当前位置:网站首页>It's not my boast. You haven't used this fairy idea plug-in!

It's not my boast. You haven't used this fairy idea plug-in!

2022-07-06 21:21:00 Java technology stack

Click on the official account ,Java dried food Timely delivery cf58f7ba426c51b15b500b39d4bbaf5b.png


Valentine's Day is coming , I hope the girl who has a programmer boyfriend can recommend this to her boyfriend idea Sedentary reminder plugin , A guy with a programmer girlfriend can recommend this to his girlfriend idea Sedentary reminder plugin , Of course, all of you here, including me , No boyfriend or girlfriend , You should use this one yourself idea Sedentary reminder plugin .

After all, love yourself well , Make yourself better , Can let oneself meet his or her heart when not counselled , Say hello right away , well ,Siri!

Let's take a look at the rendering of this plug-in :


Do you feel very vivid , All we have to do is exercise according to this .

When we work , Often face the computer , It's been a whole morning , Although I remind myself every day , Be sure to drink some water on the way , sit back , But sometimes work too hard , Just forgot the time , At this time, if we use idea The fellow , The interface suddenly pops up to remind you to rest , Can you change your mind , Make it more efficient .

Although sometimes I will be interrupted suddenly , Will affect the way of thinking , But what does prolonged sitting cause , Has your neck been fed back to you , Has your waist been fed back to you , Has your back been fed back to you , The body is its own , Active or inactive , You should have a number in mind ! After all, having a good waist can give your girlfriend more happiness !


Installation tutorial :

1. download Jar package

Address :


2. Installing a plug-in

open IDEA Set up -> Plugins -> Top right corner gear -> Install Plugin from Disk


3. Open plug-in

The toolbar Tools Click on , find Assistant setting, You can set the reminder time .


Pop up the setting interface


After setting up , In a while idea A prompt will pop up , Remind us to move


There is a sentence at the bottom of the moving picture : Hands crossed , Slide your left leg to the left , The upper body moves with it , After the maximum span , Bend your legs and squat down , Keep the right side straight .

place , Prompt to the right again . Guide the young men how to act , A plug-in that is really attentive ! Click on the official account ,Java Timely delivery of dry goods 8a33ba4d6e70a1738d4c1097ab37497f.png

This plugin doesn't just remind you that it's time to rest , It also suggests what you need to do to relieve fatigue .

This plug-in is equipped with 12 An action to relieve fatigue , Unlock it yourself ...

And the sharer of the plug-in has added the function of mouse monitoring to the code , If the mouse hasn't moved for ten minutes , Then think you are resting . At this time, the scheduled task will be cancelled , The scheduled task will be restarted only the next time the mouse is moved .

IDEA How to activate correctly is not introduced , I have shared the tutorial before , In the public, Java Technology stack , reply : Activation code , You can read the acquisition method of genuine activation code , Safe and effective .


I wish you all a happy Valentine's day in advance , This year we can get rid of the bill , Even if a person has , Love yourself, too .

And share a few excerpts of love words to everyone :

1. Not by chance , It's fate .

2. In this world , There are two things that cannot be hidden , One is cough , Second, love .

3. If you can , I want to have hot pot with you this winter , Set off fireworks together , Watch the snow together , Cross the year together !

4. Can we go to play this Saturday , Let's go on a date together instead .

5. Suddenly I want to ask you something about winter , How many days does the plum blossom bloom , How many clothes should I wear in cold weather , also , Can you like me while winter is not over .

6. On the way to see you , Even the wind is sweet !

7. I see you are running !

8. Wise men don't fall in love , A fool is willing to fall , It's hard to be a wise man when you meet me , Willing to be a fool .

9. In all the confessions , I like to see you tomorrow .

10. I put tender and lovely , Set to be visible only to you !

Copyright notice : This paper is about CSDN Blogger 「 Happy codeword reaches 」 The original article of , follow CC 4.0 BY-SA Copyright agreement , For reprint, please attach the original source link and this statement .

Link to the original text :https://blog.csdn.net/jdk_wangtaida/article/details/113744537



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