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Four common ways and performance comparison of ArrayList de duplication (jmh performance analysis)

2022-07-06 21:16:00 I hope to wake up naturally every day

Here are four practical ArrayList The way to remove weight , At the same time, I will be practical Oracle Performance testing tools provided JMH(Java Microbenchmark Harness,Java Micro benchmark test suite ) Let's test the performance of these methods . Of course, the test here is carried out when the system performance is sufficient , See who can squeeze the performance of the machine better .

Of course , That uncommon way of weight removal is not involved here .

ArrayList Common methods of weight removal

ArrayList There are four common methods of weight removal , Namely HashSet duplicate removal 、LinkedHashSet duplicate removal 、stream Stream single thread de duplication 、stream Stream multithreading de duplication . The data structures involved here are reviewed first :

ArrayList( Order is not unique ):Object[], Thread unsafe , Insert delete slow ( Array move ), Quick query ( Random access ).

HashSet( Disorder is unique ): Hashtable , be based on HashMap Realization ,hashmap Of key Store its value . Thread unsafe .

LinkedHashSet( Orderly and unique ): Hashtable + Linked list ( The linked list stores the insertion order ), It is HashSet Subclass , There is only constructor inside . Thread unsafe .

HashSet & LinkedHashSet

// data
List<Integer> arrayList = new ArrayList<Integer>(){
// HashSet duplicate removal 
ArrayList<Integer> hashSetList = new ArrayList<>(new HashSet<>(arrayList));
// LinkedHashSet duplicate removal 
ArrayList<Integer> linkedHashSetList = new ArrayList<>(new LinkedHashSet<>(arrayList));

Hit the breakpoint to check the data

 Insert picture description here

stream & parallelStream

List<Integer> arrayList = new ArrayList<Integer>(){
// stream duplicate removal 
List<Integer> streamList = arrayList.stream().distinct().collect(Collectors.toList());
// parallelStream duplicate removal 
List<Integer> parallelStreamList = arrayList.parallelStream().distinct().collect(Collectors.toList());

Set a breakpoint to view the data

 Insert picture description here

The above is the simple data De duplication operation method .

JMH Performance analysis

Use Oracle Official performance testing tools JMH(Java Microbenchmark Harness,JAVA Micro benchmark test suite ) Let's test this 4 Kind of The performance of the weight removal method .

First , Let's introduce JMH frame , stay pom.xml Add the following configuration to the file :

<!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.openjdk.jmh/jmh-core -->
<!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.openjdk.jmh/jmh-generator-annprocess -->

I have written the version number , The latest version is recommended .

Now write the test code , as follows

@BenchmarkMode(Mode.AverageTime) //  Test completion time 
@Warmup(iterations = 2, time = 1, timeUnit = TimeUnit.SECONDS) //  preheating  2  round , Every time  1s
@Measurement(iterations = 5, time = 1, timeUnit = TimeUnit.SECONDS)// test  5  round , Every time  1s
@Fork(1) // fork 1  Threads 
@State(Scope.Thread) //  One instance per test thread 
public class ArrayListDistinctTest {
    static List<Integer> arrayList = new ArrayList<Integer>(){
        //  altogether  2000000  Data 
        for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) add(i);
        for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) add(i);

    public static void main(String[] args) throws RunnerException {
        //  Start benchmarking 
        Options opt = new OptionsBuilder()
                .include(ArrayListDistinctTest.class.getSimpleName()) //  Test class to import 
                .output("C:/Users/86177/Desktop/jmh-map.log") //  Output test results file 
        new Runner(opt).run(); //  Perform the test 
    public void hashSet(){
        new ArrayList<>(new HashSet<>(arrayList));

    public void linkedHashSet(){
        new ArrayList<>(new LinkedHashSet<>(arrayList));

    public void stream(){

    public void parallelStream(){

All have been added @Benchmark The annotated method will be tested , perform main The method can . And as the code shows , I tested a total of 2000000( Two million ) Data , Half is repeated . The test file has been printed to the desktop , I will post the performance comparison data here :

Benchmark                             Mode  Cnt          Score          Error  Units
ArrayListDistinctTest.hashSet         avgt    5   37251270.300 ± 10458771.326  ns/op
ArrayListDistinctTest.linkedHashSet   avgt    5   40382889.634 ± 11785155.916  ns/op
ArrayListDistinctTest.parallelStream  avgt    5  157258934.286 ± 34670245.903  ns/op
ArrayListDistinctTest.stream          avgt    5   38513055.914 ±  3839780.617  ns/op

among Units by ns/op It means execution completion time ( It's in nanoseconds ), and Score List as average execution time , ± Symbols indicate errors . It can be seen from the above results , Two Set It's similar in performance , And the execution speed is very fast , Next is stream .

notes : The above results are based on the test environment :JDK 1.8 / Win10 16GB (2021H) / Idea 2022.3


Except for the large amount of data above , I also tested into 1000 Small amount of data .HashSet and LinkedHashSet The performance of is still very satisfactory , And for stream In terms of performance, when the amount of data is relatively small Set high (parallelStream Performance is not as good as stream, Here is a simple analysis ). It is recommended to use HashSet and LinkedHashSet duplicate removal .

De duplication selection

Based on the above , Yes ArrayList During the weight removal operation , Recommended LinkedHashSet.

In the final analysis, the de duplication operation is based on the data of the set , You see Set Sets are not allowed to repeat , Of course, first choose it . Then let's take a look at the requirements , Such as HashSet Data disorder after de duplication ,LinkedHashSet After de duplication, the data is orderly, but the performance is not HashSet good .

Stream There are single threaded and multi-threaded flow operations for flow selection , The performance of multithreaded operation flow here is better than that of single thread operation , It is necessary to judge whether the current operation may have concurrency risks .

Be careful. : In the computer system , Multithreading is not necessarily better than multithreading , The reason why single threading may be better than multithreading is usually CPU Performance waste caused by switching operation threads , There will be a thread sleep and thread wake operation . For example, common Redis It is designed as a single thread .


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