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Convolution, pooling, activation function, initialization, normalization, regularization, learning rate - Summary of deep learning foundation

2022-07-06 07:59:00 The story has turned several pages

I have the honor to read the book of big brother Yan Yousan 《 The model design of deep learning 》, Here are my reading notes , For reference only , You have to read the original work for details , Please correct the mistakes . The following three pictures are from Zhihu .

《 The model design of deep learning 》 Reading notes —— Chapter two : The foundation of deep learning

List of articles

2.1 Limitations of fully connected neural networks

2.2.1 Defects of learning principles

  Traditional machine learning requires artificial design of feature description operators , But people are limited after all , This limits the expression ability of the traditional fully connected neural network in principle , It can only solve relatively simple problems .

2.2.2 Structural defects of fully connected neural networks

  • Huge amount of calculation
  • Lack of structural information

2.2.3 High performance traditional machine learning algorithm

  • Adaboost
  • SVM

2.2 Study the brief history of the third Renaissance in depth

2.2.1 The Internet and big data are coming

  The birth of large data sets , Many machine learning models have enough data to train models with good generalization performance .

2.2.2GPU The popularity of

1. What is? GPU

  • Definition :GPU(Graphics Processing Unit) Graphics processor .
  • characteristic :GPU Using a large number of computing units and ultra long pipeline , And it saves Cache.

2.GPU Architecture and software platform
 GPU Programmable .
 GPU Development stage : Fixed function architecture stage ⇒ \Rightarrow Separate the rendering architecture stage ⇒ \Rightarrow Unified rendering architecture stage

3.GPU And CPU Computational power comparison
 (1)GPU The floating-point operation ability of is CPU More than ten times .
 (2)GPU It has high-speed and wide independent video memory ; High floating point performance ; Strong geometric processing ability ; Suitable for processing parallel computing tasks ; Suitable for repeated calculation ; Suitable for image or video processing tasks ; It can greatly reduce the system cost .

2.2.3 The deep neural network is gorgeous

A little

2.2.4 A major breakthrough in speech recognition

A little

2.2.5 A major breakthrough in image recognition

ZFNet( deconvolution )(2013) ⇒ \Rightarrow GoogLeNet(Inception)&VGGNet(2014) ⇒ \Rightarrow ResNet(2015) ⇒ \Rightarrow ResNeXt( Grouping convolution )&DenseNet(2016) ⇒ \Rightarrow SeNet(2017)

2.2.6 A major breakthrough in natural language processing

LSTM(2014) ⇒ \Rightarrow Attention mechanism (2014) ⇒ \Rightarrow Transformer(2017) ⇒ \Rightarrow ELMO(2017) ⇒ \Rightarrow GPT(2018) ⇒ \Rightarrow GPT2.0(2019) ⇒ \Rightarrow XLNet(2019)

2.3 The basis of convolutional neural network

2.3.1 Convolution operation

1. Mathematical convolution :

among ( x ∗ w ) ( t ) (x*w)(t) (xw)(t) be called x x x and w w w Convolution of
Continuous definition : ( x ∗ w ) ( t ) = ∫ − ∞ + ∞ f ( τ ) g ( t − τ ) d τ (x*w)(t)=\int_{-\infty}^{+\infty}f(\tau)g(t-\tau)d\tau (xw)(t)=+f(τ)g(tτ)dτ
The definition of discreteness : ( x ∗ w ) ( t ) = ∑ − ∞ + ∞ f ( τ ) g ( t − τ ) (x*w)(t)=\sum_{-\infty}^{+\infty}f(\tau)g(t-\tau) (xw)(t)=+f(τ)g(tτ)

