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Common interview questions in Android, 2022 golden nine silver ten Android factory interview questions hit

2022-07-05 19:06:00 InfoQ

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With the rapid development of mobile terminals ,Android More and more developers ,Android The development market has also entered a state of saturation ,Android Developers are also faced with a difficult situation to find a good job .

The first step in job hunting is interview , A good interview can improve your chances of employment , Now I summarize some of my interviews in some big factories , I hope my watching friends can help .

Why now Android Application development is so hard to find a job ?

With the cooling of capital , The whole Internet market is gradually calming down .Android From the beginning of application development, we can say several terms of the four major components , You can write a monitoring event , You can get a monthly salary of tens of thousands , Up to now, two or three years of development experience has been lost in one month , After all, it's not that jobs are hard to find ,<b> It is Android The position of application development engineer has become normal , It's no longer a sweet cake that can get high salary without any technology .</b>

Many people say that it is because of the massive output of training courses in previous years and the weakness of capital economy , That's really some of the reasons , These are things we can't change , But many people are not demanding , Even the technology is OK , If you don't understand, the bottom will NDK, however Android The basic knowledge of application layer is mastered , Why can't they find a job or even have an interview ?

Shenzhen, where I am , Compared to when I was looking for a job two years ago , Yes , There are fewer jobs , The competition is more intense , Enterprises have higher requirements for positions , But it's not like what people say , It can't be saturated , Basically, there is no interview opportunity , Not to mention success offer. You can't get offer, It's your problem . The master said : I'll save myself three times a day , Gao no , Handsome or not , Rich or not ? sorry , dial the wrong number , yes : are you ready ? are you ready ? are you ready ?

Work = interview + performance

To succeed in getting Offer, The first is to get an interview , And then be good at the interview , You can win . That's bullshit , But many people don't understand these two points .


Recently, I told you in the group that maybe many people's resumes are unqualified , So I didn't get an interview , A few of my friends sent me a resume , There are so many problems , About how to write a resume , There are many examples on the Internet , I need to emphasize the following aspects :

  • Don't write about what awards you won at school : eldest brother , Do you think it's a school admission ?
  • Don't write about what you've done, what systems , To be honest, it's the training class that has done everything systematically , Do Tauren still need to find a job to do the system ?
  • What projects have you done , Please follow the format :( title , One sentence introduction , duty , achievement ) Many people introduce a project name directly , You do technology , What have you done? HR It's not clear at all. There are many people who don't write about their achievements in the project , I don't feel like I have any grades to write .HR I value your contribution to the team very much , So you can write your APP How many downloads a month , Or annual income , Or the number of users . If you have confidence in your technology , Can write technology related , For example, fluency is the best area in the industry , Error rate 0.5% following , Memory footprint is also excellent and so on .
  • The resume should be concise and capable , No fancy . It reveals your strong self-confidence . Even if you've done a lot of projects , Pick some of the best , It ends with two pages .

The content of your resume is closely related to your interview , Generally speaking, the interviewer even starts to read your resume at the moment of interview , Let you introduce yourself just to have a rough look at your resume . So what you write , You have to do it yourself , Even if you can't , You have to know something about it . If you are sure , It's used a lot , You write familiar , Is not very good , Just read the articles on the Internet , Know a little bit about the principle , You just write to understand . for example :

Familiar with the four components ,
Familiar with multithreading programming .
Understand the data structure and common algorithms


The resume has been written , The opportunity for an interview came , The performance of the interview is the most important . A good interview equals : All right, get ready + A good resume + Good summary + luck
All right, get ready = Technical preparation + Interview preparation
Opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared , I don't know how long we have been preparing for this job hopping , Did you have an idea at the end of last year ? Is it ready as soon as the construction starts this year ?<b> I've been preparing for this year's job hopping for a whole year , I've been thinking about leaving last year , So I read a lot of technical documents , Information , And books , Mend one's own shortcomings .</b> In addition to make up for their own technical deficiencies , I've been looking for a job for more than 20 days , I read a lot of interview materials on the road every day , And some long asked technical questions , I feel what I have learned in the past half a month , What we know , More than I've learned in the past few months . Of course, these may only be temporary , If you don't get to know , I'll forget after the interview .
A good resume
I said before. , What's on your resume , You have to know it yourself , You can't? , You go to the information , To understand .

