当前位置:网站首页>[bw16 application] Anxin can realize mqtt communication with bw16 module / development board at instruction

[bw16 application] Anxin can realize mqtt communication with bw16 module / development board at instruction

2022-07-07 09:32:00 Anxinco Technology


This article mainly introduces anxinko BW16 module / Development board running combo AT The firmware , With the help of EMQ Server implementation MQTT Operation process of communication .

1 Firmware burning

Reference documents for firmware burning : Anxinco BW16 Module and development board update firmware burning instructions , I'm not going to repeat it here .
combo Firmware get link :https://docs.ai-thinker.com/rtl87xx

 Insert picture description here

2 EMQ Server setup

2.1 Software access

EMQX Software access link :https://www.emqx.com/en/try?product=broker, Users can choose according to the type of system installed , And the version number to download the installation package .
 Insert picture description here

2.2 start-up EMQ service

  • Unzip the installation package , Place the folder in the specified path , open bin Path to folder , Operation instruction :emqx start
     Insert picture description here

  • Browser access url:localhost:18083

  • open WebSocket Client Interface , Click on connect, After successful connection , You can start debugging
     Insert picture description here

3 Device end networking configuration

3.1 AT Instruction configuration

AT+WMODE=3,1				# Set up wifi The model is AP_STA
AT+WJAP="SSID","PASSWORD"	# Configuration connection room wifi
AT+MQTT=1,mqtt_url			# Configure access to MQTT The server url
AT+MQTT=2,1883				# Configure the server access port number 
AT+MQTT=3,1					# To configure MQTT How to connect , Default 1: Express TCP
AT+MQTT=4,001				# To configure MQTT user ID Number 
AT+MQTT=5,admin				# To configure MQTT user name 
AT+MQTT=6,public			# Set up MQTT User password 
AT+MQTT						# Connect MQTT
AT+MQTTSUB=pub_topic,0		# Subscribe to guidance topics 
AT+MQTTPUB=pub_topic,0,0,123456		# Publish data to the guidance topic 

The effect is as follows :
 Insert picture description here

3.2 Information exchange

stay Dashboard On the interface , Good configuration sub as well as pub Parameters of :
The theme of module subscription here is “sub_topic” The news of , and Dashboard The terminal subscribes to the theme “pub_topic” The news of , after , The module release theme is “pub_topic” The news of ,Dashboard The theme of the terminal is “sub_topic” The news of , The effect is as follows :
 Insert picture description here

Contact us

The above is the content of this issue , The purpose is to let everyone quickly adapt to the development of new products , More information can be obtained from our official website .

Official website :https://www.ai-thinker.com
Development of information :https://docs.ai-thinker.com/
Official forum :http://bbs.ai-thinker.com
Technical support :[email protected]


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