2. Convolution of two-dimensional graphics :

( x ∗ w ) ( i , j ) = ∑ m ∑ n x ( m , n ) w ( i − m , j − n ) (x*w)(i,j)=\sum_m\sum_n x(m,n)w(i-m,j-n) (xw)(i,j)=mnx(m,n)w(im,jn)

among x x x Indicates input w w w Convolution kernel .
To put it bluntly , Convolution is sliding on the image , Take a region equal in size to the convolution kernel , Multiply pixel by pixel and add .
I add : There are also three modes in convolution :
1.full mode
 Insert picture description here

full The pattern means , from filter and image Just started convolution , The white part is filled with 0.filter The range of motion is shown in the figure .
2.same mode
 Insert picture description here

When filter Center of (K) And image When the edges and corners coincide , Start convolution , so filter The range of motion is larger than full The pattern is a little smaller . Be careful : there same There is another meaning , Output after convolution feature map The size remains the same ( Relative to the input picture ). Of course ,same Mode does not mean that the input and output dimensions are the same , It also has something to do with the step size of the convolution kernel .same Patterns are also the most common patterns , Because this mode can keep the size of the feature graph unchanged in the process of forward propagation , The parameter adjuster does not need to accurately calculate its size change ( Because the size hasn't changed at all ).
3.valid mode
 Insert picture description here

When filter All in image When it's inside , Do convolution , so filter The moving range of the is same Smaller .

2.3.2 Deconvolution operation

Convolution usually causes resolution reduction , Deconvolution is just the opposite .
actually , There is no such operation as deconvolution , Currently in DeepLearning There are mainly two ways to realize deconvolution —— Interpolation and transpose convolution

1. Interpolation method

Four points are known Q 11 = ( x 1 , y 1 ) , Q 12 = ( x 1 , y 2 ) , Q 21 = ( x 2 , y 1 ) , Q 22 = ( x 2 , y 2 ) Q_{11}=(x_1,y_1),Q_{12}=(x_1,y_2),Q_{21}=(x_2,y_1),Q_{22}=(x_2,y_2) Q11=(x1,y1),Q12=(x1,y2),Q21=(x2,y1),Q22=(x2,y2)
Yes x x x Linear difference in direction :
f ( x , y 1 ) ≈ x 2 − x x 2 − x 1 f ( Q 11 ) + x − x 1 x 2 − x 1 f ( Q 21 ) f(x,y_1)\approx \dfrac{x_2-x}{x_2-x_1} f(Q_{11}) + \dfrac{x-x_1}{x_2-x_1}f(Q_{21}) f(x,y1)x2x1x2xf(Q11)+x2x1xx1f(Q21)
f ( x , y 2 ) ≈ x 2 − x x 2 − x 1 f ( Q 12 ) + x − x 1 x 2 − x 1 f ( Q 22 ) f(x,y_2)\approx \dfrac{x_2-x}{x_2-x_1} f(Q_{12}) + \dfrac{x-x_1}{x_2-x_1}f(Q_{22}) f(x,y2)x2x1x2xf(Q12)+x2x1xx1f(Q22)
Then on y y y Linear difference in direction :
f ( x , y ) ≈ y 2 − y y 2 − y 1 f ( x , y 1 ) + y − y 1 y 2 − y 1 f ( x , y 2 ) f(x,y)\approx \dfrac{y_2-y}{y_2-y_1} f(x,y_1) + \dfrac{y-y_1}{y_2-y_1}f(x,y_2) f(x,y)y2y1y2yf(x,y1)+y2y1yy1f(x,y2)
First pair y The direction is again right x The result of directional interpolation is the same .

2. Transposition convolution ( deconvolution )

In fact, it is also a convolution operation , Use the same code as convolution .
In practice , First calculate Up sampling magnification ( transport Out ruler " transport Enter into ruler " \dfrac{ Output size }{ Enter dimensions } transport Enter into ruler " transport Out ruler " ). According to Step Size and Boundary supplement To transform the initial input . Then use the same method as convolution to learn parameters .

2.3.3 Basic concept of convolutional neural network

1. Feel the field

stay CNN in , It is a mapping of the input layer corresponding to an element of the output result of a certain layer , That is, the area on the input image corresponding to a point on the feature plane .
If the size of a neuron is affected by the upper layer N × N N \times N N×N The influence of neuronal regions , So the receptive field of this neuron is N × N N \times N N×N, Because it reacts N × N N \times N N×N Regional information .

