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Risk planning and identification of Oracle project management system

2022-07-06 07:38:00 Siwicloud

The beginning of the volume

By defining the scope of the project , The scope of the project can be clarified , Break down the tasks of the project into more specific 、 More manageable , Avoid risks caused by omission .

Program Overview

Project risk management refers to risk identification 、 Risk analysis and risk evaluation to understand the risks of the project , On this basis, we should reasonably use various risk response measures 、 Management methods, techniques and means , Effectively control the risks of the project , Properly handle the adverse consequences caused by risk events , The management work to ensure the realization of the overall objectives of the project at the least cost . By defining the scope of the project , The scope of the project can be clarified , Break down the tasks of the project into more specific 、 More manageable , Avoid risks caused by omission . In the course of the project , Changes are inevitable , Change will bring some new uncertainties , Risk management can be achieved by identifying risks 、 Analyze to evaluate these uncertainties , So as to propose tasks to project scope management .

The business architecture of the risk management module is shown in the figure below :

The risk management module of this system can provide basic risk management , Include : Risk identification , assessment 、 analysis 、 relieve 、 Monitoring etc. .

The risk management in the system is divided into two parts: the establishment of risk base and the quantitative analysis of project stability . The establishment of risk database is the systematic enterprise data , The risk category used to establish the plan identified in advance 、 Risk scoring matrix and other information . Project risk is the risk page in the project module , In this page , Project risks can be identified 、 analysis 、 Relate the work and prepare the corresponding plan .

Risk planning

In the project initiation and implementation stage , Through the analysis of historical data , Understand the main risks faced by this project , And carry out risk planning for .

Risk identification

According to the definition and description of the project 、 The completion plan and individual plan arrangement of the project, as well as various historical information and experience , Use the project risk checklist method 、 Process analysis 、 Expert judgment and meeting discussion , Identify internal and external risks of the project , And analyze the possible consequences . This is a project management work to reduce the possible losses of the project . Decompose the identified risks into WBS In the work package , Make risk management throughout the project .

chart : Risk identification matrix

ORACLE The risk management module can guide risk managers to quickly establish a risk list , Define risk scoring criteria 、 Enter qualitative risk assessment criteria , And link risks with project operations , So as to guide the evaluation of quantitative analysis .

