Implementing SYNTHESIZER: Rethinking Self-Attention in Transformer Models using Pytorch


Implementing SYNTHESIZER: Rethinking Self-Attention in Transformer Models using Pytorch


  • Paper URL

  • Author: Yi Tay, Dara Bahri, Donald Metzler, Da-Cheng Juan, Zhe Zhao, Che Zheng

  • Google Research



1. Dense Synthesizer

2. Fixed Random Synthesizer

3. Random Synthesizer

4. Factorized Dense Synthesizer

5. Factorized Random Synthesizer

6. Mixture of Synthesizers


import torch

from synthesizer import Transformer, SynthesizerDense, SynthesizerRandom, FactorizedSynthesizerDense, FactorizedSynthesizerRandom, MixtureSynthesizers, get_n_params, calculate_flops

def main():
    batch_size, channel_dim, sentence_length = 2, 1024, 32
    x = torch.randn([batch_size, sentence_length, channel_dim])

    vanilla = Transformer(channel_dim)
    out, attention_map = vanilla(x)
    print(out.size(), attention_map.size())
    n_params, flops = get_n_params(vanilla), calculate_flops(vanilla.children())
    print('vanilla, n_params: {}, flops: {}'.format(n_params, flops))

    dense_synthesizer = SynthesizerDense(channel_dim, sentence_length)
    out, attention_map = dense_synthesizer(x)
    print(out.size(), attention_map.size())
    n_params, flops = get_n_params(dense_synthesizer), calculate_flops(dense_synthesizer.children())
    print('dense_synthesizer, n_params: {}, flops: {}'.format(n_params, flops))

    random_synthesizer = SynthesizerRandom(channel_dim, sentence_length)
    out, attention_map = random_synthesizer(x)
    print(out.size(), attention_map.size())
    n_params, flops = get_n_params(random_synthesizer), calculate_flops(random_synthesizer.children())
    print('random_synthesizer, n_params: {}, flops: {}'.format(n_params, flops))

    random_synthesizer_fix = SynthesizerRandom(channel_dim, sentence_length, fixed=True)
    out, attention_map = random_synthesizer_fix(x)
    print(out.size(), attention_map.size())
    n_params, flops = get_n_params(random_synthesizer_fix), calculate_flops(random_synthesizer_fix.children())
    print('random_synthesizer_fix, n_params: {}, flops: {}'.format(n_params, flops))

    factorized_synthesizer_random = FactorizedSynthesizerRandom(channel_dim)
    out, attention_map = factorized_synthesizer_random(x)
    print(out.size(), attention_map.size())
    n_params, flops = get_n_params(factorized_synthesizer_random), calculate_flops(
    print('factorized_synthesizer_random, n_params: {}, flops: {}'.format(n_params, flops))

    factorized_synthesizer_dense = FactorizedSynthesizerDense(channel_dim, sentence_length)
    out, attention_map = factorized_synthesizer_dense(x)
    print(out.size(), attention_map.size())
    n_params, flops = get_n_params(factorized_synthesizer_dense), calculate_flops(
    print('factorized_synthesizer_dense, n_params: {}, flops: {}'.format(n_params, flops))

    mixture_synthesizer = MixtureSynthesizers(channel_dim, sentence_length)
    out, attention_map = mixture_synthesizer(x)
    print(out.size(), attention_map.size())
    n_params, flops = get_n_params(mixture_synthesizer), calculate_flops(mixture_synthesizer.children())
    print('mixture_synthesizer, n_params: {}, flops: {}'.format(n_params, flops))

if __name__ == '__main__':


torch.Size([2, 32, 1024]) torch.Size([2, 32, 32])
vanilla, n_params: 3148800, flops: 3145729
torch.Size([2, 32, 1024]) torch.Size([2, 32, 32])
dense_synthesizer, n_params: 1083456, flops: 1082370
torch.Size([2, 32, 1024]) torch.Size([1, 32, 32])
random_synthesizer, n_params: 1050624, flops: 1048577
torch.Size([2, 32, 1024]) torch.Size([1, 32, 32])
random_synthesizer_fix, n_params: 1050624, flops: 1048577
torch.Size([2, 32, 1024]) torch.Size([2, 32, 32])
factorized_synthesizer_random, n_params: 1066000, flops: 1064961
torch.Size([2, 32, 1024]) torch.Size([2, 32, 32])
factorized_synthesizer_dense, n_params: 1061900, flops: 1060865
torch.Size([2, 32, 1024]) torch.Size([2, 32, 32])
mixture_synthesizer, n_params: 3149824, flops: 3145729

Paper Performance


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