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Is it profitable to host an Olympic Games?

2022-07-06 21:07:00 Big data V


Reading guide : Not just economic accounts .

author : The situation is being solved

This article is authorized to be reproduced from : The situation is being solved ( WeChat ID:zhengjieclub)


2 month 4 Japan , The Beijing Winter Olympic Games opened grandly .

Despite the impact of the epidemic ,91 Athletes from delegations from countries and regions will still bring wonderful ice and snow events to people all over the world .

however , Also because of the epidemic , This winter Olympics will adjust the original plan to organize spectators to watch the games on site through public ticket sales .


▲2022 Beijing Winter Olympics Emblem  Getty Images

Objectively speaking , This will inevitably reduce the ticket revenue of the Winter Olympics .

Everyone knows the value of hosting the Olympic Games , For any country or city , The Olympic Games are of great significance that cannot be measured by money .

But everyone will still be curious , Is it profitable to host the Olympic Games ?

in fact , since 1896 The first Athens Olympic Games opened , until 1984 Before the Los Angeles Olympic Games , The country hosting the Olympic Games does not make money , I didn't expect to make money at all .

01  The early Olympic Games were purely “ Lose money and make money ”

To say , This is in line with the three principles of the Olympic Games put forward by Pierre de Coubertin, the founder of the Olympic Games “ Unprofessional 、 Depoliticization 、 Non commercial ” of .


These three principles are also an important embodiment of the Olympic spirit , And has been recognized all over the world .

Since hosting the Olympic Games is a grand event for people's sports and cultural undertakings all over the world , Talking about money is vulgar .

One country will host the Olympic Games , It can not only get the attention of the world during the event , And it is also the embodiment of comprehensive national strength , Even if you don't make money , It also makes many countries rush to the top for bidding for the Olympic Games .

Money is not everything , But you can't do without money .

Anyway? , Such a major sports event , It is impossible for the participating countries to solve the expenses by themselves ? Besides, the host countries are not all strong , Rich and powerful ?

therefore , Although the International Olympic Committee did not specify the accommodation of athletes during the Olympic Games 、 Who should bear the transportation and other expenses , But according to the established rules , Whether it's the Summer Olympics or the Winter Olympics , All the expenses of the participating athletes are basically borne by the host country .


▲ international olympic committee (IOC) Displayed “ Olympic expenditure accounts ”

During the Olympic Games , Most of the income of the host country is almost negligible ticket income , This money and the construction of venues , But also for the cost of food and accommodation for the contestants from the participating countries , Almost negligible .

Although hosting the Olympics is not a profitable business , But after all, it's a prestigious international major event , It is also an important embodiment of the economic strength of the host country . Economically underdeveloped countries can't even apply .

The host countries of the early Olympic Games provided funds , There are basically three routines : Government grants 、 Issue lottery tickets and private donations .

But because the latter two sources of funds are really unstable , Plus the money raised is a drop in the bucket , In the end, almost all the host governments bought the bill .

Although the host country also has income from television broadcasting rights , But at that time, the popularity of TV in the world was too low , This money is only a drop in the bucket .

At the end of the day , For early Olympic bid countries , To host the Olympics is to lose money and earn money .

The problem is , Many countries hosting the Olympic Games are “ Bidding for the Olympic Games was a great moment , Post match crematorium ”.

Because hosting the Olympic Games is purely a matter of investment and no profit , Many Olympic host countries have a lot of debt in the Olympic Games .

such as 1972 The Munich Olympic Games in Germany cost 10 Billion dollars , Final loss 6 Billion dollars , In the middle, there is also a 11 A serious terrorist incident in which Israeli athletes were killed by terrorists .

and 1976 Montreal in Canada was even worse , The total investment 20 Billion dollars , It turned out that 10 Billion dollars . It not only led to the near bankruptcy of the city of Montreal , Also let the local 300 Ten thousand citizens carry it on their backs 20 Years of debt , It also gave birth to “ Montreal trap ” Such a proper noun .


And then 1980 Moscow Olympic Games , The host country invested 90 Billion dollars , The income is basically zero , It's a big loss .

This is about the Summer Olympics , In fact, it is not easy to hold a Winter Olympics .

The same is 1980 year , The Winter Olympics this year was held in Lake placy, New York .

One of the most well-known stories is that the host U.S. ice hockey team faces a powerful Soviet ice hockey team , With 4:3 turn the tide , It broke the Soviet Union's self 1964 For years, it has monopolized the ice hockey championship .

