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Cocoscreator+typescripts write an object pool by themselves

2022-07-06 22:43:00 Casimodo said

Why object pools are needed ?

Create nodes at runtime (cc.instantiate) And destroy (node.destroy) Operations are very performance intensive , So we are in a more complex scene , Usually only in the scenario initialization logic (onLoad) Nodes will be created in , Nodes are destroyed only when the scene is switched . If you make an action game with a large number of enemies or bullets that need to be generated and destroyed repeatedly , How can we create and destroy nodes at any time during the game ?

  Many people will go to the official documents to check , Is there any way to solve ? Links to official documents about object pools :

Use object pool · Cocos Creatorhttps://docs.cocos.com/creator/2.3/manual/zh/scripting/pooling.html?q= So this time, I'd like to introduce my object pool :PoolMgr.ts

Define an object , Put the initialized object inside :

public static _dictPool: Object = {}

initialization hui Object pool :

     *  Initialize object pool 
     * @param count  The amount generated 
     * @param prefab  The prefabricated body that generates the node 
    public static initPool(count:number,prefab:cc.Prefab){
        for (let index = 0; index < count; index++) {
            let node:cc.Node =  cc.instantiate(prefab);

This is self written initialization , Generally, the object is initialized in the loading interface , You can call directly in the game .

Get an object in the object pool :

     *  Access to the node 
     * @param prefab  The prefabricated body that generates the node 
     * @param parent  The parent of the node 
     * @returns  Generate or nodes in the object pool 
    public static getNode(prefab:cc.Prefab,parent:cc.Node){
        let name = prefab.name;
        let node:cc.Node = null;
            let pool = this._dictPool[name];
            if (pool && pool.size() > 0) {
                node = pool.get();
            } else {
                node = cc.instantiate(prefab);
            let pool = new cc.NodePool();
            this._dictPool[name] = pool;
            node = cc.instantiate(prefab);
        node.parent = parent;
        return node;

Recycle an object :

     *  Recycle node 
     * @param node  Recycled nodes 
    public static setNode(node:cc.Node){
        const name = node.name;
        let pool = null;
            pool = this._dictPool[name];
            pool = new cc.NodePool();
            this._dictPool[name] = pool;
        if(pool.size() > 100){

Examples of use :

let count:number = 10;
let path:string = "xx";

Call the initialization interface when loading resources , This initializes 10 Preform corresponding to the path ;

Set up :

let node = PoolMgr.getNode(prefab,parent);

Obtain preform , Set parent node , You can get this node ;

Recycling :


  Pay attention when recycling nodes : If you make any changes to this node , For example, its rotation 、 Zoom, etc , Note its properties when used again .


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