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With the help of this treasure artifact, I became the whole stack

2022-07-06 23:13:00 Handsome

Hello everyone , I'm handsome .

I don't know that people usually write programs , In the process of doing the project , Which link is the most annoying ?

Anyway, for me , As a back-end Developer , What I fear most is Write front end 了 , You don't need to write the front end in the company at ordinary times , Write the interface , The test is good , Just do a good job of documentation , But recently, Shuai is doing his own little broken station , Several times I was forced to learn the front-end knowledge , Even so , I still can't write the page I want ( I can understand it , But can't write , As soon as we see it , As soon as you write it, it's useless ).

Of course , Before, when writing back-end in the company , There are also many maddening points , For example, for a project , Although we are only responsible for one small module , But every time you change the code , We have to test all kinds of functions , Even if you think it won't go wrong .

Sometimes I will fall into a dead circle , Cause some bug I can't find it , Crazy n minute , Only then did I know that I had made a mistake in a simple detail ....

bug Abuse me thousands of times , I'll stay she Just like first love .

One 、 With the help of artifact, it almost became a full stack development

However, with the emergence of various development tools , Many things can also be solved , For example, start with eclipse Development web, I think it's very useful , And then they found out IDEA, Various automatic prompts + Automatic generation function , not have understood until then eclipse It's just a brother .

Recently developed my little broken station , I'm worrying about what I should do in front-end development , I didn't expect that I gave it to Amway before SoFlu Software robot New features have been released : New front-end automatic development platform , Let me show you the introduction

Scared, I hurried to study the usage of this thing again , A crackling operation , With this tool these days , I feel like I almost became Full stack Development Engineer

This thing , Sure enough, it's automatic ! I feel that the person who developed this tool is really awesome , Many functions can improve our usual efficiency , For example, write interface , Test interface , location bug, Add some sql sentence , Are configured visually , Including the front-end automatic generation that I value most this time .

Two 、 Talk about development feelings

I have used this artifact seriously for a few days , Here is a brief introduction to some of its advantages , If you are familiar with it , Behind yourself Develop a website alone 、 Do outsourcing independently 、 Take private work etc. , It should help you save a lot of development costs .

For example, with the help of this fully automated platform , If you want to add components to your project , For example, some distributed middleware ,Kafka,Http Some examples of communication and so on , You just need a few mouse clicks , You can add corresponding components .


Usually when we do projects , It's basically inseparable from sql The frequent writing of sentences , And through this fully automated development platform , You just need to draw the corresponding flow chart , The system can help you automatically generate the corresponding code .

If you can't get away with it , So it's still cool to use , More time to fish .


For back-end development students , Most of the normal tasks are , According to the demand , Provide the corresponding Interface API Call... To someone else .

And write an interface , We need to make a statement , Define parameters and other operations , And this operation , Most of the processes are similar , It's just the parameters and the naming .

If we develop on this fully automated platform , You can create interfaces and parameters through visual configuration operations , An interface through a few simple operations , It's easy to achieve , And it's not easy to make mistakes .


After writing an interface , Generally, it needs to be tested , Tell the truth , Usually when writing interface , I still hate it 「 test 」 This part of .

because , It takes a lot of time , And you have to test , The hardest part is , Every time the code changes , We all have to test it from beginning to end , It's very unpleasant .

however , If your interface is based on this platform , So testing this part , It can also be tested automatically through this platform , You just need to create the corresponding instance , Then configure the corresponding parameters and the expected results , The system will help you test automatically


During the test , It's hard to avoid some bug, Usually find your own bug It's a very hard thing , Because sometimes the mind is oriented , Will not find their own mistakes , The more you look, the more anxious you are .

But through this automation platform , If the interface fails during the test , We can see the visualization results on the platform , Very intuitive, you can quickly locate the problem .


Of course , For me , The most annoying thing is the front end , But here , You can drag and drop controls , Just configure the parameters , For example, you need to get a form page , Simply configure it


ok , Said so much , In summary , This fully automatic tool , I think the two biggest advantages are :

1、 Save our development costs : Of course , It's also a Taken for granted The function of , Otherwise, who is willing to use , If you know how to use this tool , So in the daily development can still bring a lot of convenience .

For example, write interface , Test interface , location bug, Add some sql sentence , Then you can configure it visually , This can save you a lot of development time , And it's not easy to make mistakes .

2、 It can make our project development more standardized : This is also a very important function , Like when we write code , Maybe different people , The style of the code is different , For example, variable naming , Method named , The configuration, etc. .

3、 ... and 、 Experience entrance

Said so much , Only to really experience , To feel what this is , This platform is called SoFlu Software robot , Plant grass for everyone , Especially those who do outsourcing independently 、 People who take private jobs .

If you want to experience a wave , You can go directly to the official website to register an account , The website links :https://feisuanyz.com/

Fill in the corresponding information after registration , You can apply for a trial


Then you can play by yourself , Even if you were 0 Experience is fine , You just need to follow the tutorial in the official introductory document , Novice documentation is very detailed , illustrated , You can watch the text version or the video version .

Text version :https://feisuanyz.com/support/helpCenter/( More detail )

Video version :https://feisuanyz.com/shortVideo/list, In addition, the video version may not be as detailed as the text version , The video format focuses on showing you how the product is , Simply show how to carry out front-end development 、 The backend development 、 Test these functions automatically .

Here Shuai Di still recommends you to experience a wave , You can find out what this thing can do for us , After all, this stuff , In case of popularization in the future , So for your daily development , There's a lot to do with it .

Four 、 In other words, will this idea replace developers ?

Someone might ask , This includes fully automated development 、 test 、 The tools of operation and maintenance are so powerful , Will developers be replaced in the future ?

I don't think so , The core of this tool is Improve work efficiency , Save development costs , Want to replace , Far from being able to say , Because the core parameters , Interface logic , A variety of configurations , I still need you to provide , It just helps you generate the corresponding development code .

A tool is a tool , The core of tools is to improve our work efficiency , And it's hard to replace our responsibilities .

Besides, , Tools are developed by people after all , There will inevitably be some bug, If for the code it generates , What you don't understand at all , So it's extremely dangerous , Only you understand the business scenario , And I can design these codes myself , You can really use this tool .

When a brand new , When disruptive tools come out , What we need to do , Namely , To get to know him , See if it can be used for us , So we have a bottom in our hearts , and “ people + machine ” The combination of is the general trend of future development , As a technician , We can still experience more new things , Instead of disdaining to understand , On the other side, I worry about being replaced !

Tools can replace , It's often the mechanical , The process is fixed , Repetitive work , So , To make our career more stable , We have to improve our core competitiveness .

For example, architecture design capabilities , The mastery of the underlying foundation and so on , What if one day , You're the guy who designed this tool .

Finally, I have to say , The people who developed this kind of full-automatic software engineering platform , It's still awesome , If you are interested, please don't forget to register on the official website to experience a wave ( Click to read the original text to go directly to the official website , But the advice pc End open )

In addition, the open source community also has open source versions , The specific links :



