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PVL EDI project case

2022-07-06 22:13:00 Knowledge and practice EDI

2021-2022 The first half of the fiscal year was seriously affected by the global shortage of electronic components , Many car manufacturers are forced to be in “ Shutdown ” period . This comes from raw materials 、 energy 、 The pressure of transportation cannot be underestimated . Under the influence of these external factors ,Plastivaloire The group ( hereinafter referred to as PVL) Although the sales volume of has declined, the business momentum is still good , Compared with the same period of the previous fiscal year , Order volume growth 16.6%.


Project background

PVL Attach great importance to the quality of cooperative relations , The requirements for its suppliers include : Network security 、 Innovation ability 、 Master new technology 、 Improve service efficiency . If the supplier wants to cooperate with PVL Further cooperation , You will definitely encounter people from PVL The question of : Do you have EDI Ability ?

EDI Electronic data interchange , Make the business data conform to the message format of international standards , Through the network , At suppliers and PVL Make long-term predictions 、 Electronic data transmission of business documents such as delivery notice and inventory report .PVL Hope the supplier can have EDI Ability , adopt EDI The transmission of business data not only improves the security of data transmission , It can also help suppliers quickly receive information from PVL The order of , So as to improve the response speed of suppliers to orders !

Project challenges

PVL Supplier D In order to meet the needs of its business development and business cooperation , Planning and PVL And its third-party warehouse 3PL Through between EDI Transfer order / Delivery and other business data . So as to realize the automatic transmission and processing of business data between enterprises , Reduce the error rate of manual operation , Improve work efficiency .


The difference between this project and previous projects is D In addition to PVL establish EDI Outside the connection , Also need to work with third-party warehouses 3PL establish EDI Transmission channel , Synchronous shipment 、 Inventory and other information . In the design EDI When it comes to solutions , Need to be clear D company 、PVL、 And third-party warehouses 3PL Data flow and goods flow , Ensure that the data can be transmitted accurately .

Project requirements

Transfer protocol :OFTP2
Message standard :EDIFACT
Business message :

docking PVL

Business message code Business implications Transmission direction
Long term forecast DELFOR(Firm & Forecast) receive
Delivery notice DESADV send out

Connect with the third-party warehouse

Business message code Business implications Transmission direction
DELFOR(Firm & Forecast) Long term forecast send out
DESADV Delivery notice send out
DESADV Delivery notice receive
INVRPT(MVT-IN&OUT) Inventory report - Out of stock & Put in storage receive
INVRPT(BAL STOCK) Inventory report - allowance receive
Box Label Box paste Generate
Pallet Label Tray sticker Generate

In order to maximize the automation of business processes ,D The company hopes to integrate its internal ERP The bridge between system and knowledge and action EDI The system is seamlessly integrated .


whole EDI The solution is shown in the figure below :


1.PVL adopt EDI send out DELFOR Long term material forecast to D company ,D The company uses the bridge of knowledge and action EDI System reception , Based on this, production scheduling can be carried out in advance .
2. Bridge of knowing and doing EDI The system will PVL It's from DELFOR A copy of the long-term material forecast is sent to the third-party warehouse .
3.D The company sends the goods to the third party warehouse , Send... At the same time DEASDV Delivery notice to warehouse . The delivery notice here is D Issued by the company based on the standards of the third-party warehouse .
4. The third-party warehouse is based on PVL Standard generation DESADV The delivery notice is sent to D company , Send goods synchronously .
5.D The company will receive DESADV Send a copy of the delivery notice to PVL, Let them know about the delivery .
6.INVRPT-MVT The inventory report is sent by the third party warehouse to D company , It mainly transmits stock out and stock in reports , The warehousing report here is equivalent to receipt confirmation .D The company can compare the delivery report with DESADV Combined with delivery notice .
7.INVRPT-Stock The inventory report is sent by the third party warehouse to D company , Mainly to D The company fed back the latest inventory level .

establish OFTP2 signal communication

Whether it's docking PVL Or connect with the third-party warehouse , You need to use OFTP2 Transfer protocol .D The company needs to cooperate with PVL Exchange with third-party warehouses OFTP2 Connection information , Send test files to each other to verify whether the connection is successful .

