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Basic use of JMeter to proficiency (I) creation and testing of the first task thread from installation

2022-07-07 09:45:00 qq_ thirty-six million nine hundred and sixty-seven thousand an

( One )jemter Introduce
Apache JMeter yes 100% pure JAVA Desktop applications , Designed to test clients / Server side structure software ( for example web Applications ). It can be used to test the performance of static and dynamic resources , for example : Static files ,Java Servlet,CGI Scripts,Java Object, Database and FTP Servers and so on .JMeter Can be used to simulate a large load to test a server , Robustness of network or object or analysis of overall performance under different loads .
meanwhile ,JMeter Can help you regression test your application . Through the test scripts you create and assertions To verify that your program returns the expected value . For better adaptability ,JMeter Allow to call secondary development of jar Package to enrich your test scenarios ;JMeter Allows you to use regular expressions to create these assertions.
But use JMeter Can't verify JS Program , You can't verify the page either UI, So you need to talk to Selenium Cooperate to complete Web2.0 Application testing .
( Two )
1.http://jmeter.apache.org/ Download the latest version of JMeter, Unzip the file to any directory

2. install JDK, Configure environment variables JAVA_HOME

JDK Environment variable configuration gate

3. System requirements :JMeter2.11 need JDK1.6 The above version supports running

4.JMeter Can run on the following operating systems :Unix,Windows and Open VMS.

JMeter Plug in installation

  1. Plug in download address : http://jmeter-plugins.org/downloads/all/

  2. Download the plug-in and unzip it : find JMeterPlugins-Extras.jar, hold JMeterPlugins-Extras.jar Put it in apache-jmeter-2.12\lib\ext Catalog .

5. Should be avoided jdk Path and jmeter The path has Chinese and spaces , Otherwise, there will be abnormalities , It can also cause problems with remote testing .

6. Get into bin Directory double click jmeter. bat Or configure environment variables to create JMETER_HOME,cmd Run in jmeter

( 3、 ... and )jmeter Directory structure
(1)backup Catalog Script backup directory , The documents inside are all in the form of .jmx The file at the end of the suffix
   The directory does not exist after the actual installation and decompression , This is due to the use of JMeter after ,JMeter Automatically create this directory , Then I backed up the script file .

(2)bin Catalog Executable Directory
Jmeter.bat: It's startup jmeter The main script for .
Jmeter-server.bar: It is used to implement online load .
Jmeter.properties: yes jmeter The main configuration file , exceed 80% The configuration items are all implemented through this file .(PS: After modifying the configuration file , To restart Jmeter To take effect )
  Jmeter.bat open Jmeter main interface
  Jmeter The log file name used is defined to Jmeter.properties in , Default in Jmeter.log Check the log
(3)dosc Catalog
  docs The files in the directory are JMeter Of Java Docs, and printable_docs Of usermanual The content in the subdirectory is JMeter User's manual documentation for , among component_reference.html Is the most commonly used core component help document . What is stored in this directory is jmeter Official document API file , It is mainly used for secondary development .
(4)extras Catalog
   The files in this directory provide tools for building Ant Support for , have access to Ant To achieve test automation , For example, batch script execution , produce HTML Format report , Test run time , You can record the test data ,Jmeter It will automatically generate a .jtl file , Put the document in extras Under the table of contents , function “ant -Dtest= file name report”, You can generate test statistics report . It can also be used for continuous integration .
(5)lib Catalog
   This directory contains two subdirectories , among ext Subdirectories contain JMeter At the heart of jar package , the other one junit Subdirectories store JUnit The test script . User extensions depend on packages , It should go straight to lib Under the table of contents , Instead of lib/ext Next .
Be careful : Can't recognize zip In the form of Bao Wenjian , Therefore, the required package files are required to be .jar ending
(6)Licenses jmeter Software license file directory
(7)printable_docs Catalog
   This directory holds jmeter Official help documents .printable_docs Of demos There are some commonly used JMeter Script case , As a reference . Can print half version catalog .

