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The ceiling of MySQL tutorial. Collect it and take your time

2022-07-06 22:29:00 hello-java-maker

Today I recommend a set of MySQL A tutorial for , Is the MySQL The ceiling of the tutorial , The web address is attached at the end of the text .

This tutorial contains :6 Big paradigm explanation 、7 Big log analysis 、7 Big SQL Performance analysis tool 、9 Analysis of large storage engine 、10 Categories: 30 Sub class optimization scenarios 、15 Explain the application of different locks 、18 Rules for creating indexes 、300+ Zhang HD codeless technology analysis chart ......


01-MySQL Tutorial introduction 
02- Why use database and common concepts of database 
03- common DBMS Comparison of 
04-RDBMS He Fei RDBMS Comparison of 
05-ER Models and tables record 4 Kind of relationship 
06-MySQL8.0 The uninstall 
07-MySQL8.0 And 5.7 Version download 、 Installation and configuration 
08-MySQL Installation FAQs _ Service startup and user login 
09-MySQL Use demonstration of _MySQL5.7 Character set settings 
10-Navicat_SQLyog_dbeaver And the use of tools 
11-MySQL Directory structure and previous 2 Chapter after class exercises 
12-SQL Overview and SQL classification 
13-SQL Use specifications and data import 
14- The most basic SELECT...FROM structure 
15- Alias of column _ duplicate removal _NULL_DESC Wait for the operation 
16- Use WHERE Filtering data 
17- The first 3 Chapter two is basically SELECT Check after class exercises 
18- The use of arithmetic operators 
19- Use of comparison operators 
20- The use of logical operators and bitwise operators 
21- The first 4 Chapter operation operator after class practice 
22-ORDER BY Implement sorting operation 
23-LIMIT Realize paging operation 
24- The first 5 Chapter sorting and paging exercises after class 
25- Why do you need multi table queries 
26- Error of Cartesian product and correct multi table query 
27- Equivalent connection vs Non equivalent connection 、 Self join vs Non self connecting 
28-SQL92 And 99 How syntax implements inner and outer connections 
29- Use SQL99 Realization 7 Kind of JOIN operation 
31- The first 6 Chapter multi table inquiry after class exercise 
32- Classification of functions 
33- Explanation of numeric functions 
34- Explanation of string type functions 
35- Explanation of date time type function 
36- Explanation of process control function 
37- Encryption and decryption _MySQL Explanation of information functions 
38- The first 7 Chapter one line function after class practice 
39-5 Most commonly used aggregate functions 
40-GROUP BY Use 
41-HAVING Use and SQL Statement execution procedure 
42- The first 8 Chapter aggregate function after class exercise 
43- Examples of subqueries and classification of subqueries 
44- Single line sub query case analysis 
45- Multi line sub query case analysis 
46- Relevant sub query case analysis 
47- The first 9 Chapter sub inquiry after class exercises 1
48- The first 9 Chapter sub inquiry after class exercises 2
49- Database creation 、 Modify and delete 
50- Common data types _ There are two ways to create tables 
51- Modify table _ rename table _ Delete table _ Clear the table 
53- Ali MySQL Naming conventions and MySQL8DDL Atomization of 
54- The first 10 Chapter create management schedule after class exercise 
55-DML Add data 
56-DML Update and delete _MySQL8 Calculation of new features 
57-DDL and DML A comprehensive case of 
58- The first 11 Chapter addition, deletion and modification of after-school exercises 
59-MySQL Overview of data types _ Character set settings 
60- Explanation of integer data types 
61- Floating point numbers 、 Explanation of fixed-point number and bit type 
62- Explanation of date time type 
63- Text string type ( contain ENUM、SET) Explain 
64- Binary type and JSON Type explanation 
65- Summary and type suggestions 
66- Classification of data integrity and constraints 
67- Use of non empty constraints 
68- Use of uniqueness constraints 
69- Use of primary key constraints 
71- Use of foreign key constraints 
72- Check constraints and default value constraints 
73- The first 13 Chapter constraint after class practice 
74- Understanding of database objects and views 
75- View creation and viewing 
76- Update view data and delete view 
77- The first 14 Chapter view after class exercises 
78- Instructions for using stored procedures 
79- Creation and call of stored procedure 
80- Create and call storage functions 
81- View, modify and delete stored procedures and functions 
82- The first 15 Chapter stored procedure function after class exercise 
83-GLOBAL And SESSION The use of system variables 
84- Use of session user variables and local variables 
85- Processing mechanism of program error 
86- Branching structure IF Use 
87- Branching structure CASE Use 
88-LOOP_WHILE_REPEAT Three circulation structures 
90- The use of cursors 
91- The first 16 Chapter after class exercises 
92- Create trigger 
93- View delete trigger _ Trigger after class practice 
94-MySQL8.0 New characteristics _ The use of window functions 
95- Common table expression _ Practice after class _ The last message 
96-MySQL Chapter overview of advanced features 
97-CentOS Preparation of the environment 
98-MySQL The uninstall 
99-Linux Lower installation MySQL8.0 And 5.7 edition 
100-SQLyog Realization MySQL8.0 and 5.7 Remote connection for 
101- Modification of character set and description of underlying principle 
102- Compare the rules _ The encoding and decoding process from request to response 
103-SQL Case specification and sql_mode Set up 
104-MySQL The representation of directory structure and table in file system 
