[CVPR 2021] Involution: Inverting the Inherence of Convolution for Visual Recognition, a brand new neural operator



Official implementation of a neural operator as described in Involution: Inverting the Inherence of Convolution for Visual Recognition (CVPR'21)

By Duo Li, Jie Hu, Changhu Wang, Xiangtai Li, Qi She, Lei Zhu, Tong Zhang, and Qifeng Chen

TL; DR. involution is a general-purpose neural primitive that is versatile for a spectrum of deep learning models on different vision tasks. involution bridges convolution and self-attention in design, while being more efficient and effective than convolution, simpler than self-attention in form.

Getting Started

This repository is fully built upon the OpenMMLab toolkits. For each individual task, the config and model files follow the same directory organization as mmcls, mmdet, and mmseg respectively, so just copy-and-paste them to the corresponding locations to get started.

For example, in terms of evaluating detectors

git clone https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmdetection # and install

cp det/mmdet/models/backbones/* mmdetection/mmdet/models/backbones
cp det/mmdet/models/necks/* mmdetection/mmdet/models/necks
cp det/mmdet/models/utils/* mmdetection/mmdet/models/utils

cp det/configs/_base_/models/* mmdetection/mmdet/configs/_base_/models
cp det/configs/_base_/schedules/* mmdetection/mmdet/configs/_base_/schedules
cp det/configs/involution mmdetection/mmdet/configs -r

cd mmdetection
# evaluate checkpoints
bash tools/dist_test.sh ${CONFIG_FILE} ${CHECKPOINT_FILE} ${GPU_NUM} [--out ${RESULT_FILE}] [--eval ${EVAL_METRICS}]

For more detailed guidance, please refer to the original mmcls, mmdet, and mmseg tutorials.

Currently, we provide an memory-efficient implementation of the involuton operator based on CuPy. Please install this library in advance. A customized CUDA kernel would bring about further acceleration on the hardware. Any contribution from the community regarding this is welcomed!

Model Zoo

The parameters/FLOPs↓ and performance↑ compared to the convolution baselines are marked in the parentheses. Part of these checkpoints are obtained in our reimplementation runs, whose performance may show slight differences with those reported in our paper. Models are trained with 64 GPUs on ImageNet, 8 GPUs on COCO, and 4 GPUs on Cityscapes.

Image Classification on ImageNet

Model Params(M) FLOPs(G) Top-1 (%) Top-5 (%) Config Download
RedNet-26 9.23(32.8%↓) 1.73(29.2%↓) 75.96 93.19 config model | log
RedNet-38 12.39(36.7%↓) 2.22(31.3%↓) 77.48 93.57 config model | log
RedNet-50 15.54(39.5%↓) 2.71(34.1%↓) 78.35 94.13 config model | log
RedNet-101 25.65(42.6%↓) 4.74(40.5%↓) 78.92 94.35 config model | log
RedNet-152 33.99(43.5%↓) 6.79(41.4%↓) 79.12 94.38 config model | log

Before finetuning on the following downstream tasks, download the ImageNet pre-trained RedNet-50 weights and set the pretrained argument in det/configs/_base_/models/*.py or seg/configs/_base_/models/*.py to your local path.

Object Detection and Instance Segmentation on COCO

Faster R-CNN

Backbone Neck Style Lr schd Params(M) FLOPs(G) box AP Config Download
RedNet-50-FPN convolution pytorch 1x 31.6(23.9%↓) 177.9(14.1%↓) 39.5(1.8↑) config model | log
RedNet-50-FPN involution pytorch 1x 29.5(28.9%↓) 135.0(34.8%↓) 40.2(2.5↑) config model | log

Mask R-CNN

Backbone Neck Style Lr schd Params(M) FLOPs(G) box AP mask AP Config Download
RedNet-50-FPN convolution pytorch 1x 34.2(22.6%↓) 224.2(11.5%↓) 39.9(1.5↑) 35.7(0.8↑) config model | log
RedNet-50-FPN involution pytorch 1x 32.2(27.1%↓) 181.3(28.5%↓) 40.8(2.4↑) 36.4(1.3↑) config model | log


Backbone Neck Style Lr schd Params(M) FLOPs(G) box AP Config Download
RedNet-50-FPN convolution pytorch 1x 27.8(26.3%↓) 210.1(12.2%↓) 38.2(1.6↑) config model | log
RedNet-50-FPN involution pytorch 1x 26.3(30.2%↓) 199.9(16.5%↓) 38.2(1.6↑) config model | log

Semantic Segmentation on Cityscapes

Method Backbone Neck Crop Size Lr schd Params(M) FLOPs(G) mIoU Config download
FPN RedNet-50 convolution 512x1024 80000 18.5(35.1%↓) 293.9(19.0%↓) 78.0(3.6↑) config model | log
FPN RedNet-50 involution 512x1024 80000 16.4(42.5%↓) 205.2(43.4%↓) 79.1(4.7↑) config model | log
UPerNet RedNet-50 convolution 512x1024 80000 56.4(15.1%↓) 1825.6(3.6%↓) 80.6(2.4↑) config model | log


If you find our work useful in your research, please cite:

author = {Li, Duo and Hu, Jie and Wang, Changhu and Li, Xiangtai and She, Qi and Zhu, Lei and Zhang, Tong and Chen, Qifeng},
title = {Involution: Inverting the Inherence of Convolution for Visual Recognition},
booktitle = {IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
month = {June},
year = {2021}
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