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How does crmeb mall system help marketing?

2022-07-06 23:22:00 CRMEB

in recent years , With the development of mobile Internet , Online social networking and e-commerce services have produced a large number of intersections , The e-commerce model has also undergone great changes , The high-quality fan group of social e-commerce has brought a big burst of traffic , Let mobile social e-commerce rise rapidly and develop at an ultra fast speed . In this industry background ,CRMEB Adhere to a pragmatic attitude of excellence , Constantly optimize and update CRMEB Standard Version mall system , Use more perfect marketing functions to help businesses and users develop business , Play with e-commerce .

After many revisions and upgrades ,CRMEB The Standard Version mall system has been successfully developed 9 Big marketing function , Here 9 Thanks to the great marketing function ,CRMEB The Standard Version mall system has created a lot of sales performance for many business users , And has won the full trust and full support of the majority of business users . today , Xiaobian will take everyone into CRMEB Standard Version mall system , Get a comprehensive understanding of how to play mobile social e-commerce 9 Big marketing function .

Function one : Bargaining activities

Merchants create bargaining activities , Promote buyers to share bargaining activities with friends , Take advantage of the familiar atmosphere in the social environment , Mobilize buyers to interact and share , Form word of mouth marketing , Conduct accurate customer drainage for the mall , Achieve effective fission propagation .

Function 2 : Group activities

Group activities mainly use “ Take quantity but not price ” The way , Attract buyers with extremely low commodity prices to establish a group , Use the relationship between people to endorse , Let buyers become communication centers , Put product information on wechat 、 Friends circle and other social platforms for rapid communication , While achieving low-cost customer acquisition , It can also achieve the effect of doubling the sales of goods .

Function three : Seckill activity

Seckill activity is an effective means to expand the basic sales volume of a new product , The basic sales volume and evaluation of a new product are very important for businesses and stores , Only with good basic sales can we better improve the conversion rate , It can also achieve better sales and more activity resources in daily promotion , So as to maintain the continuous and stable growth of sales . meanwhile , In new product sales , You can also use the second kill activity to test whether the price of new products is reasonable , Help new products to better price position . in addition , In the tense atmosphere of seckill , It can also stimulate buyers to have a strong desire to buy , Increase product sales , Improve product data and platform weight , And gain more user traffic .

Function four : Points Mall

Integral mall is a means of auxiliary operation , It can effectively connect various marketing functions , Through the integral task entrance and integral consumption exit of the integral mall , Endow integral with practical value , Give users real rewards , Attract users to participate in integral task activities , Improve user activity and stickiness .

Function five : Jiugongge lottery

The Jiugongge lottery is a low threshold participation 、 Activity mechanism of high reward and temptation , Interesting lottery can make the activity more attractive , Use social power to achieve fission communication , Attract more users to participate in activities , Help pull new 、 Promoting activity 、 Receive visitors .

Function 6 : Full advance sale

Full pre-sale allows businesses to avoid “ Inventory risk ”, Reduce costs and losses , Reduce capital pressure . meanwhile , It also allows buyers to get the right price 、 Products with high cost performance , Achieve a win-win situation .

Function seven : Virtual goods

New media era , Virtual goods make the business model more flexible , The market demand for virtual goods is also growing rapidly . stay CRMEB The virtual commodity marketing function developed by the Standard Version mall system , It can save the delivery process for the settled merchants , Realize automatic delivery , Create a good marketing environment for virtual goods .

Function eight : Coupon

Merchants publish different coupons , Meet the expectations of buyers at different consumption levels , Let buyers form a “ Buying is making money ” Consumer psychology of , Stimulate consumption , In addition, it can stabilize the product price while , Adjust flexible discounts in different marketing periods , Achieve flexible control of product price , Realize refined operation .

Function 9 : Sign in

Increase the activity and participation of user groups , It is the responsibility of the check-in function . Check in and cash out 、 Check in and get coupons 、 Attendance lottery 、 Check in points, exchange gifts and other games can be used to increase user stickiness , Increase user activity , Add icing on the cake for user retention and management of the platform .

In addition to the above 9 Beyond the big marketing function ,CRMEB Also developed poster sharing 、 Recharge gift and other functions to promote users' independent promotion , Cultivate user loyalty . The development of these marketing functions , send CRMEB The marketing scenarios of the Standard Version mall system are becoming more and more abundant , More and more powerful , It also attracts many business users to trust and choose CRMEB Standard Version mall system . In the future of continuous development of network technology ,CRMEB Will continue to uphold “ Gratitude 、 Study 、 altruism ” Corporate culture of , With the spirit of ingenuity, we specialize in technological innovation and breakthrough , Use a more comprehensive and efficient mall system to serve more business users , Help promote the development of global enterprise digital operation .

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