(8)LICENSE JMeter —— License description

(9)NOTICE JMeter —— A simple message says

(10) README.md ——JMeter Official basic introduction

jmeter.properties The main content of the document is
# Default language settings


# capture cookie switch


# Configure the font and size of the editor

 jsyntaxtextarea.font.family= Song style 

# Configure the default encoding format


#SSL To configure : Focus on the following configurations # Appoint HTTPS Protocol layer

# Appoint HTTPS Protocol layer    
# Appoint SSL edition , It may need to be modified in practice    
# Set the startup protocol
https.socket.protocols=SSLv2Hello SSLv3 TLSv1    
# Cache control , control SSL Whether it can be reused in multiple iterations    

#JMeter Test project automatic backup configuration

# Set whether to enable automatic backup , The default is true    jmeter.gui.action.save.backup_on_save=true

# Set up automatic backup directory , Backup to by default JMeter Root directory backups Next

# Set the number of automatic backup items , The default is recent 10 individual

# Remote host configuration

# Configure the remote host IP, Default to native . Comma "," You can set up multiple remote hosts   remote_hosts=

# Examples of multiple remote host assignments are as follows , among : After the port
  remote_hosts=,,    about RMID
Please refer to the option description in the configuration file

# Log management configuration

# Format log   log_format_type=default

# Set the log output level   log_level.jmeter=INFO

# Set up junit Log output level   log_level.jmeter.junit=DEBUG

# Set the log output target file , The default is jmeter.log   log_file=jmeter.log

jmeter.bat Key configuration changes
# For better use jmeter, Need to be right jmeter.bat Some of the configurations in are optimized according to the current machine configuration , The key configuration items are described here , You can modify it according to the configuration of your machine .jvm Related configuration , In about 80 Row or so , Find these configurations , Modify the value according to the current hardware configuration of the machine .

set HEAP=-Xms2048m -Xmx2048m   set NEW=-XX:NewSize=512m
-XX:MaxNewSize=512m   set SURVIVOR=-XX:SurvivorRatio=8 -XX:TargetSurvivorRatio=50%   set TENURING=-XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=2   if %current_minor% LEQ “8” (   rem Increase MaxPermSize if you use a
lot of Javascript in your Test Plan :   set PERM=-XX:PermSize=512m

# Format output report template

 jmeter.save.saveservice.output_format = csv

( Four ) Create the first thread

 Insert picture description here
Here you can choose Chinese and English
(1) There can only be one test plan in a script , There must be at least one thread group in the test plan , At least one sampler ( Simulate user requests ), There has to be at least one listener ( Analyze system performance )
(2) Add thread group
 Insert picture description here
setup thread group: Pre execution before test
thread group( Thread group ): Generally speaking, a thread group , Think of it as a virtual user group , Each thread in a thread group can be understood as a virtual user . The number of threads in the thread group will not change during the test execution .
teardown thread group: Execute after test

Right click here to add a thread group thread group
(3) Set the number of threads
Set acceleration time
Set the number of times to execute the test
 Insert picture description here
Vernacular understood as 1 A thread executes once in a second , for example :
Concurrency number = Number of threads /Ramp-Up time* Number of cycles
Ramp-up That is, how many seconds to complete
Input in sequence 3,0,2
It's a cycle 2 Time
The order of execution is 1,1,2,2,3,3
The execution time of the loop is almost the same , for instance 1,1, The number of cycles is serial execution from the source code ( It's just a little similar to parallel execution )
When Ramp-up=0, Use the maximum capacity of the pressure test server to continuously send requests

(4) Controller and sampler
JMeter There are two types of controllers : Sampler and logic controller . Use these components to drive the test .
The sampler tells JMeter Send request to server . If you wish JMeter send out HTTP request , Then add a HTTP Request Sampler. You can also customize the request by adding one or more configuration elements to the sampler .
The logic controller allows you to customize JMeter The logic used to decide when to send a request . You can add one Interleave Logic Controller In two HTTP Request Samplers Alternate between .
Sampler can also be translated into sampler ; It is used to simulate the operation of the user , To the server ( The system under test ) issue Http request 、WebService(SOAP/XML-RPC Request) Request or Java Request etc. .

(5) Test a login
 Insert picture description here
View the result tree here , Successfully logged in
 Insert picture description here

Change password to login
 Insert picture description here
Login failed
 Insert picture description here

So far, the first simple test is completed . Similarly, Baidu can also be used here to test
You can get the request method through the developer tool 、 Request parameters to request
Or by fiddler、wireshark This packet capturing tool obtains , I don't want to describe it in detail


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