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Fuzor 2020 software installation package download and installation tutorial

2022-07-05 19:08:00 51CTO

Fuzor 2020 Introduction :

Fuzor 2020 Is a product that can BIMVR Technology and 4D Comprehensive platform level software with deep integration of construction simulation technology , Its unique feature is that it can communicate with Revit,ArchiCAD And other modeling software , Provide an integrated design environment for professionals , So that we can better create value , And no matter the design enterprise 、 construction enterprises 、 Even developers , This software can bring great value to it .

Fuzor 2020 Software download :

[ Software name ]:Fuzor 2020

[ Software size ]:6.05G

[ Software language ]: Chinese simplified

[ System environment ]:Win7/Win8/Win10/Win11

[ Download address ①]: Baidu search :71 The box

[ Pre installation work ]: During the installation process, the network must be disconnected and the anti-virus software must be closed , Otherwise, the installation will fail .

Fuzor 2020 Software installation tutorial :

1. Open the download Fuzor Software installation package , Right click the compressed package and select 【 Unzip to the current folder 】.

Fuzor 2020 Software installation package download and installation tutorial _Fuzor 2020

2. Wait for the decompression of the compressed package to complete .

Fuzor 2020 Software installation package download and installation tutorial _Fuzor 2020_02

3. Open the unzipped 【Fuzor 2020】 Folder .

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4. Double-click on the run 【 The first 1 Step : install Fuzor-2020.msi】 Erection sequence .

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5. Click on 【Next】.

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6. Check 【I accept the……】, And then click 【Next】.

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7. Click on 【Change】 Set the installation path of the software , self-setting , In the tutorial, install to D Disk in a new folder , After setting the installation path, click 【Next】.

reminder :

Here, you must remember the installation path you set , The suggestions are consistent with those in the tutorial , Because the later activation prevents you from making mistakes .

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8. Please wait while the software is installed .

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9. Pop up the window as shown in the following figure and click 【OK】.

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10. Click... After installation 【Finish】.

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11. Click on 【No】.

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12. Return to the extracted 【Fuzor 2020】 In the folder , Right mouse click 【 The first 2 Step : install Fuzor Patch 】 File selection 【 Run as administrator 】.

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13. Click Browse to select fuzor Installation path of software ( Refer to the first 7 step ).

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14. Click on 【 This computer 】.

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15. an D disc .

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16. an 【Fuzor 2020】 Folder .

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17. Choose 【Fuzor 2020 Virtual Design Construction】 Folder , And then click 【 determine 】.

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18. Choose good fuzor After the installation path of the software , Just click 【 decompression 】.

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19. Right click on the desktop to refresh the desktop .

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20. open Fuzor Software .

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21. The software is being opened ······

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22. Click on 【 no 】.

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23. installation is complete , The software opening interface is shown in the figure below .

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Here is a brief description of the material library

1. Return to the extracted 【Fuzor 2020】 Folder , open 【 Material library 】 Folder .

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2. Copy two files under this folder .

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3. Right click on the desktop Fuzor Software icons , choice 【 Where to open the file 】.

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4. Paste the two files just copied in the open folder .

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5. Open it on the desktop Fuzor Software .

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6. When the software is turned on , Click the option shown in the figure below .

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7. stay 【 Content 】 Click in the column 【 Material library Downloader 】.

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8. Click on the 【···】 Select add material catalog .

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9. Here you need to open Fuzor Installation path of software ( Refer to the first 7 step ), open D disc .

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10. open 【Fuzor 2020】 Folder .

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11. Choose 【Fuzor 2020 Virtual Design Construction】 Folder , And then click 【 Select the folder 】.

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12. Click on 【 determine 】.

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13. Click on 【 Add material 】.

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14. Choose two materials respectively arr file , And then click 【 open 】.

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15. Click on 【 determine 】, Then restart the software .

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