 Analysis of enterprise operation

     Four 、 Analysis of enterprise development strategy

   Section 5 Shanghai Shenli Technology Co., Ltd

     One 、 Overview of enterprise development

     Two 、 Enterprise product structure analysis

     3、 ... and 、 Analysis of enterprise operation

     Four 、 Analysis of enterprise development strategy

Chapter viii. Market investment analysis of all vanadium flow battery

   Section 1 Investment potential of all vanadium flow battery market

     One 、 The external environment

     Two 、 Investment opportunities

     3、 ... and 、 Investment value

   In the second quarter All vanadium flow battery market investment risks and strategies

     One 、 Technical risk analysis

     Two 、 Downstream demand risk

     3、 ... and 、 Price risk

   In the third quarter Investment strategy of all vanadium flow battery project

     One 、 Take ion exchange membrane as the core weapon

     Two 、 Win customer recognition in multiple directions

     3、 ... and 、 Work steadfastly and finance steadily

     Four 、 Industrialization is close at hand

   The fourth quarter, Introduction of typical application cases of vanadium flow battery abroad

     One 、 Utah Castle Valley project

     Two 、 Australia King lsland project

     3、 ... and 、 Sapporo project in Hokkaido, Japan

     Four 、 Kenya remote base station project

Chapter nine Market prospect forecast of all vanadium flow battery

   Section 1 2021-2026 Prediction of the development scale of the global vanadium flow battery market in

   In the second quarter 2021-2026 Market scale forecast of China's all vanadium flow battery in

   In the third quarter Prospect of China's all vanadium flow battery application market

   The fourth quarter, Future technology prediction of all vanadium flow battery in China

   Section 5 Analysis of all vanadium flow battery application projects in China in the future

     One 、 Renewable energy power generation

     Two 、 Distributed generation and intelligent microgrid applications

     3、 ... and 、 Application in power supply field in areas without mains supply

     Four 、 Conclusion

