One 、InsightFace brief introduction

InsightFace It's a  2D/3D Face analysis project .InsightFace The code is in MIT Issued under license . about acadmic And there are no restrictions on commercial use .

Training data with comments ( And the model trained with these data ) Only for non-commercial research purposes .

In this repository , We provide training data for depth recognition , Network setup and loss design . Training data includes standardized MS1M,VGG2 and CASIA-Webface Data sets , These datasets have been written in MXNet Binary format packaging . The network backbone includes ResNet,MobilefaceNet,MobileNet,InceptionResNet_v2,DenseNet,DPN. The loss function includes Softmax,SphereFace,CosineFace,ArcFace and Triplet(Euclidean / Angular)Loss.

Our approach ArcFace Initially in arXiv Described in the technical report . By using this repository , You can simply implement through a single model LFW 99.80%+ and Megaface 98%+. This repository can help researchers / Engineers quickly develop depth recognition algorithms in two steps : Download the binary data set and run the training script .


Two 、 be based on InsightFace Of Java Version face comparison 、 Face search service

The project uses components :spring boot + milvus + onnx, Ensure stable operation in multi-threaded mode , Resource ratio deployment Python At least reduce the service 50%. Secondly, the natural support of the project Java client , And to provide restful Of API, See   file -1.2.0.

Project open source address :

The test case of the project uses the photos of several business leaders as the search library , The picture shows the result preview :

Project open source address :


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