  • You said you were familiar with TCP/IP, Ask you three handshakes, you don't know what , Yes , Ask you what four waves are , You don't know .
  • You said that after you optimized the memory , To reduce the 35%, I ask you how to optimize , What's the routine , You can't say it , You say? , Will I trust you as an interviewer ?
  • You said you could customize View, I ask you View What's the drawing process like? You don't know ? Don't rush to fill in the knowledge points of your resume one by one .
Good summary
When you interview , The interviewer asks you to write a single example , You can't? , Ask you java There are several kinds of locks , You can't? ... You won't write it down , Sum up one by one , And then come back and look for information , Let's see how it works , How to use it and so on , Lots of interviews , Naturally, I know my shortcomings , Through a lot of summary , You'll get stronger and stronger .
Luck is also very important in the interview , I met an interviewer during the interview , Keep asking me java The problem of , And keep asking HTTP,Socket, Knowledge of threads , And I really don't know much about the Internet , Plus the interviewer himself is not very clear , Many times I don't know what he asked . A lot of things that directly led me to die before he asked . I even met an interviewer who asked me how much a control occupied K In memory , still BAT Of ...

So sometimes the interviewer is also very important . When you meet a bad interviewer, you can only blame yourself for bad luck , After all, one can't know everything technically .

The interview routines

  • Before going to the interview , You can ask the person who called first , What you recruit is application or bottom layer , About what to do , Is to do APP Development , Or in a car ,TV.Android How many people are the developers , So as not to waste each other's time .
  • Be sure to read more questions before an interview , More handwritten code , Don't feel like you write code very often , That's what you use IDE Written .
  • Think of a place you're best at , Even if you say draw interface , Write xml Layout , You have to turn out the flowers, too , Why can you draw better than others , Good thing there , Only make sure that you have an advantage over the average candidate , The interviewer thinks you are an excellent person
  • Show that you are a progressive person , People with career plans
  • Go to a small company to try water first during the interview , Know your own shortcomings . Go to your favorite company in the beginning , It's very likely that you missed it because you didn't prepare enough .
  • When answering questions in an interview , Don't go against the interviewer , Even if what he said may be wrong .
  • Get a good impression : People like to be approved of . So when you answer questions , Be sure , Quote from the other person , Or the other company . such as :

interviewer :Android There's a wide range of models , How do you fit in ?
answer : As you just said , because Android We have a lot of models , So we are APP In the development process ...

Quoting the other person's words is actually a kind of approval to him , because  
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  The interviewer said these words , That's what he thought , You go along with him , He thinks your answer is reasonable .

  • The answer should be organized . Use : The first method , The second method , The third method ... perhaps : First , next , then , Last ...
  • When the interviewer says a question , You have to say : Yes , You are right . But this word should not appear frequently , And follow your own understanding , Otherwise, it would be seen as flattery


Actually Android There are so many knowledge points in development , There are still so many things to ask about in the interview . So there's no other trick to an interview , It depends on how well you are prepared for these knowledge points .so, When you go out for an interview, you should first see which stage you have reviewed .

although  Android  It's not as hot as it was a few years ago , It's past the era when you can find high paying jobs with four components . It just means  Android  The posts below the intermediate level are saturated ,
At present, there is still a lack of senior engineers
, A lot of senior positions pay really high salaries ( A lot of money doesn't necessarily mean you can find the right one ), So it's important to try to be a senior engineer .

Attached here are dozens of sets of bytes related to the above interview questions , JD.COM , millet , tencent 、 headlines 、 Ali 、 Meituan and other companies 21 Interview questions for . Put the technical points into video and PDF( In fact, it took a lot more energy than expected ), Contains the context of knowledge  +  A lot of details .

Due to limited space , Here's a small part of it in the form of pictures .

Online learning  Android A lot of information , But if the knowledge learned is not systematic , When you encounter a problem, you just have a taste of it , No further study , So it's hard to really improve the technology . I hope this systematic technical system has a direction reference for you .
