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Description of web function test

2022-07-06 21:18:00 Full stack programmer webmaster

Hello everyone , I meet you again , I'm the king of the whole stack .

Site function test is to verify the functions of the product . According to functional test cases , Item by item test . Check whether the product reaches the user

Required functions . Commonly used test methods are as follows :

1、 Page link check : Whether each link has a corresponding page . And switching tools between pages . 2、 Correlation check : Delete / Will adding one item affect other items , Assumptions have an impact , Whether these effects are checked correctly

button Whether the function of is correct Such as new construction 、 edit 、 Delete 、 close 、 return 、 preservation 、 Whether the import and other functions are correct .

3、 Character type check : Enter other types of content where the specified type of content should be entered ( For example, where an integer should be entered

Enter other character types ), See if the system checks the character type .

1) Punctuation check : The input content contains various punctuation marks , Especially the space , Various quotation marks , Enter key .

See if the system handles it correctly

2) Special character check : Enter special symbols , Such as @、#、$、%、! etc. . See if the system handles it correctly .

3) String length check : Enter more than the required string length , See if the system checks the string length .

4、 Chinese character processing : In able to input 、 English system input Chinese , See if there is any confusion or error .

Check the integrity of the information When viewing and updating information , Check whether the information filled in is all updated , Update information and letter of addition

Whether the interest rate is consistent .

5、 The message repeats : In some cases, it needs to be named , And the name should be unique information. Input repeated names or ID, See if the system handles , Will it

Report errors , Duplicate names include whether to distinguish between uppercase and lowercase , And before and after the input content, enter the space , Is the system handling correctly .

6、 Check delete function : In places where multiple messages can be deleted at once , Don't choose any information , Press “ Delete ”, See how the system works

The reason is , Will it go wrong ; Then choose one and more messages , To delete , See if it's handled correctly .

7、 Check whether the addition and change are consistent : Check whether the requirements for adding and changing information are consistent , For example, add the required items , Change also

It should be required ; Add items specified as integers , Changes must also be integer

8、 Check for duplicate names : When changing, change the items that cannot have the same name to the existing contents , See if you can handle , Report errors . At the same time , Also pay attention to , Will it

Will report the mistake of having the same name as yourself

9、 Submit the form repeatedly : A record that has been successfully submitted . Return and submit . See if the system does something about it . about Web System

Check for multiple use of the return key Where there is a return key , Go back to the original page , Repeatedly , See if you make a mistake

10、 Search check : There is a search function where the input system exists and does not exist , See if the search results are correct . Suppose you can input

Multiple search criteria , Be able to add reasonable and unreasonable conditions at the same time , See if the system handles it correctly .

11、 Enter information location : Note that when entering information where the cursor stays , Whether the cursor and the input information will jump to another place .

12、 Upload and download file check : Whether the function of uploading and downloading files is realized , Whether the uploaded file can be opened .

The formats of uploaded files are

What regulations . Does the system have explanatory information . And check whether the system can do . Whether the downloaded file can be opened or saved , Downloaded files

Whether there are format requirements , If you need special tools to open it .

13、 Required items check : Whether the system has processed all the items that should be filled in when they are not filled in . Whether there is prompt information for required items . If necessary

Add “*”. After the prompt for required items is returned . Whether the focus will actively locate the required items .

14、 Shortcut key check : Whether it supports the frequent use of shortcut keys , Such as Ctrl+C、 Ctrl+V、 Backspace etc. , For some disagree input letter

Information field , If selected . Do dates also limit shortcuts .

15、 Enter key check : Press enter directly after input , See how the system handles , Will you make a mistake .

16、 Refresh key check : stay Web In the system , Use the browser's refresh key , See how the system handles , Will you make a mistake .

17、 Back off key check : stay Web In the system . Use the back button of the browser , See how the system handles . Will you make a mistake .

For users who need

Verified system , After logging out , Use the back off key , See how the system handles ; Use the fallback key many times . Use the forward key several times , see

How does the system handle .

18、 direct URL Link check : stay Web In the system . Directly input the URL Address , See how the system handles , For the need

The system of user authentication is more important .

