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C # - realize serialization with Marshall class

2022-07-06 19:16:00 luckyone906

Mainly used Marshal Two methods in class :

The first is StructureToPtr, Marshaling data from managed objects to unmanaged memory blocks .

The second is PtrToStructure, Marshals data from an unmanaged memory block to a newly allocated managed object of the specified type .

As long as there are these two methods of mutual transformation , We can realize serialization .

First, let's look at serialization

serialize :
There is a prerequisite , That is, we must know the size of the serialized object .

First step : Let's find out the size of the object first , Then allocate the corresponding memory size to it in unmanaged memory .

The second step : Then we will send this object to the memory just allocated , Then we will get a pointer to the first address of the allocated memory block .

The third step : Finally, we can use this first address pointer , Start at the position indicated by the pointer , Copy data to the specified byte[] Array , The length of the copy is the amount of memory we allocate for this object , obtain byte[] After the data , I don't need to say more about the following things , You can save to database Or in the file .

Deserialization :
When serializing, we first marshal an object into an unmanaged memory block , Then read the data in the memory block to byte[] Array ,

Now we deserialize

First step : Let's find out the size of the object first , Then allocate the corresponding memory size to it in unmanaged memory .

The second step : And put this byte[] Copy the data to an unmanaged memory block .

The third step : Finally, marshal the data of the specified size from the memory block to the object .

There is one thing to note , That is because we cannot find the actual size of an object of reference type , So we can only use unmanaged objects , such as struct Structure .

therefore , When we just use it to store data , Objects that do not involve any operations , We can treat it as a structure , In this way, we can save space when serializing .

Because if you use the usual serialization method to serialize a class object , It requires more space than you need to serialize a with the same structure struct object .

Here is the code : 

  1. public static class MyConverter

  2. {

  3. /// <summary>

  4. /// From structure to byte Array

  5. /// </summary>

  6. public static byte[] StructureToByte<T>(T structure)

  7. {

  8. int size = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(T));

  9. byte[] buffer = new byte[size];

  10. IntPtr bufferIntPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(size);

  11. try

  12. {

  13. Marshal.StructureToPtr(structure, bufferIntPtr, true);

  14. Marshal.Copy(bufferIntPtr, buffer, 0, size);

  15. }

  16. finally

  17. {

  18. Marshal.FreeHGlobal(bufferIntPtr);

  19. }

  20. return buffer;

  21. }

  22. /// <summary>

  23. /// from byte The array is converted to a structure

  24. /// </summary>

  25. public static T ByteToStructure<T>(byte[] dataBuffer)

  26. {

  27. object structure = null;

  28. int size = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(T));

  29. IntPtr allocIntPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(size);

  30. try

  31. {

  32. Marshal.Copy(dataBuffer, 0, allocIntPtr, size);

  33. structure = Marshal.PtrToStructure(allocIntPtr, typeof(T));

  34. }

  35. finally

  36. {

  37. Marshal.FreeHGlobal(allocIntPtr);

  38. }

  39. return (T)structure;

  40. }

  41. }

  42. // Test code ///

  43. class Program

  44. {

  45. static void Main(string[] args)

  46. {

  47. Student student1 = new Student { Name = " Huchangjun ", ID = 2 };

  48. Console.WriteLine(" Before serialization => full name :{0} ID:{1}", student1.ID, student1.Name);

  49. byte[] bytes = MyConverter.StructureToByte<Student>(student1);

  50. Student sudent2 = MyConverter.ByteToStructure<Student>(bytes);

  51. Console.WriteLine(" After serialization => full name :{0} ID:{1}", sudent2.ID, sudent2.Name);

  52. Console.Read();

  53. }

  54. }

  55. public struct Student

  56. {

  57. public int ID { get; set; }

  58. public string Name { get; set; }

  59. }


