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El table table - get the row and column you click & the sort of El table and sort change, El table column and sort method & clear sort clearsort

2022-07-06 21:09:00 viceen

el-table form —— Get the rows and columns that are clicked & Table sorting el-table And sort-change、el-table-column And sort-method & Clear sort -clearSort

1、 Get the rows and columns that are clicked

<el-table :cell-class-name="tableCellClassName"  @cell-click="cellClick">

    tableCellClassName({row, column, rowIndex, columnIndex}){
      // Notice here is deconstruction 
      // Use of cells  className  The callback method , Assign values to row and column indexes 
    cellClick(row, column, cell, event){

2、 Table sorting

The table column itself has sortable attribute , You can arrange the data of the table , But the sorting rules are not unified .

Sort the table :

First step : to el-table Set up events


sort-change: This event will be triggered when the sorting conditions of the table change

  • sort-change yes element The table is used to listen for changes in sorting , Only when the table sort changes , Will trigger this event , It doesn't just listen for the sort of a column , It's the whole table , So it is written in el-table Upper , instead of el-table-column On .

  • to el-table-column Set up events


Custom method ::sort-method=“function”

The second step : Set attributes for the table columns to be sorted


sortable: Whether the corresponding column can be sorted , If set to ‘custom’, It means that the user wants to sort remotely , Need to monitor Table Of sort-change event .

The third step : Statement changeTableSort()

Declare a method , He comes with three parameters { column, prop, order }

  • column: Columns with sorting changes

  • prop: The field name of the sorted table

  • order: The way of sorting ascending == Ascending ( Default ),descending == Descending null == Don't order

3、 Clear sort


<el-table ref="sortTable" :data="tableData">



4、 example

   style="width: 100%; margin-bottom: 10px"
     label=" Serial number "
   <el-table-column label=" type " width="100" :sortable="'custom'"
      ><template slot-scope="scope">
   { fileTypeList[scope.row.fileType] }}
          label=" Add the time "
 export default {
        fileTypeList: {
          'LC_FACE': ' Office buildings ',
          'LU_FACE': ' Commercial residence ',
          '3dlandmark': ' Apartment '
     * @description:table Serial number 
     * @param {number} index
     * @returns {number}
    indexMethod(index) {
      return index + 1;
     // Sort trigger event     String form 
    changeTableSort({column,order}) {
      let orderName = column.label;
      if(order === 'ascending'){
        this.newTableData.sort((a, b)=> a[orderName].localeCompare(b[orderName],'zh')); //a~z  Sort     
      }if(order === 'descending'){
        this.newTableData.sort((a, b)=> b[orderName].localeCompare(a[orderName], 'zh')); //z~a  Sort   
    //  Sort by timestamp 
    sortAddTime(obj1, obj2) {
      const num1 = Date.parse(obj1.createTime) // '2021-12-10 13:12:40' Format into timestamp 
      const num2 = Date.parse(obj2.createTime) // '2021-12-10 13:12:40' Format into timestamp 
      return num1 - num2

5、 attach :

5.1、 Number format sorting

Sorting method , Yes a 、 b Two parameters , Follow js Of sort The method is the same

if a Less than b, namely a - b Less than zero , Then return a value less than zero , The array will be arranged in ascending order .
if a be equal to b, Then return to 0.
if a Greater than b, namely a - b Greater than zero , Then return a value greater than zero , The array will be arranged in descending order .

The above is the numerical order .

//  Sorting method 
sortMethod(a, b) {
    return a - b
5.2、 String format sorting

Example 1

// Data to sort 
var data = [
    chinese: ' Zhang San ', english: 'Chase',id:8},
    chinese: ' Li Si ', english: 'Allen',id:5},    
    chinese: '7120043', english: 'Zola',id:6},
    chinese: '7120002', english: 'Baker',id:14},    
    chinese: '7120255', english: 'Berg',id:2},    
    chinese: ' Wang Wu ', english: 'Fitch',id:0.12},    
    chinese: ' A CAI .zip', english: 'Dean',id:3},    
    chinese: ' White clouds ', english: 'Earle',id:35},
    chinese: '"{"kind":7}"', english: 'Earle',id:45},
    chinese: '"{"find":7}"', english: 'Earle',id:45},
    chinese: '"{"and":2}"', english: 'Earle',id:38},
    chinese: 'B', english: 'Earle',id:18},
    chinese: 'b', english: 'Earle',id:38},
    chinese: 'a', english: 'Earle',id:38},
    chinese: 'A', english: 'Earle',id:38},
    // Sort according to the first letter of Chinese characters 
    // Use the arrow function 
    //【 notes 】localeCompare()  yes js Built-in methods 
  // data.sort((a, b)=> b.chinese.localeCompare(a.chinese, 'zh')); //z~a  Sort 
   data.sort((a, b)=> a.chinese.localeCompare(b.chinese, 'zh')); //a~z  Sort  
5.3、 Sort array objects from small to large
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
        <meta charset="UTF-8" />
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
        <script> let dataList = [ {
       title: ' nationality ', publishTime: 200, }, {
       title: ' Province ', publishTime: 100, }, {
       title: ' City ', publishTime: 300, }, ]; console.log(' Array before sorting :' + JSON.stringify(dataList)); //  take dataList  Array , according to  publishTime  Field , Sort from small to large .( It's going to change the array ) dataList.sort((a, b) => parseInt(a.publishTime) - parseInt(b.publishTime)); console.log(' Sorted array :' + JSON.stringify(dataList)); </script>


 Array before sorting :
    "title":" nationality ","publishTime":200},
    "title":" Province ","publishTime":100},
    "title":" City ","publishTime":300}

 Sorted array :
    "title":" Province ","publishTime":100},
    "title":" nationality ","publishTime":200},
    "title":" City ","publishTime":300}
