当前位置:网站首页>After working for 5 years, this experience is left when you reach P7. You have helped your friends get 10 offers

After working for 5 years, this experience is left when you reach P7. You have helped your friends get 10 offers

2022-07-06 21:05:00 Qiao Yifang

I worked in Ali 5 year , High working pressure , fast , But it did grow in technology , Especially when you're maintaining systems related to big promotion , Going to get to P7 It took a lot of thought , Xiaobian is also a learner , Put these years of work experience into a complete note . This note has helped friends get Tencent , Ali , Meituan, etc 10 individual offer !

Because there are so many details , Therefore, only a partial screenshot of the knowledge points is provided for a rough introduction , Each small node has more detailed content !

Whether you are Xiaobai or have been working for a long time ,

Whether you need an interview or not , Should have a good look ,

This information is very comprehensive ,

It's almost covered Java Technology stack ~

I don't want to talk much about dry goods

This information includes :

IDEA、Java grammar 、 object-oriented 、 abnormal 、 Common classes 、 aggregate 、IO flow 、 Multithreading 、 Network programming 、JUnit、 enumeration 、 annotation 、 The reflex mechanism 、CSS、HTML、JavaScript、JQuery、ajax、Javaweb、MySQL、JavaEE、SSM frame 、springboot、 Algorithm 、Git、maven、Linux、 Design patterns 、 Multithreading and high concurrency 、 Video tutorial 、 Source video 、 Actual project 、 e-book 、 The resume template 、 High frequency interview questions and other resources .


Development Manual Series :

  • Java Core knowledge points sorting manual

  • Alibaba Development Manual ( Summary )

  • ....

Interview series :

  • 800+ The resume template

  • Dubbo Interview questions

  • Java Basic interview questions

  • The real question of Internet enterprise interview

  • ....

    ( This set of interview questions covers almost Java All the high frequency test sites are according to the catalogue , Where to hit ~)

PDF file series

  • 87 page Spring+Boot Core notes

  • 17 page Mybatis Interview topics

  • 43 Page's multi thread theme

  • 22 Page database topics

  • 86 page JVM project

  • 13 Page design patterns feature

  • 473 page Spring project

  • 127 Interview question bank of big factory

( these PDF The documents are very good , It is worth reading , It can also be combined with mind mapping to find the direction of learning )

For these technologies, I have sorted out relevant documents and materials , If you are interested, you can scan the code at the end of the text to get

Additional benefits

Java Excellent technology course

The real question of Internet enterprise interview

Java Summary of core technology (283 page )

All the information has been sorted out ( Source code , note ,PPT, Learning video ) Free collection .
To get information for free, you only need to like and pay attention to the collection. After one click and three links , Scan the code and add a little assistant to get it for free

  give the thumbs-up + Focus on + After collecting one key and three links, the data will be... After adding an assistant 100% issue , I'm bald without hair !!!


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