105- User creation _ modify _ Delete 
106- Setting and management of user password 
107- Rights management and access control 
108- The use of characters 
109- The configuration file 、 System variables and MySQL Logical architecture 
110-SQL Execute the process 
111-MySQL8.0 and 5.7 in SQL Demonstration of execution process 
112-Oracle in SQL Execute the process _ Use of buffer pool 
113- Set the storage engine for the table 、InnoDB And MyISAM Comparison of 
114-Archive、CSV、Memory Wait for the use of storage engine 
115- Why use index and its advantages and disadvantages 
116- A simple index design scheme 
117- Iterative design scheme of index 
118- Cluster index 、 The concept of secondary index and joint index 
119-InnoDB in B+ Tree precautions _MyISAM The index scheme of 
120-Hash Indexes 、AVL Trees 、B Trees and B+ Tree comparison 
121-InnoDB Overview of data storage structure 
122- File header and file tail of page structure 
123- Minimum and maximum records of page structure _ Row format record header information 
124- Page directory and page header of page structure 
125- Set line format and ibd File analysis Compact Line format 
126- Row overflow and Dynamic、Compressed、Redundant Line format 
127- District 、 paragraph 、 Fragment area and table space structure 
128- Classification of indexes 
129- There are three ways to add indexes to a table 
130- Delete indexes and index new features : descending index 、 Hide index 
131- Suitable for index creation 11 In this case 1
132- Suitable for index creation 11 In this case 2
133- Not suitable for indexing 7 In this case 
134- Database optimization steps _ View system performance parameters 
135- Slow query log analysis 、SHOW PROFILE see SQL Execution cost 
136-EXPLAIN Overview and table、id Field parsing 
137-EXPLAIN in select_type、partitions、type、possible_keys、key、key_len analyse 
138-EXPLAIN in ref、rows、filtered、extra analyse 
139-EXPLAIN Of 4 Two formats are rewritten with the view optimizer SQL
140-trace Analyze optimizer execution plan and Sys schema Use of views 
141- Data preparation and index failure 11 In this case 1
142- Index failure 11 In this case 2
143- Query optimization of outer connection and inner connection 
144-JOIN The underlying principle of 
145- Subquery optimization and sorting optimization 
146-GROUP BY Optimize 、 Paging query optimization 
147- Overlay index 、 Prefix index of string 
148- Push... Under index conditions (ICP)
149- Selection of ordinary index and unique index 、 Other 5 An optimization strategy 
150- How to design the primary key of Taobao database 
151- Paradigm overview and the first paradigm 
152- The second paradigm and the third paradigm 
153- Application of anti paradigm 
154- Bass paradigm 、 Fourth normal form 、 Fifth normal form and domain key normal form 
155- Practical cases of paradigm 
156-ER The process of modeling and transforming data tables 
157- Database design principles and daily SQL Writing specifications 
158-PowerDesigner Create concepts 、 Physical data model 
159- Overall steps of database tuning 、 Optimize MySQL Server hardware and parameters 
160- Database structure optimization 、 Big watch optimization 、 Other 3 Strategies 
161- The transaction ACID Characteristics and transaction status 
162- Explicit and implicit transactions 
163- Examples of the use of transactions 
164- Data concurrency and 4 Kind of isolation level 
165-MySQL Viewing and setting of isolation level 
166- Read the demo under uncommitted isolation 
167- Read the presentation under the isolation of submitted and repeatable reading 
168- The demonstration and solution of unreal reading 
169-Redo Journal and Undo Understanding of logs 、 Why Redo journal 
170-Redo The strategy and process analysis of log disk brushing 
171- write in Redo Log Buffer and Redo Log File Write strategy of 
172-Undo Log overview and writing process 
173- Lock Overview _ Concurrency of reading and writing 
174- From the perspective of data operation type S Lock and X lock 
175- Watch lock S lock 、X lock 、 Intent locks 
176- Self increasing lock of watch lock 、 Metadata lock 
177- Record lock of row lock 、 Clearance lock 
178- Temporary key lock and insertion intention lock of line lock 
179- Understanding of page lock 、 The use of optimistic lock and pessimistic lock 
180- Lock mode division : Implicit lock and explicit lock 
181- Understanding of global lock and deadlock 
182- Lock memory structure and monitoring strategy 
183-MVCC Solve the problem of reading and writing 
184-MVCC Three swordsmen : Hide fields 、UndoLog Version chain 、ReadView The rules 
185-MVCC The operation flow under the read committed and repeatable read isolation level 
186-MVCC The process of solving unreal reading under repeatable reading 
187- Overview of six log files 
188- General query log 、 Error log 
189-binlog Log parameter setting and data recovery demonstration 
190-binlog The deletion of 、binlog Write mechanism and two-phase commit 
191- relay logs 、 Analysis of the steps and principles of master-slave replication 
192- One master one slave architecture construction and the realization of master-slave synchronization 
193-binlog Of format Setting instructions 
194- The problem of master-slave delay and the consistency of data synchronization are solved 
195- Data backup overview and mysqldump Realize logical backup of data 
196- demonstration mysql Realize logical recovery of data 
197- Demonstration of physical backup and physical recovery 、 Export and import of table data 
198- Database migration and how to delete databases without running away 
199- The last message 

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