2. Pooling

Realization way :

1. step Not for 1 Convolution of ;
2. Direct sampling .

The pooling layer can compress the input feature plane , Sure :

1. Make the feature plane smaller , Simplify network computing complexity ;
2. Extract the main features .

Common pooling is :

Average Pooling、Max Pooling.

2.3.4 The core idea of convolutional neural network

1. Sparse connection

Most of the neurons in the anterior and posterior layers are connected locally .
The source of thought : Physiological receptive field mechanism and Local statistical properties of images

2. Weight sharing

Weight sharing in the same feature plane .
The information learned in the local area of the image can be applied to other areas , So that the same target can extract the same features in different positions .

3. Can model image structure information

The preservation of spatial relations is CNN The basis for extracting robust features

2.3.5 CNN Basic structure configuration of

  • Input layer : Contains basic operations : If you go to the mean value , Gray normalization
  • Convolution layer
  • Activation layer : Select and suppress features
  • Pooling layer : Reduce the resolution and abstract features of the plane ; Compress network parameters and data , Reduce over fitting
  • Fully connected layer
  • Loss layer ; Define the loss objective function ( Such as SGD), Find the parameter value of the minimization loss function ( The input of the loss layer is the output of the network and the real label )
  • Precision layer : The input is the output of the network and the real label

2.4.1 Activation model and common activation functions

1. Linear model and threshold model

2. Activation function

  • Sigmoid: f ( x ) = 1 1 + e − x f(x)=\dfrac{1}{1+e^{-x}} f(x)=1+ex1
  • Tanh: f ( x ) = e x − e − x e x + e − x f(x)=\dfrac{e^{x}-e^{-x}}{e^{x}+e^{-x}} f(x)=ex+exexex It's solved Sigmoid The output value of the function does not begin with 0 Centered problem
  • ReLU
  • Leaky ReLU: f ( x ) = m a x ( 0.01 x , x ) f(x)=max(0.01x,x) f(x)=max(0.01x,x), It's solved Dead ReLU problem , But it has not been completely proved to be better than ReLU
  • PreLU: take Leaky ReLU Medium α \alpha α Set as a parameter that can be learned
  • Maxout: y = m a x ( a k ) = m a x ( w 1 T x + b 1 , w 2 T x + b 2 , . . . , w n T x + b n ) y=max(a_k)=max(w_1^Tx+b_1,w_2^Tx+b_2,...,w_n^Tx+b_n) y=max(ak)=max(w1Tx+b1,w2Tx+b2,...,wnTx+bn) Consider adding an activation function layer to the network , It contains a parameter k, The special thing is that k Neurons , And output the maximum activation value .
    have ReLU All the advantages of functions , There are no shortcomings .
    Can fit any convex function .
    and Dropout The combined use effect is better .
  • Softmax: f ( x 1 ) = e x i ∑ k = 1 K e x k f(x_1)=\dfrac{e^{x_i}}{\sum^{K}_{k=1}e^{x_k}} f(x1)=k=1Kexkexi As Sigmoid The generalized form of .
  • Swish: f ( x ) = x ∗ S i g m o i d ( β x ) f(x)=x*Sigmoid(\beta x) f(x)=xSigmoid(βx) , It is an activation function automatically searched by the network , among β \beta β Is a parameter or constant that can be learned .

3. Research direction of activation function

1. Yes ReLU Improve the negative region of the function
2. Study different activation strategies for different network layers 、 The impact of different channel use
3. Use various learning methods to explore simple combinations
at present ,ReLU Functions are still the most common .

