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JS operation DOM element (I) -- six ways to obtain DOM nodes
2022-07-06 21:10:00 【viceen】
JS operation dom Elements ( One )—— obtain DOM Six ways of nodes
js obtain Dom Common methods of nodes : Element nodes , Attribute node , Text node .
- adopt ID obtain (getElementById)
- adopt name attribute (getElementsByName)
- By tag name (getElementsByTagName)
- By class name (getElementsByClassName)
- Get an element through a selector (querySelector)
- Get a set of elements through a selector (querySelectorAll)
- obtain html Methods (document.documentElement)
document.documentElement It's about getting html This label's - obtain body Methods (document.body) document.body It's about getting body This label's .
1.getElementById() — id Selected elements
var getid=document.getElementById('id name ')
2.getElementsByClassName() — Class name selected element
var getclass=document.getElementsByClassName(' Class name ')
3.getElementsByTagName() — Tag name selected element
var gettag=document.getElementsByTagName(' Tag name ')
4.getElementsByName() — adopt name Attribute get element
var getname=document.getElementsByName('name name ')
Next, get the writing method and css The selector of is written in the same way
5.querySelector() — Get an element accurately
var f=document.querySelector("#tabelList li:nth-child(2)")
6.querySelectorAll() Get all elements that meet the conditions such as class name or tag name
var g=document.querySelectorAll('.box p>span')
1、getElementById() — adopt id Selected elements
The context must be document.
Parameters must be passed , Parameter is string type , Is to get the element id.
The return value only gets one element , No return found null.
function func() {
var selectId = document.getElementById("id name ");
selectId.style.color = "blue";
2、getElementsByName — adopt name Attribute get element
Generally used in form elements
The context must be document. Content
Parameters must be passed , The parameter is to get the element name attribute .
The return value is an array of classes , Return empty array not found .
function funa() {
var selectDiv = document.getElementsByName("status");
selectDiv[0].checked = true;
// here selectDiv yes NodeList Node object
// console.log(selectDiv)
3、getElementsByTagName() — Select the element by the tag name
The context can be document, It can also be an element , Note that this element must exist .
The parameter is to get the tag name attribute of the element , Case insensitive .
The return value is an array of classes , Return empty array not found
function func() {
var selectTag = document.getElementsByTagName(" Tag name ");
selectTag.style.color = "blue";
var obj = document.getElementsByTagName('div');
for(let i = 0; i<obj.length; i++){
obj[i].onclick = function(e){
4、getElementsByClassName() — Select the element by class name
The context can be document, It can also be an element .
The parameter is the class name of the element .
The return value is an array of classes , Return empty array not found .
function func() {
var selectClass = document.getElementsByClassName(" Class name ");
selectClass.style.color = "blue";
var obj1 = document.getElementsByClassName('animated')
// console.log
4、querySelector and queryselectorAll
Get the notation and... In the parentheses of the element css Selector Write the same way
5-1 querySelector() — Get an element accurately
The context can be document, It can also be an element .
Parameters are selectors , Such as :”div .className”.
The return value only gets the first element .
function funb() {
var selectDiv = document.querySelector("#list li:nth-child(3)");
selectDiv.style.color = "red";
// console.log(selectDiv)
5-2 queryselectorAll() — Get a set of elements through a selector
Get all elements that meet the conditions such as class name or tag name
The context can be document, It can also be an element .
Parameters are selectors , Such as :”div .className”.
The return value is an array of classes .
function func() {
var selectDiv = document.querySelectorAll(".text ul>li");
// here selectDiv Is an array , Stored li
selectDiv[0].style.color = "red";
// Print out as NodeList object -- It's a collection of nodes , have access to Array.from() Convert it to an array
6、document.title and document.body
function fund() {
document.title = " This is a title Elements ";
document.body.innerHTML = "<p style='color: red'> This is a body Elements </p>";
notes :getElementByTagName Can operate dynamically created Dom, and getElementById Can not be
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