It's just , This winter Olympics finally made Lake Placid town owe 800 More than ten thousand dollars of debt , Let only 3000 The human town is really overwhelmed . Fortunately, the state of New York finally helped , Paid all the debts on its behalf .

however ,1980 The most noteworthy thing about the New York Plessy Lake Winter Olympics in is , From the first time to participate in 10 The Olympic Games 48 After year , The Chinese Olympic delegation first appeared in the Olympic Games .


▲1980 The Plessy Lake Winter Olympics in New York is the first time that China has participated in the Olympic Games since the founding of the people's Republic of China

Just because the results of the Chinese team are not very ideal , Less publicity , Many people mistakenly think 1984 The Los Angeles Summer Olympics in is the Chinese Olympic delegation “ First show ”.

It is precisely because neither the Summer Olympics nor the Winter Olympics make money , After that, many countries have become timid in bidding for the Olympic Games , I don't want to take over this “ sth. useful but very difficult to handle ”.

1984 After Los Angeles' successful Olympic bid in , The United States doesn't catch a cold at all .

The California government where Los Angeles is located directly legislates , Los Angeles Olympic Games is forbidden to use any financial revenue to hold events .

People also spontaneously marched on the streets , Express “ Don't try to spend a penny of our taxes on the Olympics ”.

As for issuing lottery tickets ? Don't even think about it. , This is illegal in California .

Reagan, the then president of the United States, was even more ruthless : I didn't ask for money , The city of Los Angeles has to find a way by itself .

Want money, no money , People are also very disgusted with hosting the Olympic Games , This makes the Los Angeles Olympic Games preparation team anxious .

02  The Olympics has become a profitable business

There is no official way , Then we have to find a way from the folk .

Recommended by the forced Los Angeles Olympic Games preparation team , Find a businessman from the people to be responsible for fund-raising .

This man is Peter · Ueberroth , At that time, he was the boss of a large tourism company .


▲ The Los Angeles Olympics “ The Midas touch ” Businessman Peter · Ueberroth

When the Los Angeles Olympic fund preparation committee was just established , Just euberroth . Fortunately, he took the lead in donating 100 dollar , Just break the account of the Preparatory Committee “ Zero record ”.

The countermeasure given by Ueberroth is “ sponsorship ”.

Originally, sponsorship is nothing new to the Olympic Games , Each session has sponsors . Even the Moscow Olympic Games, which lost a lot of money, will be delayed 200 Multiple sponsors .

But there are many sponsors , The total amount of real sponsorship is not much .

Because the Olympic organizing committee didn't know management before , Plus corporate bargaining , The sponsorship money received each time is only a few million dollars .

After Ueberroth took office , Immediately changed the sponsorship strategy of the Olympic Games .

He stipulated that each event of the Olympic Games can only have a single sponsor , And all projects are only allowed 30 Sponsors .

More Than This , Ueberroth also stipulates , Want to sponsor , The contribution must be made in 400 From ten thousand dollars , Below this figure, there is no need to talk .

Sum up , Ueberroth is actually playing with the importance of the Olympic Games “ rare ” card , Engaged in a hunger marketing .

In order to make more businesses willing to enter the market , Together with the Preparatory Committee for the Los Angeles Olympic Games, he provided a strong list of participating countries , Including sending 300 A multi person Chinese Olympic delegation .

Also at this Olympic Games , Shooter XuHaifeng has completely broken the history of Chinese Olympic gold medals “ Zero record ”.


At that time, there were 159 individual , Finally, those who announced their participation in the Los Angeles Olympic Games are 140 Countries and regions , Far more than any previous session .

Such a grand occasion , We can't help but let businessmen move , They compete fiercely for advertising space , This made the Los Angeles Olympic Games happy to make a lot of money .

For example, Coca Cola at that time in order to beat Pepsi , Smashed 1260 Thousands of dollars , It was almost one tenth of Coca Cola's annual advertising investment at that time ; In order to seize the American market , Challenge industry giant Kodak , Take out the 700 Thousands of dollars .

All these advertisers have become the most important sponsors of the future Olympic Games , Earn enough eyeballs for yourself .

The sponsorship mode created by Ueberroth has also become the most important means of profit after the Olympic Games , Derivatives include top plan 、 Organizing committee partners 、 sponsors 、 supplier 、 Franchise enterprises and other profit models .

Ueberroth's “ Gold absorption ” Is the plan over here ? did not .

Euberroth also had a good time , At that time, television had been popularized all over the world . He took advantage of the situation and made a bid for TV broadcasting rights , If you want to bid, you have to pay 75 A deposit of $million .

