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What are the interface tests? What are the general test points?

2022-07-06 22:21:00 Field test record

Hello, everyone , I'm Daejeon .

The essence of interface testing is to simulate the front-end page to send requests to the back-end server with the help of testing tools , The tester judges whether there is a problem with the interface by judging whether the returned message of the interface is consistent with the expectation .

First , Datian thought that he had to ensure his interface request address first 、 Correctness of parameter value transfer ; During the test, you need to pay attention to the status code in the response 、 Response information 、 Data warehousing or whether changes have been made in the database 、 Whether the server log reports an error .

secondly , Let's talk about the common test points of interface testing :

1、 See whether the normal scenario rules are implemented ;

2、 After passing the normal scene , Then cover the abnormal scene ;

3、 Verify the boundary data of parameters ;

4、 Pass wrong parameters, such as less 、 Multiple transmission 、 Don't pass parameters , Whether the interface is handled accordingly ;

5、 When two interfaces are interrelated , Pass in the wrong parameter value , Check whether the next interface can receive normally ;

6、 Interface performance or pressure test , Simulate through test tools , See whether the bearing capacity of the interface meets the expected requirements ;

7、 Interface security test , Some need encryption 、 Whether sensitive fields are encrypted ; Whether the interface permission processing is normal ;


The above is what Daejeon shares today , If you find it useful , You can give Daejeon a compliment ~


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