19、 Space check : In the input information item , Enter a space or string of spaces . Check how the system handles . For example, for the requirement of input integer 、

In the term of a dot variable , Enter a space , It's not null , It's not standard input .

20、 Input method half width check : In the input information item , Enter half or full angle information , Check how the system handles .

For example, to

Find the items of input dotted data , Enter the full decimal point (“.” or “.”. Such as 4.5). Enter the full space, etc .

21、password Check : Some systems use character pairs as encryption methods Ascii The way of code shifting , Handle password Encryption is relatively simple .

And high security . For a LAN system , This method can completely play the role of encryption , But at the same time , It will cause some problems

. Greater than 128 Of Ascii The corresponding character cannot be parsed during decryption , Try to use “uvwxyz” Wait for some characters with large code value as

password. At the same time .password As long as possible . Such as 17 position password etc. , Cause encrypted password An unresolved character appears .

22、 User check : No matter what a system . There are all kinds of different users . The same has one or more administrator users , Check each pipe

Can managers manage each other , edit 、 Delete admin user . At the same time , For the average user . Try to delete , And rebuild the same name

Users of . Check whether other information of the user is reproduced . identical , A system that provides logout . When this user registers again , Whether to act as

A new user .

23、 System data check : This is the most important function test . Suppose the system data calculation is incorrect , Then the function test must be passed, just

Of .

The data is checked according to different systems , The method is different . For business management platform , Data goes with business processes 、 The change of state remains positive

indeed , Garbage data cannot appear due to a process , Nor can data be lost due to a process .

24、 System recoverability check : Paralyze the system in various ways . Test whether the system can recover normally and quickly .

GUI Basic test content

Graphical user interface ( GUI ) It presents interesting challenges to software testing . because GUI The development environment has reusable components , Development and utilization

The user interface is more time-saving and accurate . At the same time , GUI The complexity of also adds , Thus increasing the design and operation of test cases

difficulty .

Because now GUI There are more and more similarities between design and implementation , Therefore, a series of test standards have been produced . The following questions

Questions can be used as common GUI Guidelines for testing :

forms : · Whether the form is properly opened based on relevant input and menu commands ? · Whether the form can change size 、 Move and scroll ? · Whether the data content in the form can be used with the mouse 、 Function keys 、 Direction keys and keyboard access ? · When overridden and called again . Whether the form can regenerate correctly ? · Whether you can use all the functions related to the form when necessary ? · Are all forms related functions operable ? · Is there a relevant pull-down menu 、 Toolbars 、 Scroll bar 、 Dialog box 、button、 Icons and other controls can be used for forms . and

Display appropriately ? · When displaying multiple forms , Whether the name of the form is properly represented ? · Whether the active form is properly highlighted ? · Suppose you use multitasking , Whether all forms are updated in real time ? · Whether pressing the mouse repeatedly or not will lead to unexpected side effects ? · Whether the sound and color prompt of the form and the operation sequence of the form meet the requirements ? · Whether the form is closed correctly ?

Pull down menu and mouse operation : · Whether the menu bar is displayed in the appropriate context ? · Whether the menu bar of the application shows system related features ( Such as clock display )? · Can the pull-down operation work correctly ? · menu 、 Whether the palette and toolbar work correctly ? · Whether all menu functions and pull-down sub functions are properly listed ? · Can you access all menu functions through the mouse ? · Text Fonts 、 Is the size and format correct ? · Whether you can activate each menu function with other text commands ? · Whether the menu function is highlighted or grayed out with the current form operation ? · Whether the menu function works correctly ? · Whether the name of the menu function is self explanatory ? · Is the menu item helpful , Whether context related ? · In the whole interactive context . Whether it can recognize the mouse operation ? · Suppose it requires multiple mouse clicks , Whether it can be correctly identified in the context ? · cursor 、 Process the indicator and identify whether the pointer changes properly with the operation ?

Data item : · Whether the alphanumeric data items can be echoed correctly , And input it into the system ? · Data items in graphic mode ( Such as scroll bar ) Whether it works properly ? · Whether illegal data can be identified ? · Whether the input message is understandable ?

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Publisher : Full stack programmer stack length , Reprint please indicate the source :https://javaforall.cn/117116.html Link to the original text :https://javaforall.cn


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