Last , ABC, one of the five major television broadcasting giants in the United States (ABC) With 2.25 Billion dollars won the broadcasting right of the Olympic Games , It has also opened up a new profitable project for the Olympic Games .


▲ TV transmission right income of previous Olympic Games

As more and more countries participate in the Los Angeles Olympic Games , Many people hope to witness the birth of the world record at the first time , Tickets for the game began to become expensive .

The Los Angeles Olympic Games was immediately announced , The ticket price will vary according to the event , Will be for 50-200 Dollar inequality , Anyone can enter by ticket , The president of the United States is no exception .

And then , Tickets for popular events really sell at such a price , Popular events have also been “ Cattle ” Stir fry to hundreds of dollars a piece .


▲1984 The Los Angeles Olympic Games in broke the history of only losing money in hosting the Olympic Games

Needless to say , Behind this is the operation of yuberroth .

The Los Angeles Olympic Games is as fierce as a tiger in various profitable events , Not only ended the history of losing money in hosting the Olympic Games , And earned 2.5 Billion dollars .

1984 year , The United States 《 Time 》 The weekly named Ueberroth “1984 The most outstanding person in ”, And he officially created the commercial operation mode of the Olympic Games , So that all countries begin to compete to bid for the Olympic Games again .

03  It has really become a profitable business

Because there is such a ready-made case as the Los Angeles Olympic Games , The subsequent Olympic Games were almost “ Draw a gourd and a gourd ”, Have achieved good economic benefits ,

Among them, there are not only increasing advertising sponsorship fees , Even the cost of TV transmission is increasing year by year .

According to the data released by the International Olympic Committee , from 1993-2012 year , The Olympic TV Broadcasting Authorization fee has been increased from 12.5 Million rose 38.50 Billion dollars .

According to the data published by various countries later ,1988 The total investment of Seoul Olympic Games in 40 Billion dollars , Through corporate sponsorship , TV Broadcasting Authorization, etc , profit 4.97 Billion dollars , It is also the first time that the government has made profits by hosting the Olympic Games .

1992 year , The total investment of Barcelona Olympic Games has reached 96 Billion dollars , Although the direct competition profits only 4000 Thousands of dollars , But after the Olympic Games, it brought to Spain and Barcelona 260 Billion dollars in economic benefits .


▲ The scenery is beautiful today 、 Barcelona, which has a sound infrastructure, is due to the Olympic Games held that year

Before bidding for the Olympic Games , The city of Barcelona is very dilapidated , The infrastructure is also very imperfect .

It is with the opportunity of the Olympic Games , Barcelona will 90% Spending on infrastructure 、 Telecommunications and comprehensive environmental improvement .

The Olympic Games finally made Barcelona look new : Among them, road facilities have increased 15%; The sewage treatment system has increased 17%; Green belts and seaside tourist areas have increased 78%; Artificial lakes and fountains have been added 268%.

Barcelona has also become a world-famous international tourist city , Since then, tourism revenue has become the main source of financial revenue in the city .

Again ,1996 The Atlanta Olympic Games in 2008 only made a profit 1000 Thousands of dollars , But created 50 Billion dollars in economic benefits ;2012 The total investment of the London Olympic Games in 100 Hundred million pounds ( About us 135 Billion dollars ), But driven by the Olympic economy , The overall income reached 210 Hundred million pounds ( About us 284 Billion dollars ).

So-called “ Olympic Economy ” It refers to all relevant economic activities of the host country during the preparation and holding of the Olympic Games , It is also the most important economic source of the host country .

let me put it another way , The income of the Olympic Games is no longer calculated simply from the end of the event , It is measured from the overall economic development of the host country in the longer term .

take 1964 For the Tokyo Olympic Games in Japan , At that time, the Olympic Games was still “ Lose money ” project , After the Olympic Games, the accounts are naturally lost . We will be able to rely on the income from tourism and foreign investment projects brought by the Olympics , Japan was GDP That's up to 9%.


He said it , Everyone must be most concerned about 2008 Is the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games a win or a loss .

2009 year 6 month 19 Japan , The National Audit Office released the follow-up audit results of the financial revenue and expenditure of the Beijing Olympic Games “ The income of BOCOG will reach 205 One hundred million yuan , Increase over budget 8 One hundred million yuan ; Expenditure will reach 193.43 One hundred million yuan , Slightly higher than the budget ; The balance of income and expenditure will exceed 10 One hundred million yuan ”.

however , This is just the direct cost and income in Economics .

