当前位置:网站首页>The golden age of the U.S. technology industry has ended, and there have been constant lamentations about chip sales and 30000 layoffs

The golden age of the U.S. technology industry has ended, and there have been constant lamentations about chip sales and 30000 layoffs

2022-07-06 21:48:00 Bai Ying's ramble

Some time ago, the leading analog chip companies in the United States reported price cuts for sale , Recently, American technology companies have reported layoffs 3 News of ten thousand people , It can be said that there is a lot of sadness , However, just two years ago, the U.S. technology industry was still positive , Performance and market value continue to soar , The situation changed greatly in two years , The arrogant American enterprises are continuously losing their competitive advantage .


Two years ago, American chip companies were not worried about selling , So the United States took bold action , Restrict the sale of chips to some enterprises , It has triggered a shock in the global industrial chain , So many enterprises hoard chips , Ensure your own chip supply , This leads to the problem of tight chip supply .

Then speculative funds quickly seized the opportunity , Join the hype , Hoarding chips , Further exacerbated the tight supply of chips , Chip prices soared , The highest increase is nearly 100 times , American chips, which account for nearly half of the global chip market, have made a lot of money , The results released by an American analog chip company show 2021 Annual profits soared by nearly 40% .

As for Internet enterprises , Several major Internet companies in the United States have monopolized many industries around the world , Google's Android system monopolizes the mobile operating system market , And rely on the monopoly advantage of Android system to enhance its Google search 、 Google Earth 、YouTube And many other Internet applications , Got a huge return ,2021 In, Google's net profit increased 35.5%, Other Internet technology enterprises have also achieved good performance growth .

The rapid growth of performance has supported the soaring market value of several major Internet technology enterprises in the United States , Apple has achieved 3 A trillion dollar market value , It has successively broken the market value of global listed companies 2 One trillion 、3 Trillions of records , More than many countries in the world GDP, That is the golden age of American Internet technology enterprises .


More than two years passed , The brilliance of the American chip industry is gradually fading , RF chips dominated by American chip companies 、 Analog chip and other industries have shown signs of surplus , Speculative funds that once exacerbated the rise in chip prices began to sell chips , In turn, it exacerbates the oversupply of chips , So I saw the bad news that the price of analog chip leaders in the United States is reduced by 90% .

There is a surplus of chips in the United States , In addition to the declining demand for chips in the global market , Also in China, the world's largest chip purchasing customer (2021 In, chips purchased by China accounted for 60% of the global chip market ) The chip self-sufficiency rate is constantly enhanced ,2021 In, the self-sufficiency rate of chips made in China increased to 36% about , Before this year 4 Chip imports further decreased in the last month 240 Million star , The reason is that Chinese chips have broken the gap in many industries , Replace American chips with domestic chips , Hit American chips hard .

The Internet industry dominated by the United States also shows bad signs , Since the birth of the Internet , The United States has always been the leader of the global Internet , It seems that no one can shake , However, the rise of Internet applications in China in recent years Tik Tok Break through successfully , Occupy a large market share in overseas markets , Even entered the local market of American Internet enterprises ,Facebook Try to imitate Tik Tok But failed , It highlights that the innovation ability of the U.S. Internet industry is declining .

In fact, there are many signs of imitating and learning from the Chinese Internet on the American Internet , China's e-commerce penetration ranks first in the world , Mobile payment has changed people's consumption habits , The rise of wechat has changed the development of social software , Forcing American Internet company Google 、Facebook In turn, learn from many innovations emerging from China's Internet .

Apple of America, which spans the two industries of technology and Internet , Now innovation is also declining , In recent years, Apple's products have rarely attracted attention , Recently, it has suffered a setback in the development of baseband chip technology , Apple's Internet service, which hopes to make profits, is forced to allow sideloading in the European market 、 Introduce third-party payment , These changes make investors worried about Apple's continued profitability , As a result, its market value fell by a third , Now it's about to break through 2 A trillion dollar market value .


All the negative news mentioned above shows that the innovation power of the United States is declining , This has led to the gradual decline of the competitiveness of the U.S. technology Internet industry , Decline in performance , Now it is even more reported that there are layoffs in the technology Internet industry 3 News of ten thousand people , It can be seen that the dilemma of the U.S. technology Internet industry today , To sum up, their golden age is over , It's time to live a hard life .


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