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Local deployment Zeppelin 0.10.1

2022-07-06 23:34:00 chen2ha


  • Apache Zeppelin It is a web-based tool that makes interactive data analysis feasible notebook

  • Zeppelin Provides a framework for data visualization

  • To achieve what you need

    • Data collection
    • Data discovery
    • Data analysis
    • Data visualization and collaboration

The latest version is 0.10.1 edition , There are two official installation packages , One is that it contains all parsers (1.6G), The other is with spark And network download parser package (568M)

Supported parsers

  • alluxio
  • angular
  • beam
  • bigquery
  • cassandra
  • elasticsearch
  • file
  • flink
  • flink-cmd
  • geode
  • groovy
  • hazelcastjet
  • hbase
  • ignite
  • influxdb
  • java
  • jdbc
  • jupyter
  • kotlin
  • ksql
  • kylin
  • lens
  • livy
  • md
  • mongodb
  • neo4j
  • pig
  • python
  • r
  • sap
  • scalding
  • scio
  • sh
  • spark
  • spark-submit
  • sparql
  • submarine

Deploy zeppelin

Download the full parser installation package

wget --no-check-certificate -c \
tar xf zeppelin-0.10.1-bin-all.tgz

install java Environmental Science

zeppelin Deployment dependency java Environmental Science

yum install -y java-1.8.0-openjdk

Modify the configuration file

cd zeppelin-0.10.1-bin-all
cp conf/zeppelin-env.sh.template conf/zeppelin-env.sh
vim conf/zeppelin-env.sh

The official profile template is fully annotated , Here are some parameters that need attention

#  Definition  java  Command path ,yum  You can install without writing , Download the  Oracle java  I need to configure it 
export JAVA_HOME=
# zeppelin  Access address , If you don't configure , The default value is, Can also write
# zeppelin web  Page access port , The default value is  8080, If it conflicts with the local port , You can modify the parameters here 
# sh  Parser bound machine  ip, Only one... Can be written , If you don't write , One will be randomly obtained on this machine  ip  Address  [ Multiple network cards or  docker  It's embarrassing ]
# zeppelin  Log directory , The default is the current path 
# zeppelin pid  Record Directory , Default record in  ${ZEPPELIN_HOME}/run  Under the table of contents 
# notebook  Storage path 

modify xml The configuration file

cp conf/zeppelin-site.xml.template conf/zeppelin-site.xml
vim conf/zeppelin-site.xml

No special needs , You can not configure

  • zeppelin The default index path is /tmp Under the table of contents , If necessary, you can modify it to your own defined path , Do unified management
  <description>path for storing search index on disk.</description>
  • Turn off anonymous access mode [ The default is anonymous login , also zeppelin-site.xml There is no such paragraph in the document , You need to increase it yourself ] ( Be careful xml Format )
    • false - Indicates that anonymous mode is turned off
    • true - Indicates that anonymous mode is enabled
  <description>Anonymous user allowed by default</description>
  • When anonymous mode is turned off , Need to configure user name and password
cp conf/shiro.ini.template conf/shiro.ini
vim conf/shiro.ini

To configure < user name > = < password >,< role >

More details can be found in official documents :Apache Shiro Configuration

admin = admin,admin

start-up zeppelin

bash bin/zeppelin-daemon.sh start

Access the configured through the browser ip Add ports to access zeppelin