Data format conversion

Based on the bridge of knowledge and action EDI Systematic EDIFACT port , Realization EDI File with the XML Switch between , Reduce enterprise access / View the complexity of business data . Message processing needs to be divided into D company &PVL as well as D company & The third-party warehouse is completed in two parts .

1.D company &PVL

PVL Send to D company :

DELFOR: Delivery forecast (Delivery Instruction), According to the conditions specified in the purchase contract , Provide details of long-term material requirements to suppliers .

D The company sent to PVL:

DESADV: Delivery notice (ASN/Despatch Advice), According to the delivery plan or shipping schedule information received by the supplier , According to the contract or order , Deliver the goods to PVL.

DESADV Will contain different material information 、 Packaging information 、 Delivery instructions and inventory status information .

D In this part, the company needs to do format conversion in two different directions , namely : take EDIFACT DELFOR Convert to XML And will be XML Convert to EDIFACT DESADV. Here we need to pay attention to ,EDIFACT DESADV Need to meet PVL Specification requirements provided , Make sure that the sent file can be PVL Handle... Successfully .

2.D company & Third party warehouse

Third party warehouse sent to D company :

DESADV to PVL Delivery notice
INVRPT – MVT Inventory report - Out of stock & Put in storage
INVRPT – Stock Inventory report - allowance

D The company sends it to the third-party warehouse :
DELFOR copy from PVL Delivery forecast
DESADV Delivery notice

D The company also needs to do format conversion in two different directions in this part , namely : take EDIFACT DESADV、EDIFACT INVRPT – MVT as well as EDIFACT INVRPT – Stock Convert to XML. take XML Convert to EDIFACT DELFOR as well as EDIFACT DESADV. there DELFOR as well as DESADV It needs to meet the specification requirements provided by the third-party warehouse , Ensure that the sent documents can be successfully processed by the third-party warehouse .

Bridge of knowing and doing EDI The system can help D Besides the business documents sent and received by the company , You can also generate labels according to your needs , for example : Box paste 、 Tray stickers, etc .

Reference reading : How to use PDF Port generation label Label?

Business system integration

Bridge of knowing and doing EDI The system supports multiple integration modes , Common are :IDOC、REST API Or intermediate database .D Company chooses to use REST API To achieve its ERP System and EDI System integration .

Bridge of knowing and doing EDI Systems and D The company's ERP The system calls the document through the interface provided by the other party , Use REST API To call the other party's interface , With JSON perhaps XML Format to transmit business data .

Use REST API The way to integrate , It needs to be obtained in the process of format conversion XML The format file passes through the bridge of knowledge and action EDI Systematic Json The port is converted to Json Format .

EDI and ERP The integration of can be carried out according to the following example :

Through the bridge of knowledge and action EDI The system receives from the purchaser DELFOR After long-term material forecast , from EDI The system parses , And then call ERP Order receiving interface of the system , Change order data to Json or XML Format to ERP,ERP After the interface of receives the order data , Display in its order module , The business personnel complete the final order data check , complete EDI receive DELFOR Long term integration test of materials .

Bridge of knowing and doing EDI Introduction to system ports

In the process of file conversion, we mentioned two ports :EDIFACT Port and JSON port , The two ports are briefly introduced below :


EDIFACT Ports can be used to XML Document conversion to EDIFACT file , Can also be EDIFACT Document conversion to XML. We can still do that EDIFACT Configure the switching head in the port , The information that can be configured here usually includes :

Syntax identifier 、 Syntax version 、 The sender ID、 Sender qualifier 、 The receiving party ID And receiver qualifier .

 Insert picture description here

JSON port

JSON Port support will XML Data to JSON, take JSON Data to XML. Ports support configurable syntax to distinguish attributes and ensure that the output is valid XML/JSON.


More about the bridge of knowledge and action EDI Please refer to The reference sample Demo

more EDI Information , see also : EDI What is it? ?

Read the original


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