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How to become a senior digital IC Design Engineer (1-6) Verilog coding Grammar: Classic Digital IC Design

2022-07-07 09:36:00 New core design

-- adder (Adder): Consider carry overflow
assign o_sum[DATA_WIDTH:0] = i_parta[DATA_WIDTH-1:0] + i_partb[DATA_WIDTH-1:0];
-- Half adder (Half-Adder)(DATA_WIDTH == 1): No carry input (DATA_WIDTH == 1)
assign {o_carry, o_sum[DATA_WIDTH-1:0]} = i_parta[DATA_WIDTH-1:0] + i_partb[DATA_WIDTH-1:0];
-- Full adder (Full-Adder)(DATA_WIDTH == 1): There is a carry input (DATA_WIDTH == 1)
assign {o_carry, o_sum[DATA_WIDTH-1:0]} = i_parta[DATA_WIDTH-1:0] + i_partb[DATA_WIDTH-1:0] + i_carry;

The comparator (Comparator)
assign equal   = (compa == compb) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
assign bigger  = (compa >= compb) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
assign smaller = (compa <= compb) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;

Selectors (Selector)(Arbiter)(Multiplexor)(MUX)
// Three implementation methods are simply given :
// The way 1:
assign result = sel ? dina : dinb;
// The way 2:
assign result = ({(DATA_WIDTH){sel}} & dina[D


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