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Set up a time server

2022-07-06 21:16:00 Yang Yangyang baa ~

1、 Environmental requirements ( Both client and server should be installed chrony)

Two or more virtual machines are needed to act as servers and clients , All must have yum Source , Then install them separately ntp, Because I used it CentOS8, So the download command is :yum install -y chrony
** Be careful :** I am installing yum There are many problems with the source , I am persistent and use a way to install yum Source thus wasted a lot of time and failed to install , Later, I succeeded in borrowing the method of my classmates , Record the successful installation process here :
a. First cd /etc/yum.repos.d/ Take a look at the configuration file :
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b. Delete these original yum Source :rm -rf *
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c. Check your own mirrored version , Go to relevant websites to download matching yum Source
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The website here is :https://developer.aliyun.com/mirror/?spm=a2c6h.25603864.0.0.50154ccaMggZGI, Just copy the corresponding command
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d. install yum Source , The order is :

curl -o /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo https://mirrors.aliyun.com/repo/Centos-vault-8.5.2111.repo

If your mirror version is centos8, You can directly copy my commands
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e. Test and install ntp(CentOS7 In the future, it will basically be chrony), see yum Source installed successfully .
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here yum The source is finally available

2、 Find a reliable time server address

This step is to search on Baidu , What I use here is ntp1.aliyun.com,
After you find the right address , Start with the virtual machine ping See if it can connect , It can be used if it can be connected .

3、 Edit the of the server chrony The configuration file

The order is :vim chrony.conf
At this time, the first line of white text , It's a time server address he gave you , But we need to use our own virtual machine to test whether it can ping through , Can be used
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My result is that Ping through , But it's slower , Because he is a foreign website .
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Turn on chronyd service , Verification time
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