2.4.2 Parameter initialization method

principle :

  • The activation value of each layer will not be saturated
  • The activation value of each layer is not 0

Ideal initialization : Make the activation value of each layer consistent with the variance of the state gradient in the propagation process

1. Initialize to 0

Not conducive to optimization

2. Generate small random numbers

Gaussian distribution can be used
The initial value of the parameter cannot be too small : Smaller parameters will cause too small gradients when propagating , For deep Networks , Will produce gradient dispersion .
The initial value of the parameter cannot be too large : Cause oscillation , Also can make Sigmoid Enter the gradient saturation zone .

3. Standard initialization

4.Xavier initialization

5.MSRA initialization

6. Use of initialization methods

  • Use a trained model ( The best initialization method )
  • Choose a better activation function :
    MSRA Initialization method +ReLU Series collocation —— The current mainstream

2.4.3 Normalization method

Definition : Normalization is to constrain data to a fixed distribution range .


  • Linear contrast stretch : X = x − x m i n x − x m a x X=\dfrac{x-x_{min}}{x-x_{max}} X=xxmaxxxmin , among x m i n x_{min} xmin and x m a x x_{max} xmax They are the minimum and maximum gray values .
  • Histogram equalization : Let one transform from random distribution to [0,1] Uniformly distributed transformation .

    Transformation steps :

    (1) Calculate cumulative probability distribution , c d p ( r k ) cdp(r_k) cdp(rk) Indicates that the gray scale is 0 − r k 0-r_k 0rk The probability of pixels . c d p ( L − 1 ) = 1 cdp(L-1)=1 cdp(L1)=1. c d p ( r k ) = ∑ i = 0 L − 1 p ( r k ) , k = 0 , 1 , 2... L − 1 cdp(r_k)=\sum^{L-1}_{i=0}p(r_k),k=0,1,2...L-1 cdp(rk)=i=0L1p(rk),k=0,1,2...L1

    (2) Create a uniform distribution , Convert the cumulative probability distribution to the pixel range of the image , The transformation relation is : T ( r k ) = r o u n d ( c d p ( r k ) ∗ 255 + 0.5 ) T(r_k)=round(cdp(r_k)*255+0.5) T(rk)=round(cdp(rk)255+0.5), among r o u n d round round Indicates rounding operation . T ( r k ) T(r_k) T(rk) stay ( 0 , 255 ) Inside (0,255) Inside (0,255) Inside

    (3) Reverse mapping , New pixel gray value after transformation y y y With the original pixel gray value x x x The transformation relation of is y = T ( x ) y=T(x) y=T(x)
  • Zero mean normalization : The average value of the processed data is 0, The standard deviation is 1 The standard normal distribution of . y i = x i − u δ y_i=\dfrac{x_i - u}{\delta} yi=δxiu

2.Batch Normalization

Usually BN The layer is behind the convolution layer , Used to redistribute data .

ensp Average value of each batch : u B = 1 n ∑ i = 1 n x i u_B = \dfrac{1}{n} \sum^n_{i=1} x_i uB=n1i=1nxi

Variance of each batch :$\delta^2_B = \dfrac{1}{n} \sum^n_{i=1} (x_i-u_B)^2 $

Normalize each element : x i ′ = x i − u B δ B 2 + ε x^{'}_i = \dfrac{x_i-u_B}{\sqrt{\delta^2_B+\varepsilon}} xi=δB2+εxiuB

Scaling and shifting : y i = γ i × x i ′ + β i y_i = \gamma_i \times x^{'}_i + \beta_i yi=γi×xi+βi, among , γ \gamma γ and β \beta β Represents the variance and offset of the input data distribution .

