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The city chain technology Digital Innovation Strategy Summit was successfully held

2022-07-05 19:26:00 Information fast track

recently , Held by city chain technology 2022 The annual Digital Innovation Strategy Summit has been successfully concluded .

This conference focuses on the latest development trends and cutting-edge technological trends of city chain technology , Focus on showing the upgrading of industrial consumption 、 Blockchain + New technologies in other fields 、 New products , And the city chain technology in the economy 、 Social and other fields 、 The latest application achievements of digital reform in various industries .


meanwhile , The conference invited a number of industry celebrities to help . They will use professional blockchain knowledge , From the origin of blockchain 、 A comprehensive analysis of the development and its impact on the future business , Let participants really realize the value of Technology 、 Wealth power of innovative business . As a new consumption co construction platform for national commerce based on the digital economy model , City chain technology will have more possibilities in the new commercial track .

The emergence of blockchain Technology , It is a great revolution in the era of digital technology . Blockchain is developing rapidly , It is a new generation of information technology after the Internet . Blockchain technology is considered to be the most disruptive innovative technology in the fourth industrial revolution .

As a redefinitor of e-commerce shopping , City chain technology in blockchain Technology + The application of e-commerce has been actively practiced , Through the business form of digital economy and Internet e-commerce , Use the product service system of city chain technology , Realize the transformation from information Internet e-commerce to value Internet Chain Commerce .


City chain technology , It is breaking through the miscellaneous supply of traditional e-commerce 、 High cost and other pain points 、 Break down data and information barriers , Reshaping production relations , Help upgrade traditional real industries , Improve industrial efficiency . City chain technology integrates upstream and downstream resources , Build a set of suppliers —— The sales side —— Efficient collaborative industrial supply chain on the consumer side , Further promote the landing of diversified scenes , Product traceability 、 Blockchain Technology + Online retailers 、 Revitalize the digital chain of small and medium-sized enterprises and change a variety of ecological services , Establish a virtuous circle of blockchain business civilization ecosystem .


In the city chain science and technology ecosystem , All transaction data are linked , Bang for the buck , Transparent trading , Visual product supply chain management , Let consumers 、 supplier 、 No worries , Protect the rights and interests of different groups , Sharing consumption mechanism benefits users , Deliver, share, win-win, share value , Make human life better .

City chain technology is about to create the next business miracle , On e-commerce platform 、 Industrial application 、 Fruitful achievements have been made in physical landing and other aspects . Make great contributions to the continuous evolution of blockchain and the new development of digital economy . City chain technology , Enabling industrial innovation and integrated application of blockchain , Accelerate the establishment of blockchain Technology + The industry benchmark of e-commerce , Build a value chain ecosystem between e-commerce and entities , Contribute to the upgrading and development of traditional e-commerce and real industries !


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