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What are the reliable domestic low code development platforms?

2022-07-05 19:06:00 InfoQ

Only speak 3 spot , Help you quickly understand low code platforms .

1、 Low code platform classification
2、AIRIOT Low code platform deeply cultivates the Internet of things (IOT) field
3、 How long does it take to develop an Internet of things system using a low code platform ?

Go straight to the theme ! Xiaobian first recommends a low code platform that is easy to use and has perfect functions :AIRIOT Internet of things low code platform ; This platform is especially suitable for the Internet of things (IOT) field , It can help enterprise users quickly 、 Low threshold construction of Internet of things applications . The platform has been online for many years , It has also formed a relatively complete thinking model and technical architecture scheme in the field , Case based solutions , Now let's talk about the low code platform for IOT Some ideas for building Internet of things applications .

One 、 Low code platform classification :
Low code platforms are valued , There are many categories , The most common is R & D efficiency 、 Information construction .

1、 R & D Efficiency :
Help engineers with R & D ability to improve efficiency :  This kind of platform is difficult to do , The audience is R & D , The difficulty is that R & D engineers need to give up the R & D methods they are used to 、 Give up the flexibility of code development , It also reduces the learning and growth speed of R & D engineers . Research and development efficiency is low. Code platforms are generally of great value for interactive development with fixed forms , Such as simple activities and background pages .

2、 Information transformation :
Help those who have no research and development ability IT Personnel do enterprise informatization transformation , At present, most low code platforms that are well producted belong to this class . Enterprise information personnel management system , Financial system , High similarity of information systems , It is easy to abstract into replicable components , Each company designs its own information system according to its own business process , Due to the internal system , Low requirements for interaction and vision , Use a low code platform to compare enterprises saas Customized research and development , In R & D expenses 、 R & D cycle 、 Business flexibility and other aspects have great advantages . However, the information-based low code platform has become increasingly mature , Competition is fierce .

Two 、 Low code platform deeply cultivates the Internet of things (IOT) field
As mentioned above , The industry trend of low code platform is very good , The competition of information low code platforms is becoming increasingly fierce , But the Internet of things is still a new blue ocean , The reason lies in 4 spot :

1、 The industry has a very high acceptance of low code platforms :scada System (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition), Collect data through the lower computer ( Pan manufacturing 、 Industry 、 energy ...), The upper computer does data presentation and human-computer interaction , It has become the industry standard , Human computer interaction applications are through wincc And Kingview and other industry software . The user uses OT( Equipment operation and maintenance ) Mainly engineers .

2、 Internet of things application capacity is insufficient : The Internet of things has a very long link from device to application , Industry barriers are deep , Plus fields saas There are not many manufacturers ,oem Factories and equipment manufacturers themselves have to do it by themselves , The overall application R & D capacity is insufficient .

3、 Internet of things applications change frequently , It needs to be changed frequently : Factory embedded engineer , equipment OT Factory engineers know business , But I don't know technology , And the production process 、 The state of the equipment often needs to be adjusted , You need the ability to flexibly apply modification iterations .

4、 Applications are highly similar 、 More internal applications : Apply similar high , It's all equipment status 、 Presentation of device data , Simple is the application of equipment control , And there are many internal applications , Very suitable for low code scenarios .

in summary ,AIRIOT The entry direction of the low code of the Internet of things is the low code field of the Internet of things , Provide low code application building ability and service coding ability , Complete the research and development of Internet of things applications .

3、 ... and 、 Use the low code platform to develop a IOT How long will it take for the Internet of things to be applied ?

according to an uncompleted statistic , A novice may spend 7 To 15 Days time , complete 20 To 30 A step , To successfully develop a IOT application .

Developing IOT Before application , It is more important to figure out why we should develop this software , What is its positioning ? What are the business goals ? Why consider these , Because according to historical experience , Let a product “ Premature death ” Of , Probability is not development , But dozens of people from all sides every day “ Soul torture ”.

In the development process , It involves the construction of technical architecture 、 Interactive logic design 、 Interface development and docking , Generally speaking , The development time of an application system needs 3 To 6 Months , The later stage also needs to continue to invest time 、 Manual operation and maintenance .

Every application developer doesn't want to work hard to develop software , Once experienced by the user, it is immediately discarded . But to make a successful software is not as simple as you think .

First, the technical level , It is difficult for small and medium-sized enterprises to invest large-scale manpower 、 Financial resources for development ; Product level , Involving design 、 Interactive logic and other modules , If there is no excellent product capability, it is easy to lead to serious product homogenization and loss of competitiveness ; Market level , Products should be fully integrated with the company's brand tone , To increase the market premium .

Where is the pain point , Where there is a market . To solve the problem IoT The cost of application development is high 、 Low efficiency 、 It's hard to land , Domestic excellent low code products “AIRIOT Internet of things low code platform ” Provides the perfect solution , Users use drag and drop to build , Can be efficient 、 Complete the design and development of the Internet of things platform at low cost , Personalized and broken IoT market demand .

AIRIOT The low code platform of the Internet of things does more than reduce costs 、 Efficiency , It can also help users solve technical problems 、 product 、 Development problems , Let users feel at ease to develop their own business . Reasonable and effective use of low code platform , Not only can we work efficiently , It can also ensure the achievement of team goals to the greatest extent .