CNN Each characteristic dimension of ( passageway ) Between , It is conducted separately BN Calculated .
BN The benefits of :1. Reduce the dependence on the initial value 2. Faster training , You can use a higher learning rate
BN The shortcomings of : rely on Batch Size , When Batch It's worth a lot of time , The calculated mean and variance are unstable . Therefore, it is not suitable for 1.Batch A very small 2. A model with variable depth , Such as RNN

3.Batch Renormalization

BN With each Batch To replace the mean and variance of the overall training set , This requires Batch Samples must be taken evenly from all types , When Batch When the value is small, it is difficult to meet this requirement .
and Batch Renormalization And then we can solve this problem .
take BN Change the corresponding formula in :
x i ′ = x i − u B δ β . r + d x^{'}_i = \dfrac{x_i- u_B}{\delta_{\beta}}. r + d xi=δβxiuB.r+d

among r = δ β δ r=\dfrac{\delta_\beta}{\delta} r=δδβ, d = u β − u δ d=\dfrac{u_\beta-u}{\delta} d=δuβu

among u : = u + α ( u β − u ) u:=u+\alpha(u_\beta-u) u:=u+α(uβu), δ : = δ + α ( u β − δ ) \delta:=\delta+\alpha(u_\beta-\delta) δ:=δ+α(uβδ)

In practice , First use BN Train the network to a relatively stable moving average , Reuse Batch Renormalization Training .

4.BN variant

  • Layer Normalization(LN): Apply to RNN Equal time series model
  • Instance Normalization(IN): Suitable for image generation and style transfer
  • Generalized Normalization(GN): Apply to Batch smaller
  • Switchable Normalization(SN): Choose from the pool containing the normalization method , And then compare the accuracy to select the best , Finally, the best configuration is learned adaptively in the task . The specific result may be : When the batch processing is smaller ,BN The more unstable , The smaller the corresponding weight coefficient ,IN and LN The larger the weight coefficient of ; conversely BN The larger the weight coefficient of ( A bit like a random forest ).

2.4.4 Pooling

1. Based on the scheme of manually designing pooling

  • Average Pooling
  • Max Pooling
  • Mixed Pooling: stay Average Pooling and Max Pooling Random selection in , It can provide certain regularization ability
  • Stochastic Pooling: Yes feature map The elements in are randomly selected according to the size of the probability value , The probability of an element being selected is positively correlated with its value .

2. Data driven pooling scheme

Under study

3. Understanding of pooling mechanism

effect : Translation invariance is increased to a certain extent
It doesn't play a big role in the deep network , What is really useful is data enhancement .

2.4.5 Optimization method —— Optimizer

  • SGD(Stochastic Gradient Descent): Only one sample is selected at a time for gradient calculation
  • RMSProp
  • AdaGrad
  • NAG(Nesterov Accelerated Gradient)
  • Adam: It's essentially a momentum term REMSProp
  • Adamax: The upper limit of learning rate provides a simpler range
  • Nadam: with Nesterov Of momentum terms Adam
  • Newton method
  • Quasi Newton method
  • conjugate gradient method

2.4.6 Learning rate strategy

The more late in training , The lower the learning rate , Contribute to the stability of convergence

  • Fixed: Fixed learning rate strategy
  • Step: Adjust the learning rate according to the specified step . Such as : Learning rate every time 10000 After the second iteration, it is reduced to the original 0.1 times
  • Multistep: Non uniform step size reduction strategy
  • Exp: Index change strategy
  • Inv: Another index change strategy
  • Poly: Another index change strategy
  • Sigmoid

2.4.7 Regularization method

1. Over fitting and under fitting

  • Over fitting (Overfitting): The data set is very small or The model is too big —— resolvent : Regularization and data expansion
  • Under fitting (Underfitting): Not trained enough

2. Regularization

  • Regularization (Regularization): The goal is : Let experience risk and model complexity be smaller at the same time . effect : The generalization error is reduced by increasing the error of the training set .

3. Early stop

After the verification error no longer increases , Finish training early
Strategies for making full use of training data sets :1. Train all training data together for a fixed number of iterations 2. Iterative training process , Until the training error is less than the verification error of the early stop strategy setting .

4. Model integration

  • Model Ensemble Methods: Combine the results of multiple models to get a better model
  • dropout

5. Parameter penalty

6. Training sample expansion

  • CV in : Rotate the picture 、 The zoom 、 Translation, etc
  • NLP in : Synonym replacement, etc
  • In speech recognition : Add random noise, etc

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