The indirect cost is based on the relevant media reports at that time , In preparation for the Beijing Olympic Games , China's total investment is almost 3000 One hundred million yuan , among 2800 Most of the billion yuan was spent on urban infrastructure .


According to the financial budget of Beijing's Olympic bid report and Beijing “ 15、 ... and ” The planned data shows , During the preparation for the Beijing Olympic Games , For urban infrastructure construction 1800 One hundred million yuan :900 Billion yuan for the construction of subway 、 Light rail 、 Expressway 、 Airport, etc ;450 Billion yuan for environmental treatment ;300 100 million yuan for information construction ; rest 150 Billion yuan will be used for the construction and transformation of water, electricity, heat and other living facilities .

This money is not just spent for hosting the Olympic Games .

Actually, according to the planning of relevant departments , Whether the Olympics is held or not , This fund will eventually be spent on projects to improve people's livelihood .

meanwhile , The Beijing Olympic Games also accelerated the construction of transportation between major cities in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei , To form the 30 Minute economic circle .

among , The first one in China is faster than 350 km / Hours of high-speed railway —— The Beijing Tianjin Intercity Railway was built during this period .


▲ The Beijing Olympic Games has brought major cities in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei into 1 Hourly traffic circle

Objectively speaking , Hosting the Olympic Games will indeed play a positive role in promoting the economy of the host country . However, the trend of economic development in various countries mainly depends on economic fundamentals , The impact of the Olympic Games on countries with large economies will not be very obvious .

Since the Beijing Olympic Games, China's economic growth has been maintained at 10% about , Of course , This is the result of years of economic development in China , It's not just the single promotion of the Olympic Games .

04  The significance of hosting the Olympic Games , Not just to make money

An Olympic Games not only tests the comprehensive management and operation ability of a country , Unpredictable political and epidemic factors will also make the host country cry .

such as 2004 The Athens Olympic Games , The original budget was 50 Billion dollars . Due to underestimation of indirect costs , In addition, terrorist incidents occurred frequently at that time , Athens had to significantly increase investment in security and other links , Make the actual expenditure reach 100 More than $ .

The revenue of Athens is only 20 Billion dollars , In addition, many competition venues were not fully utilized after the game , It eventually led to huge losses , It also dragged down the Greek economy .

2016 Rio de Janeiro Olympic Games in Brazil , Not only venues 、 Safety and accommodation problems have been criticized by contestants , Even due to the political turmoil in Brazil , Many politicians including the president of Brazil were absent from the opening ceremony .

It is also because of domestic political changes , No one cares about the economic boost after the game , This led to the loss of billions of dollars in the Olympic Games , Known by Brazil as “ The disaster in Brazil ”.


▲2016 The Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in, were held because of political turmoil and many domestic problems , Severe loss

And last year's Tokyo Olympics , During the bidding period of the Tokyo Olympic Organizing Committee, it also made money by relying on various sponsorships 2 Billions of dollars , Even to save money , Even the tables, chairs and beds in the Olympic village have been replaced with paper materials .

The budget conscious Tokyo Organizing Committee of the Olympic Games in Japan wanted to make another big profit at the Olympic Games , Who thought COVID-19 would hit , The Olympic Games had to be postponed for a year , The recurrence of the epidemic made the Tokyo Olympic Games in Japan suffer a loss of 300 Billion dollars .

Look around , Although tickets for the Beijing Winter Olympics cannot be sold normally due to the epidemic , Less income , But the actual income from sponsorship and television broadcasting rights has not decreased .

and , We must also understand , The ultimate goal of hosting the Olympic Games is not to make money , But to carry forward the Olympic spirit , With “ faster 、 Higher 、 stronger —— More united ” To inherit the history and culture of human civilization .


▲ The Olympic Games are not held to make money , But to reflect “ faster 、 Higher 、 stronger —— More united ” My Olympic motto

In the face of a sudden new epidemic , We may be more aware that human destiny is always one , People all over the world face a common disaster , It is more necessary to show unprecedented unity and firm confidence .

in fact , One of the purposes of Coubertin's founding of the Olympic Games , It is the hope that sports can enhance people's physique , Fight against various diseases .

As Coubertin said : For life , What matters is not triumph , It's fighting .

This article is authorized to be reproduced from : The situation is being solved (ID:zhengjieclub). The situation is being solved , One has insight 、 There is depth 、 A sincere financial magnate , Wall street news 、 Snowball 、 The ant gold dress 、 World managers, etc 10 A number of mainstream financial communities were specially invited to settle in . Read more than 100 Thousands of people , ad locum , Through the fog of information , Understanding the power of China's growth .


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