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Internship log - day07

2022-07-07 09:53:00 Don't ask me y

spring framework Frame diagram
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Spring What is it? ? First of all, it is an open source project , And very active ; It is based on IOC and AOP It's multi-layered j2ee The framework of the system , But it doesn't force you to have to use in every layer Spring, Because it's modular , It allows you to choose one of its modules according to your own needs ; It achieves a very elegant MVC, It provides a unified interface for different data access technologies , use IOC Make it easy to implement bean The assembly of , Provides a concise AOP And based on it Transaction Management

spel :spring express languge,spring Expression language
AOP: Tangent oriented programming
aspect: aspect , level , Looks like , appearance
instrutation: Method
ORM: Object relation mapping (Object Relational Mapping, abbreviation ORM), In fact, it is to convert the data into another form

inversion of control—— Inversion of control ( One of the core )
The operation of acquiring objects in a passive way

2、DI:dependency Injection Dependency injection
Use bean Tags create objects , Put data in it
getbean from spring Get an object in the container , Not creating objects

3、 Used in labels 102 The configuration order needs to match the formal parameter list in the corresponding method


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