

2022-07-07 09:25:00 heater404

This article records in Windows The configuration VSCode Use MinGW Of g++ The compiler and GBD The debugger . The official tutorial is :Get Started with C++ and Mingw-w64 in Visual Studio Code

One 、 Installation preparation

install VSCode And C/C++ Extension plug-ins ; install MinGW64 And set the environment variable . No introduction here , Refer directly to the official tutorial .

Two 、 compile

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Follow the operation sequence in the above figure , We will find that in the .vscode There is one more... In the folder tasks.json file . The contents of the document are as follows :

 Insert picture description here

About more tasks.json Documents can refer to :Tasks in Visual Studio Code.

About more tasks.json The variables in the file can be referred to :Visual Studio Code Variables Reference.

We will change the compilation output directory to :"${fileDirname}\bin\${fileBasenameNoExtension}.exe". And then found out in bin There are executable files we want in the directory , You can use the terminal to run .

3、 ... and 、 debugging

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 Insert picture description here

After the above operation , Can be in .vscode It was found in the file that launch.json File generation .

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And then use F5 You can debug breakpoints .

Four 、C/C++ To configure

In the command panel , Enter and select C/C++ Edit the configuration (UI), Will pop up C/C++ Configuration page . And then in .vscode In the folder, you will find the generation c_cpp_properties.json file .

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If the header file used in the program is not in the workspace or the path of the standard header file , Can be in Include path Add search path in .

5、 ... and 、 Multi file compilation and debugging

For the compilation of multiple files , We need to change tasks.json In file args Parameters : take " f i l e " repair Change by " f{ile}" It is amended as follows " file" repair Change by "{fileDirname}\*.cpp".${fileDirname}- It refers to the currently open file directory , So the above parameter refers to test.cpp All under the directory of the file cpp file . Be careful , If in test.cpp There are... In the folder under the directory cpp There is no way to find the document , Must be with test.cpp Same directory .

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If there are multiple folders cpp The file needs to be compiled , I don't know how to write this directory parameter ....

But for multi file compilation, it seems that you need to use cmake 了 . You can read this article :VSCode+mingw64+cmake

